
lù xiàn tú
  • road map;line map;itinerary map
  1. 本文的主要观点如下:(1)提出当代中国意识形态转型的路线图。

    The main point is as follows : ⅰ . To suggest the line map of the Ideological transformation of contemporary China .

  2. 这种结构可以认为是首先利用了两层结构的较简单和较廉价的优点,同时定义了一种结构路线图。

    This kind of structure can think that it utilizes the relatively simple and more low-priced merit of two tiers of structure at first , and defines a kind of structure line map at the same time .

  3. 我给你画一张到我家的路线图。

    I 'll draw you a map of how to get to my house .

  4. 他对美国达成和平协议的路线图也提出了质疑。

    He also raised doubts about the American road map to a peace settlement .

  5. 想象一下,你大脑的结构就像一张大的路线图。

    Imagine the structure of your brain is like a big road map .

  6. 在推动亚太自贸区建设方面,中国希望切实发挥APEC在推进区域经济一体化方面的协调和领导作用,完成亚太经合组织推动实现亚太自贸区路线图的制定。

    In promoting the FTAAP , China hopes APEC can guide and coordinate regional economic integration . China also hopes APEC can chart a roadmap for the FTAAP .

  7. 在建造国际月球科研站项目的框架内,中俄两国利用在空间科学、空间技术和空间设备等方面积累的经验,将共同制定建造国际月球科研站的路线图,并开展紧密合作。

    Through this program , China and Russia will take advantage of their expertise and experience in space science and technology and spacecraft to produce a plan for the station and will cooperate closely on the following steps .

  8. 创建、审核和重新定义SOA转换路线图

    Create , review , and refine the SOA transformation roadmap

  9. 设计最有效的SOA路线图&定义实现SOA愿景的过程。

    Developing the most effective roadmap to SOA-defining the process of achieving SOA vision .

  10. 创建SOA路线图是成功的SOA项目中必须有的部分。

    Creation of a SOA roadmap is an integral part of a successful SOA journey .

  11. 在本文中,我们了解了常见SOA安全路线图的10个步骤

    In this article , you learned about the10 steps of creating an SOA security roadmap

  12. 如何定义SOA路线图?

    How are SOA Roadmaps defined ?

  13. 路线图改进措施包括将ExtendedInsight功能引入z/OS数据库监控环境。

    Roadmap enhancements include bringing extended insight capability to the z / OS database monitoring environment .

  14. 查看我们的学习Linux,101:LPIC-1路线图获得本系列所有文章的简介和链接。

    See our series roadmap for a description of and link to each article in the series .

  15. 此类路线图允许您渐进地实现SOA,以在每个项目步骤中回报业务价值。

    Such a roadmap lets you implement SOA incrementally to return business value at each project step .

  16. 中国RFID技术应用明确路线图

    Explicit Roadmap for China RFID Technology Application

  17. 寻找能够提供并创建项目组合管理采用路线图(PortfolioManagementAdoptionRoadmap)的顾问组织。

    Look for consulting organizations that can provide an approach and assets to create a Portfolio Management Adoption Roadmap .

  18. 在帮助客户评估他们的成熟度并形成清晰的SOA进程路线图方面,IBM有着丰富的经验。

    IBM has extensive experience in helping customers assess their maturity and articulate their roadmap for their SOA journey .

  19. 创建、复审并改进SOA转型路线图&一个按相对重要性、顺序及时间线(timelines)组织起来的行动列表。

    Create , review , and refine the SOA transformation roadmap-a list of initiatives organized in terms of relative importance , sequence , and time lines .

  20. 在我们的疑问型生物平台上,所有这些数据分析的结果看起来就像3D版的航空路线图。

    So with the interrogative biology platform , the result of all that number crunching looks similar to a 3D version of those maps .

  21. 领导人们通过了东盟-美国五年行动计划(Five-YearASEAN-UnitedStatesPlanofAction),这是扩大我们的战略合作的路线图。

    Leaders adopted the Five-year ASEAN-United States Plan of Action , a roadmap for expanding our strategic cooperation .

  22. 这份称为2015路线图的计划同样表述清晰、公之于众,它要求在2010年11.67美元的基础上,2015年IBM的每股营业利润应至少达到20美元。

    The plan calls for operating earnings per share to rise from $ 11.67 in2010 to at least $ 20 in2015 .

  23. Rational软件团队和业务合作伙伴正在与IBMPowerSystemsIBMi客户合作,帮助他们针对其具体情况建立正确的路线图。

    Rational software teams and business partners work with IBM Power Systems IBM I customers to assist them in building the right roadmap for their particular situation .

  24. 伦敦地铁(LondonUnderground)在更新自己的logo、列车和路线图时,都一直保留着原有外观中那些可辨识度非常高的元素。

    The London Underground 's logo , trains and map have modernised without losing the look that made them so recognisable .

  25. 为企业SOA采用路线图及设计定制SAO解决方案发展理论提供专业咨询。

    Provides expertise in enterprise SOA adoption roadmaps and designing custom SOA solution development methodologies .

  26. 新英格兰大学的IT部门与凯捷咨询公司通力合作,描绘出了增量采用SOA的路线图。

    Working with their partner , Collaborative Consulting , the University 's IT department outlined a roadmap for incremental adoption of SOA .

  27. 这样的组织应该能够创建有效的项目组合管理采用路线图(PortfolioManagementAdoptionRoadmap),我将在下一部分中进行说明。

    Such organizations should be able to create an effective Portfolio Management Adoption Roadmap , which I will explain in the next section .

  28. 首先,人们对3g路线图及时间表仍存在很大疑问。

    First of all , a big question mark continues to hang over the roadmap and timetable for 3G .

  29. MPS项目的未来路线图如何,有何新特性?

    What is the future road map and the new features for MPS project ?

  30. 让我意外的是,没有提供我所需的逐步流程的路线图,不能帮助我完成保护大型SOA应用程序的目标。

    To my surprise , no roadmap provided the step-by-step process I needed to accomplish my goal of securing a large-scale SOA application .