
shè huì zhì ān
  • public security;security of society
社会治安[shè huì zhì ān]
  1. 社会治安综合治理进一步加强。

    The administration of all facets of public security was improved .

  2. 浅议社会治安防范机制社会化

    A Brief Discussion on Socialization of Public Security Prevention Mechanism

  3. 社会治安主要是城市的问题。

    Public order is primarily an urban problem

  4. 社会治安要靠警方和社区来共管。

    Public order should be maintained by the police and the community together .

  5. 神秘组织辛迪加,密谋扰乱社会治安。

    The mystical organization syndicate , conspires to harass the social order .

  6. 加入WTO后,由于就业和劳动力转移,西方文化糟粕涌入,中外人员交往摩擦等问题特别突出,我国社会治安管理面临空前的压力。

    After joined the WTO , because of employment and manpower transform , westward culture propagation etc , it will faced with numerous pressure .

  7. 论社会治安防控体系建设的模型化过程

    On Modeled Procedures of Constructing the Defensive System of Social Management

  8. 金融危机下社会治安形势分析与对策建议

    Analysis on Social Order Situation in Financial Crisis and Its countermeasures

  9. 论公众社会治安意识及其培育提高

    On the Consciousness of the Public Social Security and Its Improvement

  10. 社会治安预警指标体系及其实现途径

    Early Warning Target System for Social Public Order and Practice Methods

  11. 农村社会治安问题成因的社会学求证

    Sociological Evidence About the Problem of Security of Society in Countryside

  12. 国家十一五科技攻关项目社会治安动态预警、综合防控技术体系研究与示范

    The National Key Scientific and Technological Projects for the 11th Five-Year

  13. 家庭暴力犯罪是新形势下一种新的犯罪形态,是影响社会治安的一大因素。

    The crime of family violence is a new criminal form .

  14. 市场经济条件下社会治安防控的一条有效途径&治安辅助力量走职业化、市场化和社会化道路的思考

    A Valid Way to Prevent and Control the Social Public Security Order

  15. 2005严厉打击犯罪和维护社会治安法案指南。

    Blackstone 's guide to the serious organised crime and police act2005 .

  16. 社会治安综合治理中的道德建设

    Discussion on the Moral-fostering in the Integrative Administer of Social Public Order

  17. 第十一章地震社会治安保卫对策

    Section eleven : countermeasures for social public security during earthquakes

  18. 侵犯财产犯罪是对社会治安起决定作用的一类犯罪。

    Crimes against Property are responsible for public order issues .

  19. 校园暴力案已成为一个国际性的社会治安难题。

    Campus violence has become an international social security problem .

  20. 使用安全可靠,对社会治安无危害。

    The utility model has no harm to social order .

  21. 汉代乡里社会治安考略

    The Summary on the Village Neighborhood Security of Society of Han Dynasty

  22. 农民犯罪是当前影响我国社会治安稳定的重大问题之一。

    It has a bad influence on public order of our country .

  23. 因此,维护京城社会治安也是其义不容辞的职责之一。

    Naturally , the maintenance of social order was its undisputable responsibility .

  24. 新农村建设中的社会治安问题

    Social Order in the Construction of New Rural Area

  25. 社会治安综合治理的防范研究

    Studies of " Precautions " in Controlling Social Order

  26. 我国当前社会治安形势分析

    Analysis of Social Public Order in Our Country Currently

  27. 社会治安系统的建模及其分歧现象&自组织理论的应用

    Modelling social order system and its bifurcation phenomenon & Application of self-organization theory

  28. 我国城市社会治安防控体系研究

    The Research on Public Security Maintaining System in the Cities of Our Country

  29. 小城镇社会治安现状与治理初探

    On the Social Public Security Status Quo and its Control in Small Towns

  30. 明清徽州基层社会治安保障体系研究

    The Study of Huizhou Grassroots Social Security System in Ming and Qing Dynasties