
  • 网络Competition Law;Law of competition
  1. 天然更新檫木林竞争规律研究

    A Study on the Law of Competition in Naturally Regenerated Sassafras tzumu Forest

  2. 市场遵循竞争规律,因此会出现经济全球化悖论,它包括经济全球化载体悖论;

    The paradoxes of economic globalization come into being because market abides by the law of competition .

  3. 用反平方数学模型分析本溪商业竞争规律

    A Negative Square Model used to Describe the Performance of Commercial Competition Benxi

  4. 在市场经济条件下,受制于优胜劣汰的竞争规律,跨国银行破产时有发生。

    In the market economy , enslaved to the market competition regulation , cross-border bank insolvency occurs frequently .

  5. 人类应该遵循竞争规律,创造一定的社会条件优化竞争环境。

    Human beings should follow the rules of competition and create certain social conditions to optimize the environment of competition .

  6. 国内的金融业也必须按照市场经济的竞争规律,建立完善的市场退出机制。

    Domestic financial sector must also be in accordance with the laws of market economy competition and establish a sound market exit mechanism .

  7. 摘要从演进趋势看,发达国家保险业集中度较高,这是由竞争规律决定的。

    Judging from its developing trend , relatively high degree of security concentration in some advanced countries is generally determined by the law of competition .

  8. 但竞争规律是一个以当事人的盲目活动为基础的自然规律,应该以精神的规律来控制竞争这个自然的规律。

    But competition , with unchecked activities of the interested parties as its basis , is a natural law and therefore should be brought under control with the spiritual law .

  9. 竞赛机制是竞争规律作为客观必然性借以实现的过程,包含规律的作用和利用两方面。

    The competitive mechanism is the process by which the competitive law considered as an objective necessity can be incarnated , which includes both the effect and utilization of the law .

  10. 《孙子兵法》是一部揭示竞争规律的杰出著作,也是一部基于战略层面的智慧大书。

    " The Art of War by Sunzi " is a remarkable work which announces the competition law , and a professional storytelling in a local dialect of intelligence based on strategic aspect too .

  11. 据对日本和美国批发业现状和发展趋势分析,虽然竞争规律的作用,使批发主体发生了变化,但是,批发商业存在的条件和基础并没有消失,专职的批发商人也还有很大的发展空间。

    By analyzing the status and the developing tendency , we find that although role of competitive law has made the wholesaling subject change a lot , the condiction and basis for the existence of Broad developing space .

  12. 本文基于单产品销售规律的Bass模型,提出了两产品竞争销售规律的一个数学模式,为解释并定量描述市场中多种竞争性产品的销售规律提供了一个新的模型。

    Based on Bass'model on saling rule of single goods , a mathematical model on competing sale between two goods was given in this paper . The new model can explain and describe in number the saling rule among multi-competing goods .

  13. 这不符合政治竞争的规律,也没有公正的规则。

    It is not about political competition and does not have fair rules .

  14. 厦门方言词汇的各种变化,体现了词汇系统的内部竞争及其规律,也是厦门的社会生活各方面演变的结果。

    All the variations show the internal competition and development within the vocabulary of the dialect and they are the results of the evolution of social life .

  15. 并借助仿真工具,细化影响因素的同时,深入分析影响因素之间的作用关系,以揭示产品差异化竞争的规律和发展趋势。

    Besides , A simulation tool is used to refine influence factors , and analyzes the relationship between these factors , in order to reveal the competition rules and development trends .

  16. 力求帮助教育组织掌握高等教育市场竞争的规律,情况与趋势,根据实际情况,采取正确的竞争策略,维持自己的生存和发展。

    This paper aims at helping education organizations to understand the law and trend of higher education market competition , and thus to adopt reasonable competition strategy according to the actual circumstance .

  17. 从体育竞争的规律和需要、从学校体育发展的趋势和历史经验教训来看,建立学校业余训练体系势在必行。

    Judging from the objective needs of sports competition , the trend of development of physical education and lessons drawn from the past , the establishment of a spare-time training system at schools is imperative under the circumstances .

  18. 大企业吞并中小企业是资本主义竞争的绝对规律。

    The big enterprise absorbs the medium-sized and the small ones , that 's the absolute law of capitalist competition .

  19. 思嘉并不明白竞争的一切规律都已经改变,诚实的劳动不会再赚到公正的报酬了。

    Scarlett did not realize that all the rules of the game had been changed and that honest labor could no longer earn its just reward .

  20. 在市场竞争优胜劣汰规律的作用下,破产成为世界各国经济运行中的必然现象。

    Market competition in the role of the law of survival of the fittest , the bankruptcy of the world economies in the operation of the system .

  21. 本论文以斯密定律、杨格定理等传统经济学理论为渊源,结合布莱恩·阿瑟的正反馈原理,解释以技术、知识垄断形态为主导的新经济社会竞争的新规律、经济发展的新趋势。

    This thesis based on traditional economic theory such as Smith rule and Young rule , combined with positive feedback principle of Arthur 's , explains the new kind of monopoly and the trends of new economy .

  22. 营销企划和方案的方向的正确性,可以使企业摆脱目前削价竞争的恶性循环规律,也能从长远方面来推动整个旅游业的健康发展。

    The direction of marketing planning and program correctness , you can enable enterprises out of the current vicious circle of price competition law , but also from the long term to promote the healthy development of the tourism industry .

  23. 品牌区域市场资源竞争及品牌分布规律

    Study on the Region Market Resource Competition and Distribution Rules of the Brands

  24. 研究不同生命周期阶段的企业竞争能力衰变的规律对企业具有重大现实及理论意义。

    The research on firms ' competitiveness decay which is different life cycle stages is of great practical and theoretical significance .

  25. 学者们从不同的视角探索产业集群的形成机理、竞争优势、演进规律、创新动力等等。

    Different scholars explore the formation mechanism , competition advantage , gradual progress rule and innovative motivation of industrial cluster from different angles .

  26. 第三章,分析了产业集群在外部经济、交易成本、创新等方面的竞争优势及其内在规律。

    In the third chapter , the author analyzes the competitive advantage of industrial clusters in three aspects as follows : external economy , innovation , transaction cost .

  27. 提出市场经济的核心内容是竞争,让价值规律发挥作用的经营管理体制和价格管理思路。

    The management system and thoughts of price management are brought forward , of which competition is the kernel of market economy and value rule plays an extreme important role .

  28. 通过知识共享、知识整合实现由知识混沌向知识有序的、周期性、良性变化,是知识转化成企业核心能力、竞争优势的基本规律。

    Through knowledge sharing and knowledge integration to achieve Knowledge from Wonton to ordered , periodicity , benign changes is the basic law of the knowledge transformation enterprise core capabilities and competitive advantage .

  29. 研究战略联盟这种企业间特殊竞合关系,探索并提炼出组织问合作、联盟、竞争的管理学规律,并运用其来指导我国企业的经营管理的实践,无疑具有非常重要的现实意义!

    It is obviously of great significance to do researches on strategic alliances and abstract principles of cooperation , alliance and competition across organizations , which can guide domestic firms in operation and management .

  30. 因此,这一阶段金融改革开放,既要遵循现代市场经济条件下金融业管制原则与竞争活力的一般规律,又要满足金融体制转变、金融增长方式转变的特殊要求。

    Therefore , the stage of financial reform and opening should follow the general principle of regulation and competition showed in modern market economy , and should meet the special demand of transformation of financial system and financial growth pattern .