
  • 网络responsibility
  1. 责任方式包括财产责任和非财产责任两种方式。

    Responsibility way universal property responsibility and non-property responsibility two ways .

  2. 错案之错因与责任方式分析&基于法律逻辑学的视角

    The Cause and the Responsibility of Misjudged Cases & On the Angle of Legal Logics

  3. 此外,还论述衡平法上的两种责任方式:撤销交易和禁令。

    And it also demonstrates the equitable relief : rescission and injunction .

  4. 文章论述了其民事责任方式以及损害赔偿的确定。

    The part mainly discusses the determination of its civil liability and compensation for damages .

  5. 在采用法律制裁的责任方式的同时,也需要采用功利补偿的方式。

    When we adopt the legal sanction , we need adopt the manner of interested compensation .

  6. 它是一种与补偿性赔偿、精神损害赔偿不同的承担责任方式。

    It is a kind of bearing responsibility different from compensating indemnity and spiritual hurt indemnity .

  7. 共有基金的管理人可以通过使用社会责任方式来选择他们将要购买什么证券。

    Mutual fund supervisors can use socially responsible methods to choose which investments they will buy .

  8. 专利间接侵权的法律责任方式主要是停止侵权和损害赔偿。

    The major method of taking the law responsibility of the patent indirect infringement is stop the infringement and indemnity .

  9. 侵害人格权商品化的责任方式,应以财产损害赔偿为主,兼采其他责任方式。

    Responsibility for infringing the commercialization of personality rights should mainly be compensation for property damage , along with other responsibility ways .

  10. 本论文共涉及四部分,即环境侵权的概念与特征、环境侵权的归责原则、环境侵权的构成要件和环境侵权的民事责任方式。

    There are 4 parts in this article , they are the introduction tort , the criterion of liability , and environmental liability .

  11. 按社会活动领域和法律调整宗旨的标准划分法律部门,责任方式并非划分法律部门的绝对标准。

    In light of the legal department classification of social activities and legal regulation , form of responsibility is not the absolute standard of classification .

  12. 但与台湾法相比,我国大陆法中的侵权责任方式有很大的不同,除台湾法中的损害赔偿外尚有大量的非财产责任。

    C * But comparing to Taiwan 's civil law , there are a lot of modes of liability for tort except damages in the mainland civil law .

  13. 主要有:增加赔礼道歉责任方式;扩大损害赔偿范围;进一步完善精神损害赔偿的规定及明确排除危害的适用前提。

    Including : ways to increase the responsibility apology ; expand the scope of compensating for the losses ; further improve the compensating for mental damage and definite the premise of eliminating danger .

  14. 从民事责任方式、归责原则和有关过错责任人的赔偿范围等方面,分析了物上担保合同无效的民事责任问题;

    The civil responsibility for invalidation of a guarantee contract in res is analyzed in the aspect of the forms , the principle and the limits of civil responsibility undertaken by the parties ;

  15. 这些因素在一起就促成了我国民事立法在侵权责任方式方面,特别重视综合与归纳,似乎只有明确足够多的侵权责任形式才是对权利的真正重视。

    These factors together cause the especial attention on synthesis and induction of the forms of tort liability in civil legislation . It seems that enough forms of tort liability can really attach importance to rights .

  16. 赔礼道歉在实行过程中具有人身性和惩罚性,更不应该成为私法中的责任方式。

    For apology is personal and punitive , it should not be a civil liability form . We have to clearly see that it is not more tort liability forms , better the relief of tort damage .

  17. 三方一致认为,外国军队从阿富汗撤军应以负责任方式有序推进,防止阿富汗安全局势恶化,避免恐怖势力回潮。

    The three sides agreed that the withdrawal of foreign troops from Afghanistan should be in a responsible and orderly manner to prevent the deterioration of the security situation in Afghanistan and the return of terrorist forces .

  18. 文章对企业承担社会责任方式的层级分类,对公共关系中社会责任含义的理解以及对公共关系与社会责任内在关联性的考查等以前都少有人关注。

    There are several people paying attention in the past to the classification of the corporate social responsibility , to the definition of social responsibility in public relations and to the inherent relationship between public relations and social responsibility .

