
  • 网络scale variable;scoped variables
  1. 如果不考虑GDP等规模变量,股市收益率下降是导致平均货币需求增长的主要因素。

    If the scale variable such as GDP were not considered , the decreasing return of stock market is the dominant factor to explain the accelerating growth demand for money in the specified sample .

  2. 货币需求主要决定于微观经济主体的资产选择行为,主要受规模变量和机会成本变量的影响。

    Money demand is mainly determined by the portfolio selection of the economic agents in microeconomy and influenced by scale variable and opportunity cost variable .

  3. 引入规模变量的工作出行目的地复合选择肢logit模型

    Aggregate logit model for work destination choice containing size variables

  4. 本文在SCP分析范式的基础上增加了市场规模变量的影响,试图以一种更为全面的视角解释银行的市场行为。

    Therefore , this dissertation seeks to explain the banking market behavior from through variables of market scale based on the SCP analysis .

  5. 混合固定效应敏感依靠规模变量,浮点运算的问题。

    MIXED fixed effects sensitive to magnitude of dependent variable , floating point problems .

  6. 一般来说,货币需求函数包含两类变量:规模变量和机会成本变量。

    Generally , the money demand function involves two types of variables : scale variables and opportunity cost variables .

  7. 运用实证研究的方法,通过增加企业规模变量对资本成本与资本结构的关系进行了横截面分析。

    By the empirical research method , the cross section analysis was made on the correlation between the capital cost and the capital structure by adding enterprise scale variable .

  8. 货币需求函数稳定性指的是货币需求量与其影响因子(规模变量和机会成本变量)之间的稳定关系。

    The stability of money demand function means the stability of the relationship between the demand for money and its impact factor ( scale variable and opportunity costs variables ) .

  9. 最终报告数量通过了显著性检验,并对每股现金股利有显著正向影响,而信贷规模变量并没有通过显著性检验。

    Eventually , the number of reports by the test of significance , and cash dividends per share have significant positive effects on the credit scale variable and did not pass a significant test .

  10. 在控制了市场规模变量后,在各市值分组中都存在净股本发行效应,即有净股本回购的公司,其股票收益要高于有净股本发行的公司。

    After controlling the market cap , the net equity issuance effect is present in each group , that the stocks with net equity repurchasing have higher return than the stocks with net equity issuing .

  11. 其中高科技企业发展战略直接影响高科技企业的研发组织模式的选择,而其中的规模变量主要制约着企业抗研发失败风险能力与企业组织学习的路径选择。

    So this dissertation analyzes the internal and the external environmental variables , the enterprise developmental strategy directly influences the model choice , and the size variable mainly affects the risk bearing capacity , what is more , the organizational study path .

  12. 以人口规模作变量,运用城镇体系的异速生长模型和Zipf维数模型,分析了1984~2001年湖州市城镇体系时空结构的生长状态。

    This paper analyses the construction growth state of the urban system of Huzhou city from 1984 ~ 2001 by means of the allometry growth model and Zipf dimension index model .

  13. 另外本文将衍生品的运用规模作为变量纳入模型,研究其产生的财务效应。

    In addition , this paper takes the scale of derivatives used into the model to study the financial effect .

  14. 接着分析了人力资本影响农民收入的作用机理,并以农村人均受教育年限、农村人均医疗保健支出以及农村劳动力转移规模作为变量对农村人力资本与农民收入增长的关系进行定量的研究与分析。

    The next analysis and research on the rural per capita years of schooling , rural per capita health care spending and the size of the rural labor force as a variable for the relationship with the farmers ' income growth and quantitative .

  15. 生成最小规模BDD的变量排序称为最优变量排序。

    The ordering that leads a smallest size of BDD is the optimal variable ordering .

  16. 为了控制其他特征对银行治理绩效的影响,我们选取银行规模作为控制变量。

    In order to control other features of the governance performance of banks , we selected the bank size as control variables .

  17. 空间交会对接技术,是目前空间技术上一项最复杂、规模最大和变量参数最多的控制操作技术,也是空间控制的关键研究课题。

    As one of the most complex , largest and most variable parameters control technique , space rendezvous and docking technology is the key to space control study .

