
  • 网络economy of scale;scale economies;Scale Economies Effect
  1. 宝易存在香港的主要竞争对手Spacebox的联合创始人斯图尔特张尼(StuartCerne)表示,随着人们外包私人物品储存,随着企业批量购买仓储空间,这种商业模式将形成规模经济效益。

    Stuart Cerne , who co-founded Boxful 's main Hong Kong rival Spacebox , says the business model will generate economies of scale as individuals outsource personal storage and the companies buy warehouse space in bulk .

  2. CCRIF是由加勒比地区拥有、运行和在该地区登记的基金。它标志着加勒比国家日益增长的希望通过合作来实现规模经济效益的决心。

    Owned , operated , and registered in the Caribbean Region , the CCRIF signals Caribbean countries ' growing commitment to work together to reap the benefits of economies of scale .

  3. 基于DEA模型的中国轿车企业规模经济效益评估

    Evaluation of Scale Economy Benefits of Chinese Car Enterprises Based on DEA Model

  4. 第四部分是对JY公司发展规模经济效益的理论依据的分析,从微观经济学成本理论分析说明JY公司发展规模经济是可行的;

    The fourth part analyzes the theoretic evidence of JY Company to form scale profits .

  5. 电信、电力、自来水、煤气和铁路运输等行业由于投资成本巨大,资产专用性强,投资回收期长,存在明显的规模经济效益,因此被称为自然垄断产业(NaturalMonopoly)。

    Industries like telecom , railway transportation and supply of power , water and gas distinctly benefit from their economy of scale , due to the immense investment cost , strong asset specificity and long investment payoff period . Therefore , they are called natural monopoly industries .

  6. 针对Ricardo提出的柔性供应链结构,赋予其新的涵义:在顾客订单分离点之前,采用模块化技术,以获得规模经济效益;

    Based on the flexible supply chain structure advanced by Ricardo , this paper renewed its meaning : before the Customer Order Decoupling Point ( CODP ) , modularization is taken to gain economy of scale ;

  7. 中国轿车企业规模经济效益实证分析

    Empirical Analysis of Chinese Car Enterprises ' scale Economy

  8. 我国石化投资项目规模经济效益分析

    Economy Analysis of Scale in Investing Petrochemical Projects

  9. 实现规模经济效益;

    Realize the economic benefits of the scale ;

  10. 论规模经济效益与提高我国企业竞争力

    On Returns to Economies of Scale and Improving the Competitive Power of China 's Enterprises

  11. 从历史观点上说来,规模经济效益往往只适用于大型商业建筑。

    Historically economies of scale have always been on the side of the large commercial building .

  12. 本文对建立中国-东盟自由贸易区后可预期的贸易效益、投资效益及规模经济效益进行了探讨。

    The author researches the trade benefit , investment benefit and scale economy benefit in this paper .

  13. 探讨企业发展规模经济效益,即企业在规模收益基础上实现预期经济效益的目标,有重要现实意义。

    Profits from scale for the enterprise means a relative advantage of the profit gained from expansion of production .

  14. 优化结果有助于保证企业取得规模经济效益,降低企业的投入成本,提高企业的竞争能力。

    The results obtained can help companies achieve economies of scale , lower their costs and ultimately enhance their competitiveness .

  15. 同居的好处显而易见:二人生活更省钱,从而带来规模经济效益;

    The benefits of cohabitation are obvious : It provides economies of scale as two can live more cheaply than one .

  16. 昂贵的劳动力和狭小的空间,迫使英国零售商从集约化食品制造方面寻求规模经济效益。

    Expensive labour and a shortage of space have encouraged British retailers to seek economies of scale from centralised food preparation .

  17. 社会及科技发展改变了公用企业的自然垄断性,次可加性成为分析规模经济效益的工具;

    The social and scientific development changed the natural monopoly of communal company and became the tool of analyzing dimensional economic benefit .

  18. 欧盟证券市场一体化程度不断加强,实现了规模经济效益和资源流动性的提高。

    The integration of the EU securities market has been strengthened to achieve economies of scale and the increasing in resource flows .

  19. 产业集聚能充分实现规模经济效益,并能以强大的溢出效应带动整个区域的发展。

    Industry cluster can effectively realize scale economic benefit , moreover it can drive the area economic development by strong Spillover Effect .

  20. 高频石英的产量目前尚未达致规模经济效益的最佳水平。

    The production volume of high-frequency quartz crystal display was yet to reach a level that reaps most benefit from economies of scale .

  21. 这促使零件制造商将他们的生产由海外直接转移到重庆从而实现规模经济效益。

    This is driving component makers to move their productions from overseas directly to Chongqing to realize the benefits of economy of scale .

  22. 重置成本法中第Ⅰ类经济性贬值的扣除问题&兼议规模经济效益指数的应用

    Deduction Question of the First Type Economic Depreciation in Depreciation Replacement Cost Method & Thoughts on the application of index on the scale economic benefits

  23. 它们的生产成本高昂,但再生产和销售的成本低廉,因而展现出强大的规模经济效益,并容易诱发供应过量。

    They are expensive to produce but cheap to reproduce and distribute , and therefore exhibit strong economies of scale with incentives to an over-supply .

  24. 近来,随着地下水一种质量通常较高的天然分布的具有规模经济效益的水源变得流行起来,集雨的受欢迎程度逐渐下降。

    Recently , its favour dwindled as groundwater & a generally high-qu a lity , naturally distributed source that offered economies of scale , became popular .

  25. 经过近20年的发展后,我国家族企业已基本完成了资本原始积累,开始陆续进入追求规模经济效益的成长阶段。

    After twenty years ' development , family enterprises in our country have finished capital accumulation and enter into the stage of pursuing economics of scale .

  26. 其带来的规模经济效益有着单一公司不可比拟的优势,极大地适应了企业发展的现实需要。

    The economies of scale it brings has unparalleled advantages than what a single enterprise does . It greatly adapted to the practical needs of enterprise development .

  27. 第二,发展具有规模经济效益的企业集团,提高我国企业的核心竞争力。

    Second , developing the business consortiums which are full of economic returns of economies of scale and enhancing the core competitiveness of enterprises in our country ;

  28. 相对的,中国也需要畅通无阻的进入世界市场以维持它在出口业取得的规模经济效益。

    While such an interlocking enable China to participate in the global flows it in turn subject the Chinese economy to the unpredictable currents of the global flows .

  29. 为了降低单位运输成本,实现集装箱运输的规模经济效益,航运企业纷纷建造了大型集装箱船舶。

    In order to reduce the unit cost of transportation , to achieve economies of scale in container shipping , shipping companies began to built larger container ships .

  30. 从公司收购的目的来看,敌意收购的目的并不仅仅是为了企业间的联合以达到增强企业的竞争地位,取得规模经济效益;

    The aim of hostile takeover is not only going to strengthen its status in market , but also going to attain more profits through selling the target company ;