
  • 网络performance evaluation;Performance appraisal;performance review;KPI
  1. 基于DEA模型的中国客车类上市公司经营绩效评估

    A Business Performance Appraisal to China 's Bus Listed Companies Based on DEA Model

  2. 绩效评估是机制的结尾部分,以BSC为基础建立了绩效评估体系,并用PDCA模型分析绩效评估的结果。

    The performance appraisal is the end of the mechanism ; we establish the BSC-based performance appraisal mechanism , and PDCA model analysis of the performance assessment .

  3. 基于DEA的政府绩效评估探析

    Research About Evaluation of the Government 's Performance Based on DEA

  4. CIMS环境下的选煤厂质量绩效评估系统

    Quality performance assessment system of coal preparation plant in CIMS Environment

  5. 第四章基于DEA方法的高校办学绩效评估模型,介绍高校办学绩效相对有效性评价指标体系的建立和DEA分析模型;

    Chapter 4 introduces the model of performance evaluation of input-output of IHES based on DEA .

  6. DEA综合模型是一个基于相对效率概念而发展起来的一种新的绩效评估方法。

    The DEA model is a new way of evaluating performance , which is based on the concept of relative efficiency .

  7. 利用小群体决策技术建构ISO14000系统之环境绩效评估模式

    Developing An ISO 14000 Environmental Performance Evaluation System by Nominal Group Technique

  8. 将VaR风险度量模型应用于证券投资基金绩效评估中,这种经风险调整后的绩效评估方法符合现代理论的要求,能更全面、有效的描述基金的真实收益。

    This paper applies VaR models to evaluate performances , which conforms to the modern theories and can describe the real returns of the securities investment funds completely and validly .

  9. 其次,以四川DQ公司为例,分析了国有企业企业的绩效评估现状,接着探讨其存在的问题,并进行了阐述和原因分析。

    And then , take Sichuan DQ company for example , analyze the situation of performance appraisal in state company 、 explore its problems and analyze the reason .

  10. 第四章为e-learning系统建立的分析,包括e-learning系统的设计原则、需求分析、体系结构概述、核心系统的流程设计和绩效评估方法。

    Chapter four is the systematic design of e-learning and setting-up analysis , including design principle , demand analysis , system of e-learning , system structure sum up , key procedure of system design and the method of performance assessing .

  11. 资本资产定价模型(CAPM)不仅由于其简洁性和直观性,被广泛应用于风险组合绩效评估、证券定价等诸多方面;

    The Capital Asset Pricing Model ( CAPM ) not only is widely used in evaluating the performance of portfolios estimating the cost of securities , and so on , because of its concision and intuitiveness ;

  12. 在专家调研的基础上,确定BX公司供应商绩效评估的指标体系,利用层次分析法的方法得到各指标的权重,以灰色定权聚类的方法进行评估。

    A set of evaluation indexes of supplier performance is created by expert survey . The weights of each index are gained through Analytic hierarchy process . And grey clustering is used to evaluate the performance .

  13. 提出了一种基于改进蚁群算法(IACA)的员工绩效评估聚类分析模型。

    An employee performance evaluation clustering model , which based on Improved Ant Colony Algorithm , was put forward .

  14. KPI是近年来在企业绩效评估中得到广泛应用的一种有效的绩效评估方法,它通过将员工个人目标与企业战略目标的有效结合而成为企业战略实施的工具。

    KPI is an effective method of performance evaluation which is widely applied in enterprise performance evaluation in recent years . This method has become a tool of realizing enterprise 's strategy by combining the personal goals of staff and the strategy goals of enterprise .

  15. 参考Kirkpatrick模型,在学习系统设计理论的基础上,构建以学习能力、职业能力为核心的学习绩效评估模型。

    Based on Kirkpatrick model and the theory of learning system design , this paper is intended to construct a model for evaluation of learning performance with learning ability and vocational ability as its core .

  16. 整个完整的套期保值绩效评估体系的构建也参考了之前文献的内容,尤其是CCC模型常常使用的方法,以此更加确认DCC模型相对CCC模型的优越,以及整个评估体系的合理化。

    The complete hedging performance evaluation system is also reference to the contents of the previous literature , especially the CCC model is often used method is more recognized as a relatively CCC DCC model is the superior model , and the rationalization of the evaluation system .

  17. 基于平衡计分卡的高校后勤绩效评估

    Performance Evaluation of College Logistics Service Base on Balance Score Card

  18. 图书馆绩效评估要素说

    View toward Achievement Evaluation of a Library Say " Preface "

  19. 高校工作绩效评估体系研究

    The Study of the System of Evaluating the Performance of Universities

  20. 安徽省供电企业绩效评估研究

    A Study on Performance Assessment of Power Supply Enterprises in Anhui

  21. 以服务型政府为导向的公务员绩效评估体系研究

    Study on Public Servants Performance Appraisal System Guided by Service-Oriented Government

  22. 封闭式基金绩效评估体系之实证研究

    The Study of Evaluation Model on Close - end Fund Performance

  23. 基于平衡记分卡和360度的地方政府绩效评估模型

    Balanced Scorecard and 360 Degree Performance Appraisal Mode of Local Government

  24. 湘潭市国家税务局绩效评估指标体系构建研究

    Construction of Performance Management Evaluation Index System of Xiangtan State Revenue

  25. 为什么我们要进行绩效评估呢?

    Why do we need to have a Performance Appraisal System ?

  26. 建立科学的绩效评估系统,完善绩效管理的各个环节;

    Establish scientific performance evaluation system and make up evaluation process ;

  27. 美国公共政策绩效评估方法及借鉴

    US Public Policy Performance Assessment Methods and Its Significance to China

  28. 科学的指标体系是政府绩效评估的关键。

    Scientific index system is the key of government performance evaluation .

  29. 基层税务部门绩效评估研究

    A Study on the Performance Evaluation for the Grass-roots Tax Department

  30. 绩效评估是政府门户网站发展的必然趋势。

    Performance evaluation is a government portal web site development inevitable trend .