
jiě shì xué
  • hermeneutic
  1. 解释学循环是解释学的重要内容之一。

    Hermeneutic circle is one of the important contents of hermeneutics .

  2. 建构中国当代文学解释学的有益探索

    A Creative Research of Constructing the Chinese Contemporary Literature Hermeneutic

  3. 解释学作为一种批评话语一直强调其语言学范式。

    As a critical discourse , hermeneutics has involved a linguistic paradigm .

  4. 无论在传统解释学还是经历了存在论转变的哲学解释学思想中,语言、文本(Text)、理解和解释都是基础性的概念范畴,它们之间的理论关联建构起解释学思想的大厦。

    As basic concepts in traditional hermeneutics or philosophical hermeneutics that involves ontological change , language , text , understanding and interpretation construct the edifice of hermeneutic thought through their theoretical correlations .

  5. SDA定义的但在其他系教授的课程,如现代哲学和哲学解释学。

    Courses defined by SDA but taught by other departments , e.g.Postmodern and Hermeneutic philosophy .

  6. 本论文尝试运用了现代西方现象学与解释学理论的视界融合(Horizintverschmelzung)观点来解释社会现象,尽力做到历史的真实和历史理解的真实的统一。

    The literary theory of phenomenology and hermeneutics , especially the viewpoint of " horizintverschmelzung " is applied in the thesis to explain some social phenomena in order to combine the real history with the real historical understanding .

  7. 理解与语言:存在论生存论分析的意义与困难&哲学解释学语言观反思

    Understanding and Language : the Meaning and Difficulty of Existential Analysis

  8. 解释学视野中的英语阅读理解教学

    A Study of English Reading Teaching from the View of Hermeneutics

  9. 解释学视角下的女性主义译论及其局限性

    Feminist Translation Theory and its Limitations in the Perspective of Hermeneutics

  10. 解释学视域中科学主义的理论与实践

    The Theory and Practice of Scientism in the Horizon of Hermeneutics

  11. 论当代解释学对知性文化的反思

    Present Age 's Hermeneutics ' Reflection on the Understanding - Culture

  12. 常州词派与近代词学中的解释学思想

    Hermeneutics of Changzhou School of Ci and the Modern Theory of Ci

  13. 庄子语言思想中的现代哲学解释学意义

    Hermeneutical Significance of Contemporary Philosophy in Zhuang Zi 's Thoughts on Language

  14. 分析学还是解释学&法律论证之知识属性辨析

    Analytics or Hermeneutics Differentiate and Analyze the Knowledge Attribute of Legal Argumentation

  15. 从某种意义上说,马克思哲学就是一种解释学哲学理论。

    In a certain sense , Marxist Philosophy is hermeneutic .

  16. 阅读教学哲学解释学理念的构建

    Introducing the notion of philosophical explanation science into Reading Teaching

  17. 拉卡托斯科学编史学研究纲领与认识论解释学

    Lakatos ' Research Programs of the Historiography of Science and Epistemological Hermeneutics

  18. 试论解释学文本观对新闻传播的启示

    A Revelation about the Text of Hermeneutics towards News Communication

  19. 哲学解释学视野下的法律解释分析

    Analysis on Law Interpretation under the Perspective of Philosophic Hermeneutics

  20. 法律解释、哈耶克的知识论与哲学解释学

    Legal Interpretation , Hayek 's Knowledge Theory and Hermeneutic Philosophy

  21. 胡适范式的解释学意义与效应

    Hermeneutic Meanings and Effects of HU Shih 's Academic Paradigm

  22. 而且,研究解释学对研究文学是起基础性作用的。

    Furthermore , the study of hermeneutics is fundamental to literary research .

  23. 第三,陆九渊的本体论解释学具有显著的实践伦理学的特征。

    Third , Lu Jiu-yuan philosophy has obvious characteristic of practice ethics .

  24. 中国古典园林创作的解释学传统

    The Tradition of Hermeneutics in the Chinese Ancient Gardens Design

  25. 论清代诗歌解释学的成就和歧误

    On Achievements and Failures of the Annotation of Qing Poetry

  26. 课堂教学如何让课本言说&解释学视角

    On Making Text Talk in Classroom & From the Perspective of Hermeneutics

  27. 解释学是研究理解和解释的科学。迦达默尔将解释学发展为哲学解释学和实践哲学,他认为理解是人存在的基本方式。

    Hermeneutics is the science of researching comprehension and interpretation .

  28. 理解是在不断的“解释学循环”中得以实现的。

    Pre-understanding , language , distance , hermeneutics cycle make understanding be possible .

  29. 解释学循环是解释学的核心问题。

    Hermeneutic circle is a central thesis of hermeneutics .

  30. 恐怖电影与审美:一种解释学的阐述

    Horror Movies and Aesthetics & An explanation in Hermeneutics