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  • seat in legislative assembly;seat in a legislative assembly
议席 [yì xí]
  • [seat in a legislative assembly] 议会中议员的席位

议席[yì xí]
  1. 在上次选举中保守党从工党手中夺得了这个议席。

    The Conservatives won the seat from Labour in the last election .

  2. 极端的例子是波兰,共有29个政党拥有议席。

    The extreme case was Poland , where 29 parties won seats

  3. 有80多个党派在竞争两院的议席。

    More than 80 parties are contesting seats in the two-chamber parliament

  4. 选民正在为美国参议院议席和52个众议院议席挑选候选人。

    Voters are selecting candidates for both US Senate seats and for 52 congressional seats

  5. 根据人口统计数据重新分配了国会议席。

    Congressional seats are reapportioned based on census data .

  6. 大会的15个议席只有很少的190选民参加。

    The assembly 's 15 seats have electorates as small as 190 .

  7. 日本长期执政的自民党(LDP)要员们最近全力以赴展开竞选活动,以保住其一度稳坐的国会议席。一项民意调查显示,该党将在星期天的大选中遭遇惨败。

    Heavyweight members of Japan 's long-ruling Liberal Democratic party campaigned furiously to save their once-safe seats yesterday as an opinion poll suggested the party was heading for a dramatic defeat in Sunday 's general election .

  8. 省议会的议员直接投票选举少量重要的上议院议席(Eerste肯曼,或者下议院)。

    The members of the provincial parliaments vote ( indirectly ) for the less important Senate ( Eerste Kamer , or First Chamber ) .

  9. 穆沙拉夫的党派名列第三,获得38个议席。

    Mr. Musharraf 's party is in third with 38 seats .

  10. 他们决心从工党手里重新夺得这个议席。

    They were determined to win the seat back from Labor .

  11. 巴基斯坦国民议会选举最后的结果还没有公布。国民议会一共有268个议席。

    Final results in the national assembly election are still not in .

  12. 分析家们预计,民主党人可能会再增加20个到35个之间的众议院议席。

    Analysts predict Democrats could win between 20 and 35 additional seats .

  13. 直选议席的比例维持在百分之五十。

    The proportion of directly elected seats would remain at50 per cent .

  14. 这是联合国会议厅中国代表议席。

    This is the desk for the representative of China .

  15. 但总的来说,没有嘉宾认为需要减少议席。

    Overall speaking , no participant suggested reducing the number of seats .

  16. 他很有可能不去竞选这一议席。

    It is more than possible that he will not contest the seat .

  17. 在失去议席的人之中包括新加坡外交部长杨荣文。

    Among those who lost their seats is Singapore 's Foreign Minister George Yeo .

  18. 12名议员辞去议席。

    Twelve members of Parliament resigned their seats .

  19. 立法会将有六十个议席,全部由直接或间接选举产生。

    There will be 60 members to the Legislature , all elected directly or indirectly .

  20. 保守党在上次议会选举中从工党手里夺得这个议席。

    The Conservatives won the seat ie in Parliament from labour at the last election .

  21. 他要凭借共和党在参众两院获得的多数议席与国会合作。

    He must work with Congress through the Republican majorities in the House and Senate .

  22. 1831年,美国前总统约翰·昆西·亚当斯在众议院获得其议席。

    Former US President John Quincy Adams takes his seat in the House of Representatives .

  23. 届时,所有成年居民都有权投票,选出二十个直选议席。

    Every adult permanent resident will have the right to vote for the 20 directly-elected seats .

  24. 但是,波罗申科阵营可能无法得到多数议席。

    However , the Poroshenko bloc is positioned to fall well short of an outright majority .

  25. 香港特别行政区分为五个地方选区,每个选区有四至六个议席。

    The HKSAR is divided into five geographical constituencies , each having four to six seats .

  26. 但是,一个好的买方的经纪人带来了更多的议席超过物品;

    But , a good buyer 's agent brings a lot more to the table than listings ;

  27. 功能团体所选出的议席数目,大家并没有特别的结论。

    Participants could not come to a conclusion on the number of seats returned by functional constituencies .

  28. 得薄弱。”参议员批准一项条约要求100个议席中至少有67票赞成。目前,民主党在参议院仍然占有多数席位。

    Senate ratification requires 67 votes in the 100 seat chamber where Democrats still hold a majority .

  29. 上议院有39个议席。

    The Senate has39 members .

  30. 在2008年选举中,这个反对派联盟从国民阵线联盟手中夺得的议席之多前所未有。

    The opposition alliance took an unprecedented number of seats from the National Front during 2008 polls .