
xínɡ wéi kònɡ zhì
  • behavioral control
  1. WebSphereDataPower的服务级别监控(ServiceLevelMonitoring,SLM)功能支持对各个服务处理的工作负载进行细粒度行为控制。

    The service level monitoring ( SLM ) functionality of WebSphere DataPower appliances enable fine-grained behavioral control over the workloads processed by individual services .

  2. 与施救意愿具有相关性的变量为:实施CPR经历、CPR学习培训经历、是否有心脏性猝死家属以及态度、主观规范、感知行为控制。

    Variables have the intention to rescue the correlation is : the experience to performed CPR , training learning experience , whether the families has risk of sudden cardiac death and attitude , subjective norm , perceived behavioral control .

  3. 探讨了Agent的类型及功能,并建立了其行为控制结构。

    Discuss the types and functions of Agent , and build a action control structure .

  4. 基于能力机制的Linux进程行为控制

    Process Behavior Controlling Based on Capability Mechanism in Linux OS

  5. 随着WebServices在分布式服务提供的领域内应用越发成熟,作为服务提供方Web服务端点的行为控制也越来越受到重视。

    As the Web Services technology is more and more mature in the field of distributed services provided , the behavior control of Web Service Endpoint ( WSE ) was more and more important .

  6. 提出了一个两层结构的实时Agent,其中本地控制层负责Agent的个体行为控制,协作计划层则令Agent能与其它Agent通信及协作。

    Next , a two layer structure real-time agent is presented , the local control layer is in charge of controlling agent itself behavior , the cooperation planning layer makes agent obtain capability to communicate and coordinate with others .

  7. 结果:酒依赖者在沟通、角色、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制和总的功能六个FAD分量表上的评分较对照组高。

    Result : patients had higher scores in the subtests of communication , role , affective response , emotional involvement and behavior control than control .

  8. 本文主要探讨FIDIC条款中有关分包行为控制对我国总分包发展的启示与思考。

    This paper mainly probed enlightening and thinking to the development of china general contracting and divided contracting , as far as action controlling about FIDIC could br concerned .

  9. 家庭功能方面,酒依赖组在沟通、角色、情感反应、情感介入、行为控制等方面评分和FAD总分均明显高于正常对照组(P<001)。

    The scores of the communication , role , affective response , emotional involvement and behavior control in patients with alcohol dependence were higher than that of controls ( P < 0 01 ) .

  10. RIRA-IIROBOT软件采用慎思/反应混合式分层控制体系结构,自上而下分为人机交互层、任务规划层和行为控制层三个层次。研制了一种基于多微处理器的分布式超声探测系统。

    Deliberated / reactive hierarchical hybrid architecture is used in the software of RIRA-II ROBOT , which consists of a human-machine interface layer , a mission planning layer and a behavior control layer . A distributed ultrasonic detecting system based on multi-processor is developed .

  11. 将统计所得数据代入LISREL软件求解态度结构方程,分别建立态度结构关系模型、主观规范结构关系模型、认知行为控制结构关系模型、攻击性驾驶行为意图结构关系模型,并进行了各模型可靠性分析。

    Collected the statistics into LISREL for solving attitude structural equation and established the relation mold of attitude structure , subject norm structure , cognitive behavior control structure and behavior intention structure of aggressive driving behavior separately , and analyzed the reliability among these mold .

  12. 复杂生命线工程系统的地震反应分析与行为控制

    Behavior control and earthquake response analysis of complex lifeline systems

  13. 儿童在心理成熟、行为控制等方面与成人有着很大区别。

    What are the differences between children 's learning and adult learning ?

  14. 企业年金管理过程中的行为控制研究

    Behavior Control Through the Management of an Enterprise Annuity Plan

  15. 基于增强现实的人群行为控制仿真系统

    A Crowd Control and Simulation System based on Augmented Reality

  16. 公共管理行为控制中的激励问题

    The Issue of Encouragement in Controlling Public Management Behavior

  17. 基于视觉和超声信息的机器人行为控制

    Robot behavior control based on visual and ultrasonic information

  18. 论青年偶集群体及其行为控制

    A Study on Accidentally Assembling Youth Group and the Control of Its Behavior

  19. 网上交易自我效能、网络自我效能会显著正向影响知觉行为控制。这些研究结果为拍卖网站的经营者提供了有价值的参考。

    Online transaction self-efficacy and Internet self-efficacy significantly positively affect perceived behavioral control .

  20. 精神疾病、行为控制及其伦理冲突

    Mental Disease , Behavior Control and Ethical Conflicts

  21. 代理商机会主义行为控制研究

    On the Control of Agents ' Opportunistic Practice

  22. 大赛前中国体操队运动员训练行为控制方法

    The Way to Control Pre-Major Competition Training Behavior of Gymnasts of Chinese Gymnastic Team

  23. 农地非公益征收的主体行为控制研究。

    Research on the main bodies ' behavior of non-public expropriation of rural land .

  24. 遗传算法在机器人踢球行为控制中的应用

    Genetic Algorithm and It 's Application in Soccer - robots'Kick - ball Behavior Control

  25. 本文的主要研究内容和创新点如下:1.智能鱼个体驱动行为控制结构。

    The content and innovation of this paper are listed as follows : 1 .

  26. 讨论了用于行为控制的神经网络的演化模型的设计。

    The neural network evolution model applied to behavior control is also be discussed .

  27. 行为控制月球车路径规划技术

    Autonomous Behavior Path Planning for Lunar Rover

  28. 基于行为控制的半自主移动机器人系统

    Behavior-Based Control System of Semi-Autonomous Mobile Robots

  29. 论大学生的行为控制

    Research on College Students ' Behaviour Control

  30. 换句话说,心意控制先于言语控制和行为控制。

    In other words , mind-control must come first before word control and deed control .