
  • 网络monetary hegemony
  1. 经济实力是支撑货币霸权的根本因素。

    The economic strength is the ultimate factor for currency hegemony .

  2. 货币霸权是国际货币关系发展的产物。

    Currency hegemony is the result of the development of international monetary relations .

  3. 货币霸权的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis on Currency Hegemony

  4. 从这个意义来看,欧元的前景依然不明朗,取代美元的国际货币体系霸权地位仍是一个遥远的梦。

    By this means , the vision of Euro is not so clear , and its replacement of US dollar is still an unrealistic dream .

  5. 在各国货币地位的起伏与货币霸权的更迭中,国际货币体系也经历了几次更替:从国际金本位制到国际金汇兑本位制,从布雷顿森林体系到牙买加体系。

    During the changes of international monetary position and currency hegemony , International Monetary System experienced several alternations as well , which is from International Gold Standard to Gold Exchange Standard and from Bretton Woods System to Jamaican System .