  18. 为了控制经营成本的差异归因于不同的银行规模,大小变量,洛加或总资产的记录,是包括在内。

    To control for the differences in operating costs attributed to varying bank size , a size variable , LOGA or the log of total assets , is included .

  19. 另外,主权财富基金风险资产配置比例与其基金绝对规模(控制变量)正相关。

    In addition , the proportion of SWFs ' holdings of risky assets has a positive correlation with the size of SWFs which is a control variable in the model .

  20. 并在控制了公司业绩,公司规模和行业变量的情况下,主要从对高管人员的监管和激励、行业壁垒和外部审计质量等几个方面考虑,建立多元线性回归。

    And set up multiple linear regressions with consideration on supervision and motivation on top management , trade barriers and exterior audit quality , under control over the performance of company , scale of company and variable industry .

  21. 本论文的实际意义在于提出了陕北主导产业开发的系统动力学模型,通过此模型的计算机仿真模拟,预测出产业开发中各子项目的开发规模及其相关变量的发展趋势。

    The actual meaning of this thesis lies in putting forward the system dynamics model of the leading industry in Shan-bei , and predicting the development scales of sub-project and trends of relevant variable of it through computer simulation .

  22. 实证发现,低于和高于独立董事规定数公司在股权结构、公司业绩、财务、盈利状况及其收益分配、公司规模等特征变量上存在显著性差异。

    The empirical research discovers that when the number is lower or higher than provided difference will exist in ownership of a share structure , company accomplishment , finance , earnings condition and its incomes assigning , company scale etc.

  23. 在研究过程中,本研究根据数据分析的结果修正原有理论假设,以企业规模为控制变量对样本进行剔除后展开二次分析,最终得到显著性明显的逻辑关系。

    In the course of the study , we amended the original theoretical assumptions according to the results of data analysis , removed some samples by using firm size as control variable , expanded the secondary analysis , and finally got the conclusion .

  24. 通过对性别、职位、受教育程度、企业性质和规模等统计变量的单因素方差分析,研究发现,人口统计变量在人力资源指数各维度上存在不同程度的差异。

    Through analysis of variance of the variable to sex , position , education , owned and scale of the enterprise they are working for , using ANOVA , and find : every antecedent variable had some significant effects on human resource index .

  25. 变量施肥技术经济分析表明,与传统施肥比较,变量施肥有更高的技术效率,更容易获得规模收益,变量施肥技术本身可以带来良好的经济效益和生态社会效益。

    The technical & economic analysis of variable-rate fertilization ( VRF ) shows that VRF has higher technical efficiency and is easier to get scale profit compared with traditional fertilization ( TF ), and can bring better economic benefits and eco-social benefit by itself .

  26. 由于工业过程涉及到很多复杂的物质、能量交换和物理化学变化,往往具备规模大、变量多,高度非线性、强耦合性与相关性等特征。

    The practical industries are always involved with complicated mass and energy exchanges and meanwhile accompanied with physical or chemical reactions . And the process systems usually have the features like large-scale , high dimension of variables , nonlinearity , strong coupling , and correlation .

  27. 企业的绩效管理在单位规模和单位性质变量上存在显著差异。

    There are remarkable differences on academic scale and academic nature variables in performance manage .

  28. 电除尘器本体结构优化设计是一个规模大,设计变量数多而具有相当难度的几何可调和拓扑可调优化设计问题。

    The optimal design of whole structure of electrostic precipitator is a adjustable optimal problem of geometry and topology , which has larger scale and many design variables .

  29. 在微观方面,分别以技术效率、纯技术效率、规模效率为因变量,对影响证券公司效率的微观特征进行多元回归分析。

    From micro aspect , the research on the influencing factors is conducted in multivariate regression model , while the DEA technical efficiency , pure technical efficiency , scale efficiency are referred sa dependent variable .

  30. 另一方面,短期负债比率与企业的盈利能力及股利支付率有更为显著的相关性,而长期负债比率则与企业规模及增长机会变量的相关性更为显著。

    On the other hand , the relationship between the short debt ratio and profitability , rate of dividend is more remarkable ; while the relationship between the long debt ratio and firm size , growth opportunity is more remarkable .