
  • 网络philosophy of physics
  1. 现代物理学哲学的两个热点问题新解

    An Analysis of Two Hot Points in Modern Philosophy of physics

  2. 分析哲学是这个东西或者那个东西的哲学&物理学哲学,或者经济学哲学,或者艺术哲学。

    It is the philosophy of this or that-the philosophy of physics , or of economics , or of art .

  3. 这个团体以英国皇家天文学家里斯勋爵(LordRees)和天体物理学哲学博士、皇后乐队(Queen)吉他手布赖恩•梅(BrianMay)为首。该团体表示,今后十年,有必要把每年发现的天体数增加一百倍。

    Led by Lord Rees , Britain 's royal astronomer , and Brian May , a PhD in astrophysics as well as guitarist with the rock band Queen , the group said a hundredfold increase in the number of objects detected each year was necessary over the next decade .

  4. 尼耳斯·玻尔的科学哲学思想并不仅仅局限于物理学哲学。

    N Bohr 's thought of philosophy of science is not confined to philosophy of physics .

  5. 依据两系统结构论的自然观,正可以讨论变与不变的问题,所以两系统结构论的自然观极有可能成为物理学哲学的基本构成。

    Based on the natural outlook of dual systematic structure , people can discuss the changing and unchanging problems ; hence the theory of the dual systematic structure is much more likely to become the essential component part of physical philosophy .

  6. 历史的回顾与展望&关于物理学与哲学的思考

    Historical review and PROSPECT-THE thinking about physics and Philosophy

  7. 直觉图像思维模式仍然有启发力&为<物理学与哲学之间>作序

    Thinking Mode of the Intuition Image Remains Heuristic Preface to " Between Physics and Phylosophy "

  8. 联系物理学与哲学的纽带&几本物理学哲学著作的解读与述评

    The Link Between Physics and Philosophy & Decipherment and Commentary of Several Copies of " Physics Philosophy "

  9. 牛顿力学的时间可逆性与宏观热力学过程不可逆性的矛盾,很长时间以来一直是物理学和哲学中争论最多的问题之一。

    The contradiction between temporal reversibility of Newton mechanics and irreversibility of thermodynamic process has long been one of the most frequently debated problems in physics and philosophy .

  10. 本文从金属物理学和哲学的基本原理出发分析了此波形形成的原因,并用大量实验事实论证了此波形形成的外因的存在和内因的影响。

    The cause of the wave formation is analyzed with the metal physics mechanism and the fundamental principle of philosophy , and a large amount of facts are cited to demonstrate and prove the influence of internal cause and external cause on the wave formation .

  11. 这在物理学上和哲学上都有重要意义。

    This is of great significance in both physics and philosophy .

  12. 廿世纪物理学革命的哲学思考

    The Philosophic Thinking of the Revolution in Physics in the Twentieth Century

  13. 理性的陷阱&现代物理学研究中哲学问题理性失误初探

    Exploration on Philosophic Reasoning Mistakes in Modern Physics Study

  14. 原子物理学中的哲学思想探析

    Philosophy thought exploring and analyzing of atomic physics

  15. 物理学熵的哲学思考

    Philosophical Thinking on Physics Entropy

  16. 论西方近代哲学之不确定性&以牛顿物理学与笛卡尔哲学为例

    On Uncertainty of Western Modern Philosophy & A Case of Newton 's Physics and Descartes ' Philosophy

  17. 力学体现出的唯物和辩证的观点,更是贯穿整个物理学的重要哲学思想。

    Further more the materialistic and dialectic viewpoints of mechanics are important philosophic ideas through the whole physics .

  18. 他们从新的自然和宇宙图景以及物理学(自然哲学)学科特点等几个方面论述了这一数学化的特征。

    They discussed the issue from aspects of new prospect of the universe and the nature , characteristics of physics ( philosophy of the nature ), etc.

  19. 物理常数与物理学的发展及其哲学思考

    The development of physics and physical constant and philosophical thought

  20. 本文对物理学革命中的哲学论战进行述评,旨在深化科学哲学界对这一时期物理学哲学问题的系统研究,并以此纪念爱因斯坦逝世50周年。

    The paper will comment on the series of debates during the physical revolution with a view to enforcing the systematic research of the science philosophy world on the philosophic problems in the period , hence in memory of Albert Einstein .

  21. 指出了物理学自身,以及物理学和哲学关于时间问题所存在的困难和矛盾,同时指出随着这些困难和矛盾的解决,必将对物理学和哲学的发展产生巨大推动作用。

    In the meantime , it also puts forward the idea the settle ment of these difficulties and contradictions will certainly push forward the development of physics and philosophy greatly .

  22. 同时结合物理学的特点从物理学的美、物理学史、物理实验、物理与生活的密切联系、物理学所蕴含的哲学思想等全方位渗透情感、态度与价值观教育。

    At the same time , from aspects of beauty , history , experiment in physics , the connection with life and philosophical thinking and so on .