
  • 网络intellectual hegemony
  1. 我怀疑西方之所以不能接受亚洲价值观,是因为后者很可能正面挑战西方的知识霸权。

    I suspect that the West cannot accept the concept of Asian values because the latter could pose a challenge to Western intellectual hegemony .

  2. 数字鸿沟与国际关系知识霸权

    The Digital Divide Impacts on the Knowledge Hegemony of International relations

  3. 第三,信息资本导致知识霸权。

    Thirdly , information capital performs hegemony by knowledge .

  4. 后殖民女性主义以其强烈的批判性直指西方对东方的知识霸权。

    Post-colonial feminism sharply criticizes the West 's knowledge hegemony on the East 's.

  5. 从知识霸权现象反思我国知识产权国际私法保护问题

    Reflection on Protection of Intellectual Property Right by Private International Law from Phenomenon of Knowledge Hegemony

  6. 后现代课程观也主张反对知识霸权,重视学生对知识的独特理解、阐释、质疑。上述理论的共同特征是突出学生的主体性,是研究和实施主体参与式语文教学的重要理论基石。

    Post-modern curriculum is also against knowledge monopoly , and puts stress on students ' unique understanding , explanation and questioning of knowledge .

  7. 他们运用知识系统,霸权话语,暴力来确定自身的殖民者身份和东方他者身份即被殖民者的身份。

    The colonizer uses knowledge , hegemonic discourse and violence to set their self identity and " the other " identity .

  8. 突破知识观的霸权地位,确立生活观,理顺知识与生活的关系,使农村学生学习知识的过程成为学会生活并追求幸福生活的过程;

    We should break through the hegemony by the knowledge view , establish the life view and make smooth the relationship between knowledge and life , so that the process in which rural students learn knowledge will become one of learning to live and seeking a happy life ;

  9. 本文分析了知识产权非适度保护及带来的效率损失问越,认为知识产权保护对霸权国家具有防卫作用。

    The author analyzes the improper protection of intellectual property and its efficiency losses , and concludes that intellectual property protection can safeguard hegemony countries .