
  • 网络Securities Proprietary Business
  1. 情节严重的,暂停或者撤销证券自营业务许可。

    Under any serious circumstances , the business license of securities self-operation shall be suspended or revoked .

  2. 分公司经授权经营证券自营业务或者证券资产管理业务的,不得经营其他业务。

    A branch that has been authorized to engage in securities business for the account of the securities company or securities asset management business may not engage in other businesses .

  3. 证券公司自营业务风险控制是帮助并确保证券公司自营业务风险应对措施得以实施的程序。

    Risk control of the securities companies ' proprietary trading is procedure to help and guarantee implementation about risk counter measures of securities companies ' proprietary trading .

  4. 第一百三十四条证券公司自营业务必须以自己的名义进行,不得假借他人名义或者以个人名义进行。

    Article 134 . Securities companies ' proprietary business shall be conducted in the names of the securities companies themselves and not in other 's names or in the names of individuals .

  5. 证券公司的自营业务必须使用自有资金和依法筹集的资金。

    Securities companies shall use their own funds or funds raised in accordance with the law when operating proprietary business .

  6. 另外,融资融券业务也给试点证券公司的自营业务产生了深刻影响,还会加剧证券行业竞争,造成行业分化。

    Moreover , margin trading business can also lead to profound effect to self-service business of those security companies involved in the pilot and increase competition between security companies and cause industry division .

  7. 本文从证券公司股指期货自营业务实务出发,说明根据不同操作目的采用的不同的会计处理方法。

    Furthermore , this thesis described applying dedicated accounting processes in accordance with distinctive operation purposes based on practical securities company stock index stock self running cases .

  8. 另一类是综合类证券公司,业务范围包括证券发行承销、证券经纪、证券自营和其他业务。

    The other is called synthetic securities company , which can involve in securities issue and underwriting , securities brokerage , securities self-run and other businesses .

  9. 证券公司承担企业上市推荐、证券发行、证券交易代理、证券自营投资等多项业务,是资本市场当中的最重要的中介之一。

    Securities Firms is an important intermediary in capital market , because of undertaking many operations , such as go public recommendation , public offering , Stock Exchange agency , self-support business .