
pò chǎn fǎ
  • insolvency law;bankruptcy law;bankruptcy act;law of bankruptcy
  1. 在《企业破产法》中应建立定金债权优先清偿制度

    Establishing the First Earnest Money Obligatory Rights System in Enterprise Bankruptcy Act

  2. 澳大利亚破产法是资本主义国家破产法中与平稳经济相配套的最好的法律之一,对我国市场经济的正常运行具有特殊的针对性意义。

    Australian Bankruptcy Act , known as one of the best bankruptcy laws in capitalist countries in terms of its conformity with a stable economy , has special aiming significance to the Chinese economy .

  3. 然而市场不涨反跌,结果该公司不得不根据美国破产法第11章(chapter11)寻求破产保护。

    Instead , the markets fell sharply and the company has since had to seek Chapter 11 protection .

  4. 具体地说,应要求货币市场基金采取浮动资产净值;2005年对破产法中有关回购协议规定的更改按揭相关资产不受“自动冻结(automaticstay)”条款约束将被逆转。

    Specifically , money market funds should be required to have floating net asset values , and the 2005 change in repo bankruptcy rules that exempted mortgage-related assets from an automatic stay would be reversed .

  5. 但另一个问题出在法律框架方面:欧洲许多地方根本没有迅速解决不良贷款问题的机制,无论是类似于针对企业重组的美国破产法第11章(Chapter11),还是叮当邮件。

    But another issue is the legal framework : many parts of Europe simply do not have the mechanisms needed to resolve bad loans quickly , be that a system akin to America 's Chapter 11 code for company reorganisation - or jingle mail .

  6. 国际互换与衍生交易协会(ISDA)补充表示,新破产法明确了现行联邦政策,从而提供了法律确定性。

    The International Swaps and Derivatives Association added that the 2005 clarifications provided legal certainty by clarifying existing federal policy .

  7. 新破产法对债权人会议表决标准的规定仍有需完善之处。

    The standard of voting in creditors meeting should be consummated .

  8. 破产法与市场经济密不可分。

    Law of bankruptcy is inseparable from market - oriented economy .

  9. 第二,国际破产法的统一化运动。

    Secondly , the unifying movement of the transnational bankruptcy law .

  10. 《企业破产法(试行)》在实施中存在的问题及对策

    The Issue and Approach to the Operation of Enterprise Bankruptcy Law

  11. 但一年后,联合航空根据《破产法》第11章申请破产保护。

    But United filed for Chapter 11 protection a year later .

  12. 跨国破产法的统一化趋势研究

    The Discuss About the Unification trend of law of Transnational Bankruptcy

  13. 而瑞士则是将民事执行制度编入破产法中。

    While Sweden takes civil enforcement system into act of bankruptcy .

  14. 重申破产法的私法精神

    Reshaping the Spirits of Private Law in the Bankruptcy Law

  15. 破产法的免责是人类理性之光在债的关系中的映射,这本来是一个无可厚非的原则。

    The Light of Ration It shows the humanitarianism in bankruptcy law .

  16. 欧盟统一国际破产法运动的最新进展

    The Unifying of International Bankruptcy Law in EU and Its New Development

  17. 中国新破产法的起草正处于一个关键的时期。

    It is the critical period for drafting the new bankruptcy law .

  18. 简论破产法上的自动冻结制度

    A Discussion on the Automatic Stop System in Bankruptcy Law

  19. 美国破产法金融合约例外条款评析

    On Exemption Items of Financial Contract in US Bankruptcy Law

  20. 新《企业破产法》的制度创新及缺陷

    Institutional Innovations of the New Law of Enterprise Bankruptcy and its Flaws

  21. 破产法的私法精神缺失及原因分析

    Absence of Civil spirit in Bankrupt law and Reason analysis

  22. 为衍生品提供优先权的破产法也是如此。

    So do bankruptcy laws that provide priority for derivatives .

  23. 我国破产法中的利益平衡

    The Interests Balance in the Bankruptcy Law of Our Country

  24. 破产法的程序结构与利益平衡机制

    The Procedural Structure and the Interest Equality Mechanism in the Bankruptcy Law

  25. 在《破产法(试行)》正式颁布之前,就已经存在着国有企业的破产问题。

    Some enterprises had bankrupted before the bankrupt law announcement .

  26. 别除权是破产法的一项重要权利。

    Exemption right is an important right in bankruptcy procedures .

  27. 我国破产法的修改与完善的讨论

    Discussion on the Modification and Completion of the Bankruptcy Law of Our Country

  28. 新《破产法》浅议

    A Brief Discussion about a New Law of Bankruptcy

  29. 论新破产法第30条中的债务人财产制度

    On the Property Institution of Debtors in Article Thirty of New Insolvency Law

  30. 中国的跨界破产法:现状、问题及发展

    China 's Cross - states Bankruptcy Law : Status , Problems and Development