  19. 在实践中还存在一些问题,如当事人盲目追求高额赔偿,任意扩大请求范围,追求金钱赔偿而忽视其他责任方式等,还有司法上不平衡的问题。

    In practice , there are some problems , such as the party pursuing high compensation blindly , randomly expanding appeal extension , unilaterally pursuing money compensation but ignoring other duty manner , and the lopsided problem in judicatory .

  20. 但两种责任方式也都有其不足之处,通过对两种责任方式的比较发现侵权法责任方式更为适合我国国情,能够更好的维护夫妻关系的和谐与稳定。

    But the two methods also have their responsibility for shortcomings , by means of the comparison between the two responsibilities tort liability method is more suitable for China , to better maintain the harmony and stability of marital relations .

  21. 继续履行、解除合同、惩罚性赔偿是商品房买卖中经营者违约时常用的责任方式,该部分对这三种责任方式分别加以阐述,以期实现经营者违约时消费者权利的救济。

    Continue to perform , remove contract , punitive compensation is in breach of commodity house business operators often used liability mode , this part of these three kinds of liability mode respectively , in order to realize operator expatiates default consumer right remedy .

  22. 然后,通过分析消费者保护法的立法背景、立法目的,调整方式、责任方式、归责原则等问题,可以得出结论,即消费者保护法具有自己鲜明的经济法属性,是经济法的重要子法。

    Then , by analyzing the background , doctrine , way of adjust and legal liability of consumer protection law , we can come to a conclusion that this law have unambiguous character of economic law ; it is the important part of economic law .

  23. 我国刑法迷信刑罚的威慑作用、重视刑罚功能的观念依然严重,实现刑事责任方式过分依赖刑罚的适用。

    In our country , the criminal law emphasizes on the deterrent very seriously , and the attention to the concept of function of penalty is very popular . When the realization of criminal responsibility , the judiciaries also over-reliance on the application of penalties .

  24. 分析了物权请求权的性质是救济权,物权请求权制度的优点,着重阐述了对物权保护的方式采用民事责任方式,而非在民法典中设立物权请求权。

    The thesis analyses that the nature of Claims in Rem is Rights of Relief and the advantageous of Claims in Rem , emphasizes that protecting the Real Rights should adopt the Civil Liability but not to set up Claims in Rem in the Civil Code .

  25. 司法实践中,违约金必须与其他违约责任方式多管齐下,合理的充分的发挥多种补救方式的效能,提供对债权人利益、交易安全的全方位保障和维护。

    Judicial practice , to be liquidated damages and other liability for breach of a multi-pronged approach , a reasonable full play to the performance of a variety of remedies , the interests of creditors , the transaction to be a full range of security and safety maintenance .

  26. 它作为一种在侵权方面相对独立的赔偿责任方式,有其特别的意义,在第三人侵权时,安全保障义务人可以适用补充责任取代连带责任、按份责任和不真正连带责任。

    It as a kind of infringement relatively independent of the liability for compensation mode , has its special meaning , in the third person tort , security agent can apply additional liability , according to replace joint and several liability part of responsibility and not really joint liability .

  27. 物权请求权与损害赔偿请求权在目的与功能、权利基础、损害的要求、归责原则、责任方式以及是否适用诉讼时效等方面存在着明显的不同;

    The claim rights from the rights of thing and the rights of action for the recovery of damages are different in aims and functions , basis of right , the claim for damages , principles of blaming , duty forms and whether they are applicable to the litigious time-efficiency .

  28. 第一百三十四条承担民事责任的方式主要有:

    Article 134 The main methods of bearing civil liability shall be :

  29. 我猜想WebAPI终将更加REST化,而我们也会习惯用负责任的方式打开我们的数据。

    I imagine that Web APIs will become more RESTful over time , and that we will habitually open up our data in a responsible manner .

  30. 我们不反对学生使用Facebook等网站,只要他们采取负责任的方式,一位发言人表示。

    We have no objection to students using sites such as Facebook as long as they do so in a responsible manner , a spokeswoman said .