
cái wù yù suàn
  • financial budget
  1. 高校财务预算管理研究

    A Study of Management of Financial Budget in Colleges and Universities

  2. 新形势下加强企业财务预算的见解

    The View on Strengthening Financial Budget in Enterprise under New Situation

  3. 2.Financialforecast财务预算A:你能给我们看看下个季度的财政预算吗?

    A : Could you show the financial forecast for the next quarter ?

  4. 近十年间,有些外国企业已放弃使用以传统的财务预算来管理企业,兴起了一套以没有预算为基础的管理方法[BeyondBudgeting超越预算管理]来管理企业,并获得到良好的效果。

    In recent years , some foreign country companies have already dispensed traditional budgeting as an instrument for corporate management . Instead , a new set of budgeting model ( Beyond Budgeting ) has been established , which has gained good results .

  5. 切实加强和改善高校财务预算管理

    Strengthen and improve the financial budget management in Colleges and Universities

  6. 指定公司的年度财务预算方案、决算方案;

    To prepare annual financial budget plan and final accounts plan ;

  7. 试论企业推行财务预算管理

    Comment on Carrying out the Financial Budget Management in the Corporation

  8. 数字化校园环境下高校财务预算管理

    Financial budget management of universities in the context of digitalized campus

  9. 我想我的财务预算没问题。

    I 'm sure I can manage my budget very well .

  10. 哈尔滨银行财务预算信息系统分析与设计

    Analysis and Design of Financial Budget Information System of Harbin Bank

  11. 产品寿命周期与财务预算模式的确定

    The confirmation of product 's lifespan period and of financial budget mode

  12. 批准年度财务预算,财务报告和会计报表;

    Ratifying fiscal budget , fiscal report and accounting statement ;

  13. 加强财务预算管理促进高职院校健康发展

    Improving Financial Budget Management and Promoting Higher Vocational Colleges Development

  14. 职位描述:财务预算、核算、决算管理。

    Position description : financial budget and final accounts management .

  15. 我校财务预算管理的实践与思考

    Practice and Thought of Finance Budget Management in Our College

  16. 组织制定财务预算并跟踪执行情况。

    Prepares financial forecasting and budgeting , and follow up the execution .

  17. 是否传统的财务预算管理已不合宜?

    Does " traditional " financial budgeting already out dated ?

  18. 对于商业银行来说,财务预算管理同样至关重要。

    For commercial banks , financial budget management is also very important .

  19. 企业财务预算控制模式研究

    The Research on Enterprises ' Financial Budgetary Control Mode

  20. 对高校财务预算管理中若干问题的思考

    Reflections on several problems of the financial budget management of colleges and universities

  21. 论如何加强企业财务预算的管理和控制

    Discussion How to Strengthen the Management and Control of Enterprise 's Financial Budget

  22. 浅谈企业财务预算的编制

    Talking about the Compilation of Enterprise 's Financial Budget

  23. 企业全面预算主要包括业务预算和财务预算。

    The overall budget of enterprise mainly includes business budget and financial budget .

  24. 加强高校财务预算管理;

    2 , to strengthen the financial accounting management ;

  25. 如何做好关闭破产煤炭企业的财务预算管理

    How to achieve a budget management for shut-down and bankrupt coal mine companies

  26. 浅论高校财务预算管理存在的问题及对策

    Problems in the Administration of Financial Budget in Colleges and Universities and Their Solutions

  27. 企业财务预算编制博弈分析

    The Game Analysis of Corporate Financial Budget Generation

  28. 谈企业集团的财务预算控制

    Discussing on Financial Budget Controlling in Enterprise Group

  29. 基于局域网环境的财务预算管理系统设计研究

    On the Design of the Supervisory System of Financial Budgeting under Local Area Network

  30. 浅谈如何实施全面财务预算管理

    On how to implement full financial budget management