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móu shì
  • counsellor;adviser;engineer
谋士 [móu shì]
  • (1) [engineer]∶运用巧妙的或狡猾的计策而完成某一事业或得到某一结果的人

  • (2) [adviser]∶有智谋的人

谋士[móu shì]
  1. 他想成为国王有力的谋士,但却默默无闻的死去。

    He wanted to be a powerful adviser to kings , but he died an unknown .

  2. 诸葛亮(181~234),刘备著名的谋士,蜀汉王朝的创建人。

    Zhuge Liang ( 181 ~ 234 ) , celebrated adviser to Liu Bei , founder of the Shu Han Dynasty .

  3. 这位谋士有经天纬地之才。

    This idea man possesses great ability .

  4. 孟尝君是齐国有名的谋士。

    Meng Chang Jun was a famous counsellor of the State of Qi .

  5. 十五世纪,当债务缠身的英国国王亨利六世(HenryVI)奋力拯救英格兰时,他的谋士们认为,炼金术(把铅变成黄金)可能是一个解决办法。

    When the indebted King Henry VI was struggling to hold England together in the 15th century , his advisers thought alchemy – turning lead into gold – might be a solution .

  6. 你的法度,是我所喜乐的,是我的谋士。

    Your statutes are my delight ; they are my counselors .

  7. 伯12:17他把谋士剥衣掳去、使审判官变成愚人。

    He makes counselors walk barefoot And makes fools of judges .

  8. 他的周围聚集了一帮谋士。

    He gathered a small core of advisers around him .

  9. 你的法令是我的喜乐,是我的谋士。

    Your decrees are my delight and my counselors .

  10. 谋士多,保安全。

    In the multitude of counsellors there is safety .

  11. 他的妻子和谋士真是一语中的(13节)。

    His wife and his advisers spoke better than they knew ( v.13 ) .

  12. 不先商议,所谋无效;谋士众多,所谋乃成。

    Plans fail for lack of counsel , but with many advisers they succeed .

  13. 和地上为自己重造荒邱的君王,谋士。

    With kings and counsellors of the earth , which built desolate places for themselves ;

  14. 这个消息传到梁国后,惠子的谋士们大为紧张。

    The news spread rapidly in the state . Huizi 's lieutenants felt very uneasy .

  15. 亚希多弗也作王的谋士。

    Ahithophel was the king 's counselor .

  16. 只有少数的军事指挥官和谋士曾经达到这一严格的认证。

    Only a handful of military commanders and tacticians have ever achieved this rigorous certification .

  17. 大流士为他的谋士的提议而感到高兴。

    Darius was flattered by his advisers'suggestion .

  18. 谋士众多,所谋乃成。

    But with many advisers they succeed .

  19. 谁曾测度耶和华的心(或作谁曾指示耶和华的灵),或作他的谋士指教他呢。

    Who has understood the mind of the LORD , or instructed him as his counselor ?

  20. 上周末,新西兰队撤掉了队里的谋士汉密什?佩珀,另雇了一名法国人取代他。

    Late last week , Team New Zealand dumped its tactician Hamish pepper and hired a frenchman .

  21. 女皇受到邪恶谋士的影响,变得越来越不得人心。

    The empress had fallen under the influence of evil advisers , and was becoming increasingly unpopular .

  22. 大流士对那些密谋反对但以理的谋士们非常生气,派人去召他们来。

    Darius was very angry with his advisers who had plotted against Daniel , and sent for them .

  23. 谁曾测度耶和华的心,或作他的谋士指教他呢?

    By whom has the spirit of the Lord been guided , or who has been his teacher ?

  24. 大卫的叔叔约拿单作谋士。这人有智慧,又作书记。

    Jonathan , David 's uncle , was a counselor , a man of insight and a scribe .

  25. 五十夫长,和尊贵人。谋士,和有巧艺的,以及妙行法术的。

    3 the captain of fifty and man of rank , the counselor , skilled craftsman and clever enchanter .

  26. 当国王的其他谋士看到大流士如此地喜欢但以理,他们开始生气和妒忌。

    When the King 's other advisers saw how much Darius liked Daniel , they became angry and jealous .

  27. 因为作战须有智谋,胜利在于谋士众多。

    Because war is managed by due ordering : and there shall be safety where there are many counsels .

  28. 无智谋,民就败落。谋士多,人便安居。

    Where no counsel is , the people fall : but in the multitude of counsellors there is safety .

  29. 该模式所塑造的小说人物可大致分为三种类型,即领袖型、武将型和谋士型。

    This mode can be divided into three types : leader type , general type , and counselor type .

  30. 谋士说:照收不误,起个日本名儿,叫物业费!

    Advisers said : It collects no mistake , children from a Japanese name , name of property charges !