
jīnɡ shī
  • teacher of Confucian/Buddhist classics;teacher concerned only with imparting book-learning
经师 [jīng shī]
  • (1) [Confucian classics teacher]∶旧时讲授经书的教师

  • (2) [master interpreter and chanter of Buddhist scripture]∶佛教讲经诵经的师父

  1. 从对经师生活的研究当中,我们可以窥得两汉私学教育的一斑。

    Therefore , it is useful to research the private education in Han dynasty through the living of Jinshi .

  2. 《经师论》中有的内容在龟兹石窟壁画中有艺术造型相证。

    Some of the content in Jin Shi bin are proved by artistic images in the murals of grottoes in Kucha .

  3. 其间杰出的译经师辈出,而玄奘公认为最伟大的翻译家。

    Outstanding translators of sutras then came one after another and , among them , Xuan Zang has been universally acknowledged as the greatest .

  4. 随着梁漱溟人生经历的变化和思想的成熟,他的教育思想与实践也经历了三次较为明显的转变:前期是经师阶段,即为学术而教育,以教育促学术;

    Three changes are observed of Liang Shuming 's educational concept and practice all his life . First , Liang 's aim of education is academia .

  5. 寺院讲唱主要由经师和唱导师担任,他们互相配合,以转读和唱导为讲经化俗的手段。

    The preaching by means of speaking-singing in the monastery was mainly conducted by masters and directors who cooperated to interpret and sing the texts of the Scriptures to secularize them .

  6. 一名具有人格魅力的思想品德教师不仅是知识的传播者,更应该成为学生做人的引路者,既做学生的经师,又做学生的人师。

    A has the personality charm ideological and moral teacher is not only a knowledge more should become the communicators , go as the students , both students doing " certain scribe ", and students doing " hr " .

  7. 阿塔薛西斯王,颁给精通上主给以色列人的诫命和法律的司祭兼经师厄斯德拉的诏书,副本如下。

    And this is the copy of the letter of the edict , which king Artaxerxes gave to Esdras the priest , the scribe instructed in the words and commandments of the Lord , and his ceremonies in Israel .

  8. 所以在《大藏经》密教部经典前总书有未经上师许可欲读密典须诵大轮金刚陀罗尼二十一遍,旨在提醒佛子慎莫越三昧耶!

    Therefore on the preface of all esoteric sutras in Tripitaka , there is always a warning : one must recite the Great Wheel Vajra Dharani twenty-one times , thus alerts Buddhists not to breach samaya .

  9. 美乐皇轩红选用著名的美乐葡萄品种,经法国酿酒师的精心酿造而成。

    IMPERIAL COURT Merlot is selected by our French cellar master from the finest Merlot grapes .

  10. 解百纳皇轩红采用法国著名的制酒红葡萄品种,经法国酿酒师的精心酿造制成。

    IMPERIAL COURT Cabernet Sauvignon is selected by our French cellar master from the finest grapes f of its kind .

  11. 无极康复的每个弟子,经印定师传授秘术后均可以学会气功点穴术。

    Every disciples of the association would master the way on using the theory to carry out the treatment with specific energy .

  12. 中医辨证诊断需经两名中医师进行辨证,并获得一致结论后入选,辨证诊断时间在开始治疗前1周内。

    The diagnosis of traditional Chinese medicine syndromes was performed by two Chinese physicians within one week pre-treatment , and selected after the coincident conclusion was obtained .

  13. 个人以合法取得的黄金等物品做质押,向我公司申请典当融资,经我公司评估师专业评估后,即可迅速获得贷款的业务。

    Legitimate access to personal things such as gold to pawn in our company to apply for financing , after professional assessment by our estimator , you can get the loans business immediately .

  14. 及至齐、梁之世,沈氏经学臻于繁荣之境,产生了一大批经师和著作,其成就超过了不少江东儒学旧族。

    In the Qi Dynasty and the Liang Dynasty the Shen family achieved great achievements in the study of Confucian classics by producing a great number of works and experts in the study of Confucian classics .