
shēn fèn quán
  • right of status;rights of paternity
  1. 身份权应当包括配偶权、亲权、亲属权和监护权四个方面的内容。

    The Right of status should include four aspects : consortium , parental power , right of kinship , and guardianship .

  2. 妨害亲权行为即是对这样一种身份权的伤害,这种损害以非财产损害为主,财产损害为次,并且其侵害的内容具有特定性。

    Impairing parental behavior is to such a right of status of injury , such damage to non property damage , damage to property for the times , and its violated content with a specific .

  3. 试论配偶身份权竞争中的生存与发展

    Surviving and Developing in Competition On the Right of a Spouse

  4. 论公立高校学生身份权的司法救济

    The Judicial Relief as to Students ID Rights in Public Universities

  5. 基于身份权的现代特质,身份权请求权具有独特而必要的法律地位。

    According to this the claim of paternity right is special and necessary .

  6. 关于身份权的客体,向有争议。

    There are argues for the identity rights object .

  7. 就其性质而言,它是人格权而非身份权。

    It is personality right , not identity .

  8. 配偶权是身份权、相对权、兼具支配权与请求权的性质。

    Spouse right is identity right relative right , both domination and claim nature .

  9. 身份权请求权在诉讼上表现为给付之诉。

    And the claim of paternity right is applicable for the action of performance .

  10. 身份权的客体

    On Object of the Status Right s

  11. 身份权是民法人身权制度的重要组成部分。

    Rights of status are important component of the personal rights system in civil law .

  12. 首先,纳税人税权是一种身份权;

    First of all , taxpayer 's tax right is a kind of identity right .

  13. 身份权研究

    The Study On the Right of Identity

  14. 学生身份权是公立高校绝大部分学生的重要权利。

    The identification right is an important right to the majority of students in public universities .

  15. 现代身份权意义上的身份一词的含义应取第二种。

    In the significance of the modern status right , it should take the second one .

  16. 身份权请求权是民事权利保护的请求权体系中的一种。

    The claim of paternity right is in the system of claims to protect civil rights .

  17. 论身份权

    A Discussion of Rights of Status

  18. 试论配偶身份权

    On the Identity of Spouse

  19. 软件开发者的开发者身份权的保护期不受限制。

    There is no limit on the period of protection of the software developer 's right of authorship .

  20. 对身份权的法理基础,价值追求也还不够系统。

    To the legal theory foundation of rights of status and the value pursues did not enough system researchs .

  21. 是配偶身份权之民法属性的直接反映;

    And it is the direct reflection that the power of the spouse body belongs to the civil law .

  22. 身份权与人的身份利益关系至巨,它最能反映人的自由、平等和独立的法律地位。

    The right is related to the identity because it can express freedom , equity and independence of human .

  23. 亲权是民法中身份权的一种,它以保护未成年子女的利益为其唯一目的。

    Parental power is one of the rights of identity , the only aim of which is to protect underage children .

  24. 你不享有庇护权,难民身份权,临时保护权,人道主义特许入境,或者工作旅游签证。

    You don 't qualify for asylum , refugee status , temporary protective status , humanitarian parole or non-immigration work travel .

  25. 对姓名权的规范由公法转移到了私法,由身份权演化为了人格权。

    To the right of public law regulating name by transferred to private law , identity right to personality right by evolution .

  26. 身体权不隶属于所有权、生命健康权或人格权,是一项独立的民事权利,并与人格权、身份权并列且共同构成完整意义上的人身权制度。

    And right of health protection , together with right of personality and right of identity , makes a full personal right .

  27. 探望权从法理上讲是基于父母子女关系而产生并享有的一种身份权。

    The visitation right which is one kind of rights of personal status is based on the relationship between parents and children .

  28. 由于立法本身的原因,我国民法中的身份权制度有待进一步完善。

    Owing to factors connected with legislation , the rights of status system under Chinese civil law awaits further elucidation and improvement .

  29. 同居权是夫妻之间享有的、以性生活为主要内容的身份权。

    The right of cohabitation is a kind of rights of status which is enjoyed by spouses and sexual behavior is the main contents .

  30. 署名权具有人身权中的人格权和身份权属性,也具有财产权属性,是一种对世权。

    Signing signature right have the attribute of personal right , involving status right and personality right , and property right and absolute right .