
xiàn dài shǐ
  • contemporary history
  1. 在中国现代史上,他是一个比较复杂的历史人物。

    In the Chinese contemporary history he was a relatively complicated figure .

  2. 关于《世界现代史》的开端问题

    On the starting point of the world contemporary history

  3. 他埋头于现代史的研究。

    He was steeped in modern history .

  4. 2015年,中国劳动年龄人口遭遇现代史上最大跌幅。

    China 's working-age population saw its largest decline in modern China 's history in 2015 .

  5. 克林顿(Clinton)时代是美国现代史上税率水平最低的几个时代之一。

    Tax rates during the Clinton-era were among the lowest in modern American history .

  6. 在法国的拿破仑的军事行动,意大利各个城邦国都被其征服,由拿破仑划成一个意大利王国(RegnodiSardegna),这是现代史上意大利的第一次统一。

    Under France " s Napoleon " s military action , all the Italian city-nations were being conquered and unified as an Italian empire ( Regno di Sardegna ) by Napoleon .

  7. 发达国家监督机构国际能源机构(IEA)在其最新中期展望中预测,未来5年,欧佩克以外的国家将很难增产,这是石油行业现代史上的首次。

    The International Energy Agency , the developed countries ' watchdog , forecasts in its latest medium-term outlook that , for the first time in the industry 's modern history , countries outside Opec will in the next five years hardly be able to increase production at all .

  8. 新历史小说与现代史的另一面

    The New Historical Novel and the Another Face of Modern History

  9. 丁文江是中国近现代史上的一位奇人。

    Ding Wenjiang is a legend in modern history in China .

  10. 希腊的现代史是一段波折不断的历史。

    Greece has had a chequered history in the modern era .

  11. 作为中国现代史上著名的新闻出版家和政论家,邹韬奋是一个有着重大影响的历史人物。

    Zou Tao-fen is a great influence person in modern Chinese history .

  12. 浅谈中国近现代史教学与研究中的话语表达问题

    On Language Questions of Teaching and Research in Modern History of China

  13. 宋育仁是中国近现代史上的历史人物之一。

    Song Yuren is a historical character in modern history of China .

  14. 《中国近现代史纲要》八环立体教学模式探索

    Exploring the Eight-central-three-dimensional Teaching Model on Modern Chinese History Program

  15. 这种思想在中国现代史上并不存在。

    There is no heritage of this in China 's modern history .

  16. 越南战争是现代史上重要的转折点之一。

    The Vietnam War was one of the great watersheds of modern history .

  17. 实践探究教学模式在中国近现代史教学中的运用

    Practice-and-Research Teaching Mode is Used in Modern Chinese History and Contemporary Chinese History Teaching

  18. 欧洲中心论与世界近现代史学科体系构建问题初探

    Euro-Centrism and the Building of Discipline System of the Modern History of the World

  19. 中国近现代史上三次自办铁路运动述论

    A Review of the Three Independent Railroad Building Waves in China 's Modern History

  20. 关于中国现代史课堂教学方法的几点尝试

    An attempt to reform the classroom instruction of the course in Chinese contemporary history

  21. 北京由于这在中国现代史上光荣的革命传统而著称。

    Beijing is well known for its glorious revolutionary tradition in modern Chinese history .

  22. 黄仁宇大历史观视角下的中国近现代史

    Modern and Contemporary History of China under the Perspective of " Outlook of Macro-History "

  23. 这将被视为现代史上最大的监管失败。

    This will come to be seen as the greatest regulatory failure in modern history .

  24. 立体教学法在《中国近现代史纲要》课程中的应用

    Application of Stereoscopic Teaching Mode in the Summary of Modern & Contemporary History of China

  25. 中国世界现代史学会

    China World Contemporary History Society

  26. 锡安主义是世界近现代史上西方政治思潮的重要组成部分。

    Zionism is an important part of the Western political thought of the modern history of theworld .

  27. 试论地方史资源在《中国近现代史纲要》教学中的运用&以福州为例

    The Teaching Use of the local history resources in the Course of Modern and Contemporary Chinese History

  28. 现代化课题的提出(近现代史研究重心的转移)。

    Advancing the problem of the modernization ( the shift of emphases in modern and contemporary history study );

  29. 姚明上了数学、英语和中国近现代史等课程。

    Yao took lessons in mathematics , English and modern Chinese history on the first day at university .

  30. 陈独秀是一位在中国近现代史上具有重要影响而又十分复杂的人物。

    Chen Duxiu is one is in China modern history on have main effect and very complex character .