
  • 网络performance gap
  1. 于是,以系统动力学为基础,提出突破这两种陷阱的路径:一是通过知识存量、企业特定的不确定性和绩效差距动态结合探索式与利用式学习;

    Then , by virtue of system dynamics , this paper gives treatments : first , knowledge stock , firm-specific uncertainty , and performance gap dynamically link exploration with exploitation ;

  2. 绩效技术通过组织分析和环境分析,找出组织的绩效差距,分析产生绩效差距的原因,采取一定的干预来缩小绩效差距,从而提高个体和组织的绩效。

    Through organizational analysis and environmental analysis , performance technology is used to identify an organization 's performance gap and its causes , and to reduce the gap by intervention , improving the performance of individual and the organization .

  3. 根据高校整体竞争力评价指标体系,采用聚类R型分析法和差距分析法,测量了两校的绩效差距。

    Basing on the overall competitiveness system , the performance disparities between the two universities are calculated with the R-type Cluster Analysis and Gap Analysis method .

  4. 由于两国改革的道路和方法不同,改革绩效差距很大。

    The gap of their reform performance is great because of their different method of reform .

  5. 测量了高校整体竞争力的绩效差距,设计了西安科技大学的重点发展战略。

    Measures the performance disparities in overall competitiveness of universities , designs major development strategies for Xi ' an Science & Technology University .

  6. 幸运的是,与跨国企业相比,中国本土企业仍存在巨大的绩效差距,因此,后一种项目推动了中国业务的大量需求。

    Fortunately the latter projects drive a lot of demand in China as domestic companies still have huge performance gaps when compared to multinationals .

  7. 于是进行了培训需求分析技术路径的探索。在分析已有相关研究的基础上,确定本研究的教师培训需求分析技术路径&政策目标、胜任素质、绩效差距、职业生涯相结合的分析方式。

    On the basis of analysis of existing research , I determine the teacher training needs analysis in this study : policy objectives , competency , performance issues and career .

  8. 最后,根据实证研究论文提出了绩效工资差距模型。

    Finally , based on empirical research , the paper also proposed the performance pay gap model , the gap between the actual performance pay and the exception of performance pay of staff .

  9. 当绩效与外部标准有差距,绩效的差距必须要显示出来。

    When performance is compared with meaningful , external criteria , the performance gap should be evident .

  10. 随着多媒体网络课件生成系统在教学中的应用,课件生成的绩效与教师预期绩效之间的差距越来越大。

    While with the MCGS is available in the process of teaching , the disparity between courseware generated performances and expected performance of teachers is growing .

  11. 在基于网络的培训课程设计过程中,绩效分析的任务是确定产生绩效差距的原因及基于网络的培训的必要性;

    There are three phases in the design of web-based training courseware . The first is performance analysis which stresses finding out the reasons resulted to performance gaps and the necessity to develop WBT .

  12. 此外,“实际绩效水平”比“期望与绩效的差距”对顾客满意度有更高的解释能力。

    Furthermore , performance of service has greater power to interpret the variation of customer satisfaction than gap between expectation and performance .

  13. 通过分析辽宁省主要城市公共服务绩效状况,得出了总体绩效不足、区域差距较大的基本结论,并提出了提升公共服务绩效的政策建议。

    Analyzes Liaoning mainly urban public service performance status , obtains the overall performance insufficiency , the regional gap has the basic conclusion . And put forward promotes the public service performance policy Suggestions .

  14. 期望服务水平对实际绩效水平及顾客满意度的影响并不显着,但使用者感知的实际绩效水平及期望与绩效的差距对顾客满意度存在显着性影响。

    The performance of service and customer satisfaction is not significantly affected by " expectation of service ", however , user 's perceived " performance of service " and " gap between expectation and performance " have significant impact on customer satisfaction .