
  • 网络the history of ideas
  1. 斯金纳提倡从观念史研究转向概念史研究,运用语言行动的视角对思想史中不断变化的概念进行细致考察。

    He advocates the shift from history of ideas to history of concept , and inspects the concepts carefully which changes constantly in the history of thought by the theory of speech acts .

  2. 如若说上世纪的“水墨艺术”是一部中国传统水墨艺术的改良史,倒不如将其理解为由“现代化”所主导的一部开放式的“观念史”。

    We 'd better interpret the " ink painting art " of the last century to be an open " history of ideas " led by the " modernization ", instead of a history of amelioration of Chinese traditional art .

  3. 历史观念史:国病与身病&司马迁与扁鹊传奇

    The History of Historical Idea : Disease of Human Body and Disease of Society

  4. 摘要讨论中国史学的历史进程,应该包括历史观念史。

    The history of historical idea is undoubtedly a part of the history of Chinese historiography .

  5. 对光进行观念史的梳理,可以让我们发现在现代哲学与艺术之间存在着的本质联系,现代艺术具有的形而上学本性。

    Through study of the history of the conception of light , we understand that modern art is metaphysics .

  6. 困难在于,从史学史的角度,陈述历史观念史,与一般的中国思想史或中国哲学史的分工,如何体现?

    The difficulty lies in how to distinguish it from the intellectual history or the history of Chinese philosophy .

  7. 面对这种主流立场,柏林并没有对此做直接性、针对性的批判,而是引用他的观念史研究从侧面进行了论述。

    Berlin does not make criticize directly to the mainstream view , but to discuss the history of ideology by the side way .

  8. 首先,提出了媒体身份的概念,主要包括身份观念史和身份概念的界定;

    First , this paper introduces the conception of media crisis , mainly including the historical reviews on identity and the definition of it ;

  9. 从鲍姆加登到康德之间,对西方艺术观念史有重要贡献的人物是摩西-孟德尔松、苏尔泽和赫尔德。

    The greatest contribution to the history of our problem in the interval between Baumgarten and Kant came from Mendelssohn , Sulzer , and Herder .

  10. 它的引入与流行,不是对于西方思潮的简单移植与原样展开,而是根植于充分的本土经验的依据和现实语境的确定指向,它已经成为当代诗歌观念史的一部分。

    It 's introduction and prevalence is not a simple transplant of western thinking , but depend on native experience and direct to actual situation .

  11. 从经济史和平等观念史看,马克思主义关于价值规律与平等观念彼此对应的见解,也是正确的。

    The history of economics and of conception of equality have prove that Marxist opinion of parallelism between law of value and the concept of equality is right .

  12. 然而,《莱茵报》时期,马克思遇到了物质利益的难事,动摇了他曾经的观念史逻辑的理性决定论信仰。

    However , the Rhine Newspapers period , Marx encountered a material interest difficult and had shaken the concept of the history of the logic of rational belief in determinism .

  13. 身份政治具有时态变化,其阶段分期包括事件史和观念史两个历史线索。

    There are two historical clues by stages in the tense transformation of the identity politics : one is a history of event tree ; another is a history of ideology pedigree .

  14. 近代民众生活史,文化心态及观念史,国家、社会与民众的互动等领域,逐步引起学术界的广泛关注。

    Themes like history of the life of the populace , history of cultural mood and beliefs , interaction between the state , the society and the people have drawn intensified concerns from researchers .

  15. 在市民社会的观念史上,黑格尔把市民社会理解为以劳动和市场为核心的需要的体系及其满足方式,具有划时代的作用。

    In the history of the concept of civil society , Hegel regarded the civil society as " a system of need " based on labor and market and its satisfaction mode , and viewed it " epoch-making " .

  16. 现今历史学界所强调的概念史或观念史研究,便是强调在宏观的历史背景下去重新认识词语,从词型或概念的起源衍变着手,探究追溯词语产生之深层语境。

    Study the history of the history of the concept or idea nowadays historians have stressed , is to emphasize the historical background of the macro continues to re-recognize words , from the origin of the word or concept-based Evolution begin to explore the deeper context of retroactive words generated .

  17. 就政治文化史、思想观念史而言,此即是由帝之令转而为天之命,是由畏惧生仁敬,由威权转道德,血缘性纵贯轴亦由此得以确立。

    With regard to the political and ideological histories , this means the transition from " monarch 's order " to " God 's order ", from dread and fear to benevolence and respect , from authority to morality , and thereby the major axle of consanguinity came into being .

  18. 《柳毅传》的思想观念及其史证价值

    The Ideology and Value of Historical Testimony about the Tale of Liu Yi

  19. 中国古代文学观念发生史论纲

    The Outline of Chinese Ancient Literature Concept History

  20. 在史学思想、史学观点方面奉行人文主义、客观主义,注意运用民族(种族)文化观念治史。

    Keeping humanism and objective views and paying attention to treat history with national cultural concept .

  21. 在赵德发那里,农民生存实景反映了百年农民立体化的生存史与观念流变史;

    Zhao Defa thinks the fact of the peasants'lives reflects the living history and the transferring history of the views in one hundred years .

  22. 本论文以改革开放以来陆续出版的主要供教学参改用的新闻理论专著为研究对象,系统梳理了当代新闻思想观念发展史。

    This thesis has the journalism theoretical treatises , pressing after Reforming and Opening policy mainly for education as object of study which card the developing history of journalism ideology .

  23. 历史意识(包括历史真实观念和史传叙事模式)是理解中国古代叙事艺术发展何以滞后(与诗歌等抒情艺术相比)的重要参照系。

    Historical sense ( including real historical idea and historical narrative modes ) is an important reference framework to understand the reason why classic Chinese narrative art failed to develop as expected ( compared with poetry ) .

  24. 在中国古典曲论对史学意识有着多方面认同的语境中,戏、史等同的观念经过史曲观的激活与催化,形成了曲史观。

    The iden that drama and history are equal formed the idea of drama being history by activating and catalyzing the idea of history being drama in the same time that the theory of Chinese ancient historical dramas identified with historiography consciousness .

  25. 史学观念最终决定史撰的表现形态。

    Theoretical conception of history invariably determines what appearance historical writing wears .

  26. 自然法学发展史是一部人类权利观念的发展史。

    The development of natural law is the history of human right idea .

  27. 在正文中,笔者把自然法观念的发展史划分为四个阶段。

    In the following four chapters , the author divides the history of this conception into four parts .

  28. 中国传统词学发展史,从一定意义上说,就是尊词观念的流变史。

    In some sense , the history of traditional Chinese study of Ci is that of the changing beliefs of adimiringCi .

  29. 因此,一部商业电影发展史,也是营销观念的演变史。

    Thus , a history of the production of a commercial movie is definitely a history of the evolution of the notion of marketing .

  30. 实际上现代文学史甚至是当代文学史写作的很多方式方法都是沿着茅盾的思路走下来的,只是没有引起人们的注意。本文较详细地梳理了茅盾的文学史观念和文学史写作传统。

    In fact , in the eyes of the author , in contemporary and even modern literary histories , the writers all follow Mao Dun 's mode of writing .