
  1. 要优化公司内部治理、制度合理的绩效考评标准及合理的激励方案。

    We need to optimize internal governance , to make system performance evaluation standards and incentive program reasonable .

  2. 目前很多企业尚无可信的行业绩效考评标准和绩效考核制度,企业无法合理确定职工工资。

    Neither standards of the performance evaluation nor performance evaluation system is available to many small companies who wonder how to determine their employees'rewards .

  3. 并指出企业价值是企业绩效考评的科学标准。

    And that the enterprise value of the enterprise performance evaluation of the science standards .

  4. 造成这样情况的原因就是绩效管理制度仍不完善、绩效考评标准缺乏科学性。

    The reason for such a situation is the performance management system is not perfect , performance evaluation standards to the lack of a scientific nature .