
  • 网络The Conditions of Economic Progress
  1. 城市基础设施作为国民经济以及社会进步的条件与保障,其建设与经营的好坏直接影响我国经济社会的发展水平、国民财富的积累与创造。

    As the precondition and guarantee for the national economy and social development , the quality of urban infrastructure and its operation directly impact the economic and social development level and the accumulation and creation of national wealth .

  2. 政府拥有的信息资源是知识经济时代的重要资源,也是公民和组织参与国家管理、维护自身权利、推进经济社会进步的不可或缺的条件。

    The information resource of government is not only the strategic resource in information economy era , but also the most important resource for citizens and organizations to supervise the government protect individual rights and enhance the social development .