
  1. 和PCAOB签署的谅解备忘录减轻了中方和SEC谈判的压力。

    The PCAOB Mou took the heat off of China to negotiate with the sec .

  2. 韩国媒体报道称,随着国际社会要求朝鲜参与谈判的压力日益加大,平壤方面已邀请美国朝鲜问题特使斯蒂芬博斯沃思(stephenbosworth)出席有关其核项目的谈判。

    Under increasing pressure to bargain with the international community , Pyongyang has invited Stephen Bosworth , the US Special Representative for North Korea , to attend talks on its nuclear programme , according to South Korean media .

  3. 引入权力因素导致科斯定理不再成立:在交易成本为零时,权力的不可转让性消除了趋向最优谈判的压力;而有限承诺加大了谈判结果偏离帕累托最优效率的程度。

    Taking the power into account makes the Coase Theorem not hold : the untransferable power eliminates the pressure to the optimal bargaining when the transaction cost is zero , and the limited commitment enhances the degree to which the result deviates from the Pareto optimal efficiency .

  4. 面对WTO多哈回合农业谈判的内外压力,欧盟出台了新的共同农业政策(简称CAP),美国于2002年出台了新农业法(简称FSRIA)。

    Under the inside and outside pressures of agriculture negotiations in WTO Doha Round , European Union appeared the new Common Agricultural Policy ( CAP ), United States appeared the new agricultural law & The Farm Security and Rural Investment Act in 2002 ( FSRIA ) .

  5. 杰富瑞(JefferiesLLC)的拉美策略负责人莫登(SiobhanMorden)表示,如果私营部门愿意承担部分债务,这显然加大了阿根廷政府通过谈判达成协议的压力。

    ' This certainly puts pressure on the Argentine government to negotiate a deal if the private sector is willing to take some of the liability , ' said Siobhan Morden , head of Latin America strategy at Jefferies LLC.