
  • 网络performance diagnosis
  1. 它包含了绩效计划、持续动态的沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断与辅导,绩效再计划五个部分。

    It composed with performance planning , continuously dynamic communication , performance appraisal , performance diagnosis and coach , and performance re-planning .

  2. 绩效管理包括绩效计划、绩效沟通、绩效考评、绩效诊断和辅导。

    PM is much broader concept which includes performance plan , performance communication , performance appraisal , performance diagnosis , and performance tutorship .

  3. 绩效诊断中存在问题。

    The problem of performance diagnose .

  4. 西昌电业局绩效管理诊断;

    Performance Management diagnose ;

  5. 第一章是西昌电业局人力资源管理概况及其绩效管理诊断,主要内容包括:(1)西昌电业局概况及企业特点;

    Chapter 1 , general description of HRM of XCPS and its Performance Management diagnosis , which consist of : ( 1 ) general description and enterprise characteristics ;

  6. 子公司绩效管理体系诊断、再设计和实施

    Diagonise 、 Redesign and Actualize the System of Performance Management to the Subsidiary Corporation

  7. 本文在深入调研分析的基础上,对内蒙移动绩效管理体系诊断与优化进行研究。

    This paper studied the diagnosis and optimization for performance management system of Inner Mongolia mobile company based on the investigation and analysis .

  8. 最后,针对一家高科技企业,通过对其绩效管理现状的诊断,设计出基于P-CMM的研发人员绩效管理系统。

    Last , based on the theory of P-CMM and IDEAL model , the performance management model of the R & D staff was designed for a software enterprise and assessed its effectiveness .

  9. 笔者作为导师带领下的项目小组成员,负责对CITC公司员工绩效管理现状进行诊断,在此基础上设计出CITC公司员工绩效管理系统。

    As a member of project group leaded by my supervisor , I take charge of diagnosing the current situation of employee performance management in CITC Corporation and designing a new employee performance management system .

  10. 可以说,流程绩效评价是流程诊断、流程改进乃至整个流程管理的中心环节。

    We think , it is key link that the process performance measurement is the process diagnose , process improvement and even whole process management .

  11. 本文即基于这种激烈的外部竞争环境,对安康电信分公司的绩效薪酬体系进行诊断和再设计。

    This article is based on such fierce competition in the external environment , the telecommunications branch of the well-being of the performance pay system for diagnosis and re-design .

  12. 第二部分是绩效管理问题的诊断结果与分析,分别利用问卷调查、座谈会、二手资料等手段,诊断出核矿山企业中存在的绩效管理问题,员工的意见和建议;

    The second part is assay of performance of corporation , we acquire the problem of performance 、 comment and advice of employees by using paper interview 、 symposium and the second datum .

  13. 第2部分介绍双鹤医药基本情况,对绩效管理现状作出诊断,提出绩效管理优化思路、绩效管理体系设计步骤和体系结构。

    The second part introduces the basic situation of Double Crane Medicine Company , makes the diagnosis to the present situation of performance management , proposes performance management optimization mentality , the procedure of designing performance management system and it 's structure .

  14. 本章的重点是通过对西昌电业局及其人力资源状况的分析和研究,对其绩效管理进行全面诊断,从而找出其绩效管理存在的主要问题,并阐述实施整合绩效管理的必要性。

    The key point of this chapter is to fully diagnose the Performance Management of XCPS by analysing and studying its human resource status , finding out the main existed problems in the Performance Management , and expounding the necessity of implementing IPM .

  15. 我们重点对其绩效管理现状做出诊断,概括出其存在绩效管理与企业战略脱节、部门绩效管理与个人绩效脱节、绩效考核体系设计的非科学性、绩效考评结果应用过于单一等四方面问题。

    We center on analyzing its current situation of performance management and epitome four problems , including performance management being disconnected with business strategy , department performance management being disconnected with individual one , non-scientific of performance evaluation system and application of evaluation results being too limited .

  16. 绩效管理过程应该包括绩效计划、绩效实施、绩效考核、绩效诊断和绩效结果应用五个阶段。

    Performance appraisal ; performance diagnose and performance result application .

  17. 作为一个完善的本文探讨了绩效考评结束之后的结果使用、绩效反馈以及绩效管理系统的诊断。

    This article studies how to run result of performance evaluation , performance feedback and how to diagnose PM system .

  18. 公共服务绩效管理是基于公共服务绩效的价值、指标、信息、方法等系统,由制定绩效计划、实施绩效计划、进行绩效评估、开展绩效诊断与反馈、应用绩效评估结果5个基本环节组成。

    The performance management is based on systems of value , index , information , method , etc. The segments involves making performance plans , carrying out the plan , evaluating the performance , launching performance diagnoses and giving feedback , applying the results of performance evaluation .