
  • 网络purchase service
  1. 当然,苹果也许还会将iTunes的电影租赁和购买服务也补充到苹果电视中。

    Apple could also supplement this with its iTunes movie rental and purchase service directly on the television .

  2. 笔者认为,以YG为代表的政府购买服务模式只是一种过渡形态。

    The author thinks that the government represented by YG purchase service mode is a kind of transitional form .

  3. 这一合成要素通过它的购买服务端口提供Purchasing接口。

    This component provides the Purchasing interface through its purchasing service port .

  4. 使用这些链接可能需要使用特定的注册身份和密码(在从IBM购买服务合同后将会收到这些信息)。

    Using these links might require special registration and a password that you would have received after purchasing a services contract from IBM .

  5. 其APP是在愿意提供服务的司机和愿意购买服务的乘客之间牵线搭桥的手段,以最低成本提供了无缝服务。

    Its app is the means for connecting willing drivers and willing passengers , delivering a seamless service at the lowest cost .

  6. 在它部署之后,其他的服务消费者可以绑定至Manufacturer参与者的购买服务并激发服务操作。

    After it is deployed , other service consumers can bind to the purchasing service of the Manufacturer participant and invoke the service operation .

  7. OrderProcessor服务提供者通过它的购买服务端口提供了一个简单的服务规范Purchasing。

    The OrderProcessor service provider provides a single service specification , Purchasing , through its purchasing service port .

  8. 我们将创建一个OrderProcessor合成要素,为处理定购单提供一个购买服务。

    We will be creating an OrderProcessor component that provides a purchasing service to process purchase orders .

  9. OrderProcessor是提供购买服务,并为结账、日程安排和传递使用服务。

    OrderProcessor is another participant that provides a purchasing service and uses services for invoicing , scheduling , and shipping .

  10. OrderProcessor服务提供者提供了购买服务,并具有对货品计价、时间表和货运服务的请求。

    The OrderProcessor service provider provides the purchasing service , and has requisitions for invoicing , scheduling , and shipping services .

  11. Alistair给出的一个例子是网上的股票购买服务,其中,购买者使用与股票代理的网站协同工作的个人金融应用程序来购买股票。

    One example Alistair gives is Buy Stocks over the Web , where a purchaser uses a personal finance application that works with a stock broker 's Web site to purchase stock .

  12. 近几年来,民间社工服务机构飞速发展,以济南J机构为例,这些民间机构部分是通过政府购买服务的方式,依托社区开展的一种新型社会服务。

    Rapid development in recent years , the folk social work service agencies , in Jinan J institutions , for example , some of these folk agencies are through the way of government purchase services , relying on the community to carry out a new type of social services .

  13. 这不仅包括使用手机或平板电脑完成的网上购物,还包括通过应用购买服务,如Uber和Lyft的打车服务、Postmates和SeamlessGrubHub的食物和商品快递等等。

    The category includes not only e-commerce purchases made with mobile phones or tablets , but also purchases of services like rides through apps like Uber and Lyft , deliveries of food and merchandise through apps like Postmates and Seamless GrubHub , and others .

  14. 对电信企业来说,消费者实际是在购买服务。

    In other words , the consumer is purchasing the service .

  15. 政府购买服务是公共服务供给的一种新型路径选择。

    Government purchasing service is a new path of public service supply .

  16. 我们花很多钱去购买服务专业人士从水管工律师。

    We pay big money for service professionals from plumbers to lawyers .

  17. 我们提供经销商的能力,以折扣价购买服务。

    We offer resellers the ability to purchase services at a discount .

  18. 他们从你这里购买服务或商品的频率怎样?

    How often they bought your service or product ?

  19. 顾客不仅购买服务,也经常参与服务的设计和传递。

    Customer service , also often only purchase in the design and service .

  20. 政府购买服务模式。

    United States . United Nations 3 . The government purchases the units .

  21. 在处理这个问题的时候,很多开发者都向云服务提供商购买服务。

    Many developers are going to cloud providers to help with these scalability issues .

  22. 另一个转变就是云,以及人们开始以购买服务的形式购买产品。

    The other transition is the cloud and people buying things as a service .

  23. 现行的制裁条款只允许美国人从私营部门购买服务;

    Under current sanctions , Americans are permitted to buy services only from the private sector ;

  24. 第二部分为政府购买服务的溯源、内涵和理论根据。

    The second part is the source , connotation and theory basis of purchase of services .

  25. 政府购买服务模式。第三部分:构建与发展我国政府公关。

    The government purchases the units .

  26. 最令人感到不快的是,航空公司往往故弄玄虚,让掏钱购买服务的乘客们一头雾水。

    Most unpleasant of all is how airlines obfuscate what , exactly , their customers are purchasing .

  27. 我们为您提供高品质的硒鼓,墨盒,鼓墨盒的产品和良好的购买服务。

    We provide you with high quality Toner Cartridge , Drum Cartridge products and excellent buy services .

  28. 缴纳增值税的企业购买服务时所支付的价款中其实已经包含了相应的营业税成本。

    Businesses that have been paying VAT have effectively had BT embedded in the price of services they acquire .

  29. 概要:中国推广了火车票在线购买服务。这可以抑制倒卖车票。乘客可以登录铁路部官方网站进行车票预订。

    The Ministry of Railways says tickets for the slower T express trains will also be available online from Dec.10 .

  30. 第三,市场经济下政府职能转型及向市场购买服务是十分必要的。

    At last , the transitions of government function and purchase service form the market are necessary in the market economics .