
  • 网络conception of history as determined by heroes
  1. 第二部分论述卡莱尔的后期历史思想,主要论述卡莱尔的英雄史观。

    Part ⅱ describes the later historical thought of Carlyle , mainly his heroism history view .

  2. 在中国,英雄史观实际形成于战国时,完备于秦汉时,它是中国封建专制主义的伴生物。

    In China , heroes really appeared in the Warring States Period and perfected in the Qin and Han Dynasties , companions with the Chinese feudalism and absolutism .

  3. 性善论以及其带有宿命论思想的英雄史观,则是论证仁政主张的哲学基础。

    Both the theory of humanity and view on heroes which reflects the thought of fatalism are the philosophical basis to prove the proposition of the policy of benevolence .

  4. 哈萨克族史诗记载了哈萨克族历史上的重要人物和重大史事,存在着巨大的史料价值,也反映了哈萨克族人民的英雄史观。

    Kazakh epic Chronicles the important and significant in the history of the Kazakh epics , there is a great historical value , also reflects the Kazakh historical viewpoint of heros .

  5. 作为19世纪浪漫主义文化思潮的一位特殊代表,以英雄史观和社会批判而闻名的托马斯·卡莱尔给后世留下了诸多是非杂糅的文化遗产。

    As a special representative of romanticism in the 19th century , Thomas Carlyle , well known for his heroic concept of history and his social criticism , left a mixed cultural heritage .

  6. 在科学发展观方面,应当修正“科学成就史观”和“个人英雄史观”,确立“问题史观”,突出科学问题、科学论争与科学家共同体在推动科学发展中的重要作用;

    In respect of science development , these textbooks must substitute " history of science problems " for " history of science achievements " or " history of heroes ", which emphasizes the vital role of science problems , debates and community in the process of science progress .

  7. 客观性使他承认历史发展的规律性和生产劳动的积极意义,承认英雄活动的历史制约性和人民群众的创造作用,因而他的英雄史观中包含有历史唯物主义的萌芽。

    The objectivity made him acknowledge the regularity of the historical development , the positive role of the laborers , the historical restriction on the role of heroes and the creativity of the laboring people . Therefore his hero-dominant view contains the seeds of historical materialism .

  8. 苏联文学中所塑造的英雄形象,从一开始就吸引着王蒙,缔造着他文学创作的英雄史观。

    The heroic images created in Soviet-Russian Literature attracted Wang Meng from the beginning , founding the heroic history view of his literary creation .