
  • 网络Measurement;Performance measurement;Performance Measures
  1. 提出了TOPSIS法在美食街经营绩效衡量中的具体应用,认为该法相对于其它综合评价法更具优势。

    This paper presents a specific application of TOPSIS method in Food Street performance measurement , which has more advantages than other comprehensive evaluation methods .

  2. 基于供应链的保税物流绩效衡量研究

    A Study Based on Supply Chain in Bonded Logistics Performance Measurement

  3. 通过CRG职位认证确定公司的职位设置,明确每个职位的主要职责和关键绩效衡量指标;

    First , this plan decides the main duties and key performance indicator of each position through CRG position certification .

  4. EVA已不再是早期的单纯的指标,它作为一种先进的管理方法,不仅影响到企业的价值评估、绩效衡量,而且影响到企业文化、财务体系及公司治理机制等。

    But EVA has no longer been a simple index , as a kind of advanced office procedure , it not only influences the value assessment , performance of enterprises , but also influences the corporate culture , financial system and company manages .

  5. 网络化企业组织基于成本的绩效衡量框架研究

    Research on the Cost-oriented Performance Measurement Framework by Networking Enterprise Organizations

  6. 社会物流系统的绩效衡量

    Recommendation on Performance Measurement and Planning of External Logistics System

  7. 模糊聚类方法在物流绩效衡量中的应用

    Applying the Fuzzy Classification Method in Evaluation of Logistics Performance

  8. 制造业企业导入电子化采购的风险及绩效衡量的探讨

    The Risks and Performance Assess to Introduce E-procurement Systems of Manufacturing Enterprises

  9. 下面我们讨论各责任中心的绩效衡量方法。

    In the following section , we discuss performance measures in responsibility centers .

  10. 该框架包含两个绩效衡量的子系统,即企业子系统和工程子系统。

    The framework has two subsystems for evaluation as company subsystem and project subsystem .

  11. 团队绩效衡量模型研究

    Research on Team Performance Measurement Model

  12. 责任中心绩效衡量就是一个积累和报告有关责任中心绩效的信息的过程。

    Center performance measurement is the process of accumulating and reporting data relate to center performance .

  13. 在本文的研究中采取的企业并购绩效衡量指标是企业并购的市场绩效和经营绩效。

    The performance index is market performance and management performance among the research of this text .

  14. 本文第一章介绍了证券投资基金的概念以及绩效衡量的界定与度量;

    The Chapter 1 of this paper introduces the definition of security investment funds and performance measurements ;

  15. 软件项目的绩效衡量用了两个指标,即产品绩效指标、过程绩效指标。

    The software project performance measurement is indicated by two indicators : the products indicator and the process indicator .

  16. 本文着重从四个不同的角度:财务、客户、业务流程、学习来构建企业的绩效衡量指标。

    We formulate the system of measures from four typical perspectives : Financial , Customer , Process , and Learning .

  17. 在激励契约中选择何种绩效衡量标准是代理理论的一个核心问题。

    Choosing what kind of achievements and performance standard in inspiring contract has become the key problem for agency theory .

  18. 由于各类中心的责任和权力不相同,其绩效衡量方法也不相同。

    Because the responsibility and authority of each center are different , the measurement approaches of performance of each center are different .

  19. 绩效衡量是通过绩效衡量系统所提供的比较客观的数字,绩效评价是经理们主观的判断。

    Performance measures are the relatively objective numbers resulting from a performance measurement system , and performance evaluations are the subjective judgement of managers .

  20. 由于政府具有垄断性、目标多元性和目标弹性,这决定了政府绩效衡量的困难性。

    Because the government has monopoly , goals and objectives of diversity flexibility , and this determines that the performance measurement of the difficulties .

  21. 这意味着要减少薪酬组合中的股票期权,转而增加普通股(但受到限制),并减少薪酬对股价或利润相关的绩效衡量手段的依赖。

    That means fewer stock options and more plain , if restricted , equity , and less reliance on share price or earnings-related performance measures .

  22. 本文试图在归纳整理相关效益评估文献的基础上,建构评估政府采购电子化的相关绩效衡量指标。

    At the base of reviewing relative literatures , this paper try to establish a scientific and comprehensive index system of evaluating the governmental purchase effectiveness .

  23. 本文首先从不同的角度对证券投资基金绩效衡量问题进行了论述,对传统的基金绩效衡量的理论与方法进行了较为系统的回顾与总结。

    Firstly , the paper discusses the relevant issues of fund performance measurement from various perspectives , then reviews and summarizes the theories and methods in this field systematically .

  24. 然而,在要求印度回归根本的同时,她也为自己和印度政府设定了一项绩效衡量标准。

    However , in demanding that the country get back to basics , she has also set a yardstick by which her , and the government 's , performance should be judged .

  25. 国内银行业在目前竞争激烈且风险加剧的金融环境中,很难利用传统的绩效衡量指标作为唯一管理控制工具。

    In view of the intensive completion and increasing risk in the financial environment , it is impossible for the bank Industry to take traditional indicators as the only managerial and controlling tools .

  26. 中美国家审计绩效衡量指标体系比较研究供应链管理成熟度是衡量供应链管理绩效的重要指标。

    Performance Indexes for Government Auditing between PRC and USA : A Comparative Study The Supply-Chain Management Maturity ( SCM ~ ( 2 )) is an important index to measure the performance of supply chain management .

  27. 由于缺乏企业股权资本成本信息,传统的并购绩效衡量指标无法准确地反映企业并购效果。

    Because lacking the business enterprise ownership of a share capital cost information , traditional buy the results to measure the index sign and can 't reflect the business enterprise and buy the result accurately also .

  28. 首先,简单介绍基金投资价值分析理论,主要包括证券投资基金概述、证券组合管理理论概述、资产配置管理理论概述、基金绩效衡量概述等。

    Firstly , a brief introduction to the theories of fund valuation analysis was given , including an overview of securities investment funds , of portfolio management theory , and of asset allocation decision and evaluation portfolio performance .

  29. 平衡计分卡是一个衡量、评价某单位的综合计分指标体系;是一系列财务绩效衡量指标与非财务绩效衡量指标的综合体。平衡计分卡把注意力主要放在组织战略目标的实现方面。

    BSC is a comprehensive score index for estimating and evaluating an enterprise , and syntheses of a series of financial performance evaluation index and non-financial performance evaluation index . BSC focuses on implement of the organization strategy objective .

  30. 它通过自身一套完整、严密的理论体系和执行框架,化战略为行动,有机衔接和解决企业战略制定和战略执行往往脱节的难题,实现企业战略管理与绩效衡量的有机融合。

    By employing a suit of complete , strict theory system and changing strategy into action , IBSC successfully solves the problem that enterprise strategy establishment is divorced from strategy execution and realizes the effective connection between strategy management and achievements judgment .