
shè huì kē xué jiā
  • social scientist
  1. “比方说,这是我带过的最好的学生,”哥伦比亚大学拉蒙特校区的社会科学家、多元融合战略师凯海琳·达特说。

    " Say , you know , this is the best student I 've ever had , " says Kuheli Dutt , a social scientist and diversity officer at Columbia University 's Lamont campus .

  2. 社会科学家DonaldMaclurcan认为,如果要让纳米技术促进全球卫生和平等,需要另外的方法。

    Alternative approaches are required if nanotechnology is to boost global health and equity , argues social scientist Donald Maclurcan .

  3. 社会科学家们已经变得十分不愿意对文化作出价值判断。

    Social scientists have grown extremely unwilling to make value judgments about cultures

  4. 但也许这比我们的社会科学家所认为的更加重要。

    But perhaps it 's more significant than our social scientists allow .

  5. 但是社会科学家最关心的是利用我们的群体心理来设计信息。

    But social scientists are most concerned about crafting messages that exploit our group mentality .

  6. 在英国,新的研究正在进行,社会科学家经常出现在英国政府办公室。

    In the UK , new studies are in development and social scientists are regularly spotted in British government offices .

  7. 但一些社会科学家对此提出了尴尬的问题,提出了艺术经典只不过是历史事件的化石的可能性。

    But some social scientists have been asking awkward questions of it , raising the possibility that artistic canons are little more than fossilised historical accidents .

  8. 社会科学家们说得对,我们应该对伟大保持一点怀疑,我们应该总是去隔壁看看。

    The social scientists are right to say that we should be a little sceptical of greatness , and that we should always look in the next room .

  9. 现在,福特高管正尝试以一个更开阔的视野来审视整个汽车制造业务——通过聘请社会科学家,并与专门从事社会科学研究的ReD之类的咨询机构共同合作。

    Executives at Ford are now trying to look at the whole business of carmaking in a wider sense - both by hiring social scientists and by working with consultancies such as ReD , a group that specialises in social science research .

  10. 2007年,由数千社会科学家组成的研究网络“世界价值观调查协会”(WorldValuesSurveyAssociation)发现,77%的美国人和41%的加拿大人说,如果组建政治联盟能够提高生活质量,那么他们就会选择组建政治联盟。

    In 2007 , the World Values Survey Association , a research network of thousands of social scientists , found that about 77 % of Americans and 41 % of Canadians said they would opt for political union if it meant a better quality of life .

  11. 或者正如福特全球人机界面总监帕里什•汉纳(ParrishHanna)所称的那样,福特尝试去做的是促进“创新”,并请社会科学家担任顾问。

    Or as Parrish Hanna , Ford 's global director of human machine interface , argues , what Ford is trying to do is promote " innovation " while using social scientists as consultants .

  12. 社会科学家们发现,不管在旅行中还是平时,进行这样的交往能增加幸福感,不过就像埃普利博士和同事朱莉安娜·施罗德(JulianaSchroeder)去年在《实验心理学杂志》上说的那样,离得很近的陌生人“通常会忽略彼此”。

    Social scientists have found that making such connections , whether traveling or not , boosts happiness , and yet strangers in proximity " routinely ignore each other , " as Dr. Epley and his colleague Juliana Schroeder put it in the Journal of Experimental Psychology last year .

  13. 印度社会科学家RavinderKaur在2013年8月写到在中国与印度对于女性短缺的“通常回应”是宁愿“引进外国新娘”而不是“生多点女孩子”。

    Indian social scientist Ravinder Kaur wrote in an August 2013 paper that " the common response " in both China and India " when the connection between sex selection and bride shortage is pointed out is that rather than allow daughters to be born , they would resort to importing brides . "

  14. 社会科学家也许正在努力发现真理。

    The social scientist may be striving to find the truth .

  15. 专门研究政治的社会科学家。

    A social scientist specializing in the study of government .

  16. 不去做评判:我们只是在检查数据的社会科学家。

    No judgment here : We are simply social scientists examining data .

  17. 大多数研究迁徙问题的社会科学家是从两个角度之一着手研究的。

    Most social scientists investigating mobility consider it from one of two perspectives .

  18. 对社会科学家之间的行话不熟悉。

    Unversed in the jargon of the social scientist .

  19. 社会科学家认为你叫什么名字会影响你的生活。

    Social scientists say that what you 're called can affect your life .

  20. 社会科学家已经开始研究情商的黑暗面。

    Social scientists have begun to document this dark side of emotional intelligence .

  21. 社会科学家和疲惫的工薪阶层长期以来都在关注这个问题。

    The question has long preoccupied social scientists and weary wage slaves alike .

  22. 我是你们的网友,社会科学家袁德云在人民网笔名。

    I am your friends , social scientists in the PRC Yuan Deyun pseudonym .

  23. 但不是每个社会科学家都对它们印象深刻。

    Not every social scientist is impressed .

  24. 印度社会科学家与世俗主义的批判

    Indian social scientist and critique of secularism

  25. 经济学家、公共政策专家和社会科学家开发这些项目。

    Economists , public policy experts and social scientists to create these kinds of programs .

  26. 政府一直是吸引众多社会科学家注意力的重要研究领域之一。

    Government has been one of the important research domains that have drawn many social scientists'attention .

  27. 19世纪后期,美国社会科学家路易斯·亨利·摩根引进另一种文化演变理论。

    American social scientist Lewis Henry Morgan introduced another theory of cultural evolution in the late1800s .

  28. 然而,这正是研究选择的社会科学家的基线。

    And this , indeed , is the standard line among social scientists who study choice .

  29. 美国有两位最著名的社会科学家一直试图理解这个新的人生阶段。

    Two of America 's best social scientists have been trying to understand this new life phase .

  30. 社会科学家、计算机科学家,和其他人都参与了此项探索,因为它很重要。

    Social scientists , computer scientists , and others have joined in this exploration because it is important .