
lián yínɡ qǐ yè
  • joint venture;jointly operated enterprise;jointly run enterprise
  1. 铝电联营企业供电模式的探索

    Discussion on the power supply mode for the aluminium electricity pool enter prise

  2. 燃油注入和输送管路里海输送管联营企业

    Fuel filling and transfer line Caspian Pipeline Consortium

  3. 这些管道输送石油。里海输送管联营企业

    The pipes carry oil . Caspian Pipeline Consortium

  4. 集团和联营企业的投资

    Investment in group and associated enterprises

  5. 芯片联营企业——半导体制造技术联盟也从素有“高科技磁石”之称的德克萨斯州奥斯汀迁到奥尔巴尼;

    Sematech , a chip consortium , has moved to Albany from the high-tech magnet of Austin , Texas .

  6. 我是一家电信联营企业的负责此应用的技术工程经理,以前做过这个项目。

    I was technical project manager for such an application for a telecom consortium and I have done this before .

  7. 这家总部位于阿肯色州的公司,自15年前首度登陆深圳以来,已发展到约350家店铺,以及逾10万家的联营企业。

    The Arkansas-based company has grown to about 350 stores and well over 100,000 associates since opening in Shenzhen 15 years ago .

  8. 上海联合日化厂属国集联营企业,专业生产磷酸氢钙、磷酸三钙两大系列产品。

    Shanghai Allied Household Chemical Plant is a joint-operated enterprise specializing in the production of series products of dicalcium phosphates and tricalcium phosphates .

  9. 不具备企业法人条件的联营企业,还应有联合签署的协议。

    The jointly operated enterprises not satisfying the conditions of enterprises as legal persons shall have the agreement jointly signed by the membersparties .

  10. 联营企业、型联合企业和股份企业,其领导体制依照国务院有关规定执行。

    With respect to the system of leadership in jointly operated enterprises , large-scale associated enterprises and stock enterprises , the relevant provisions of the State Council shall be implemented .

  11. 但作为新的企业模式,特别是新兴建的铝电联营企业,应该寻找最适合的供电模式。

    However , for the new run-mod e , especially for the newly built aluminium electricity pool , it is necessary to f ind out a mostly suitable power supply mode .

  12. 公司成立于1987年,前身为上海铝材四厂合资经营的国集联营企业,后因经济体制改革,95年后公司独立经营,目前。

    The company , the Fprmer No.4 Shanghai Aluminum Plant , a state-and collective-run enterprise , was set up in1987 , in1995 , the company was reformed as an independent-run enterprise .

  13. 这个统计数字来源于一家年销售额至少有2000万元的联营工业企业。

    The data was collected from a pool of industrial businesses with at least 20 million yuan of annual sales revenue .

  14. 本身违法适用于价格固定、市场划分、联合抵制、搭售安排及转售价格维持等案件,合理法则适用于纵向非价格限制、联营、企业合并等案件。

    Per se illegal covers horizontal price fixing , horizontal market division , boycott , tying arrangement and resell price maintaining etc , and rule of reason mainly covers vertical non-price restrict , joint venture and merger .

  15. 同时,随着国内企业知识产权意识的增强及知识产权拥有量的增加,也有一些企业想借鉴跨国企业的做法通过专利联营达到增强企业竞争力的目的。

    As intellectual property awareness enhancing , some domestic enterprises want to use patent pool to enhance competitiveness .

  16. 提出进一步战略优化措施,实施煤电联营,实现企业的稳定健康发展。

    Suggested further optimal strategic measures to implement coal-electricity joint operation and realize the steady healthy development of companies .

  17. 中国油运业的发展战略有组建油运联营体、油运企业与石油公司的协议联盟以及国油国运等等,这些发展战略的背景、可行性和效果如何,需要做一些研究。

    The development strategy of Chinese oil tanker includes establishing oil tanker pool , conventional alliance between oil shipping companies and oil companies and shipping only by national tankers . The background , the feasible level and the effects about these strategies need to be studied .