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qīng yì
  • easily;readily;lightly;ease;rashly
轻易 [qīng yì]
  • (1) [easily;readily]∶毫不费力;轻而易举

  • 轻易闯过第一关

  • (2) [lightly;rashly]∶随意

  • 轻易不指责别人

轻易[qīng yì]
  1. 我气我自己那么轻易就让步了。

    I was annoyed with myself for giving in so easily .

  2. 她不会这么轻易地放弃得来不易的自由。

    She was not going to give up her hard-won freedom so easily .

  3. 她不会轻易放弃自己的孩子。

    She will not give up her children without a struggle .

  4. 这部电影轻易赚了3亿多元。

    The movie raked in more than $ 300 million .

  5. 他谨小慎微,从不轻易表态。

    He was very cautious about committing himself to anything .

  6. 我要设法修好,不过也不是轻易就能修好的。

    I 'll try to fix it ─ but it 's not trivial .

  7. 她凭以往的经验知道安是不会轻易放弃的。

    She knew from past experience that Ann would not give up easily .

  8. 他从不轻易说赞扬话。

    He was always sparing with his praise .

  9. 越来越明显的是,这个问题不会轻易解决。

    It is becoming increasingly clear that this problem will not be easily solved .

  10. 我们以为已经轻易地把他们对付过去了。

    We thought we had them licked .

  11. 他不轻易害怕。

    He doesn 't scare easily .

  12. 她不是轻易能吓倒的。

    She doesn 't frighten easily .

  13. 罢工给全国最大航空公司带来的影响使得较小的航空公司轻易捡到便宜。

    The strike affecting the country 's largest airline is producing easy pickings for smaller companies .

  14. 她不是轻易能吓倒的。

    She 's not easily frightened .

  15. 我们都太过轻易地指出母亲的缺点。

    We all too easily point out our mothers ' failings .

  16. 我们继承了英国人轻易不表露感情的传统。

    We came from the English tradition of not being demonstrative .

  17. 如果公平较量,他也许能将我们所有人都轻易打败。

    He might be able to lick us all in a fair fight

  18. 小心谨慎的人是不会轻易冒险的。

    Prudent people are not going to take a leap in the dark

  19. 她本可以轻易地证实自己纯真善良的品性。

    She could have established her own innocence and virtue easily enough .

  20. 离婚?这个词可不能轻易说出口。

    Divorce ? It was such a forbidden word .

  21. 英国公众对歌剧不大轻易接受的态度在欧洲来说很反常。

    The British public 's wariness of opera is an anomaly in Europe .

  22. 撒切尔夫人是一位态度强硬、不轻易妥协的政治家。

    Mrs Thatcher was a tough and uncompromising politician .

  23. 监管机构担心人们会轻易地摆脱控制。

    Regulators worry that controls could easily be bypassed .

  24. 你可以根据他们的短发之类的特征轻易找出他们。

    You can spot them fairly easily because of their short haircuts and things .

  25. 对他人无端的厌恶之情别人可以轻易察觉到。

    Strong irrational dislikes of other people can easily be picked up from others .

  26. 她轻易落败,跌至第三。

    She was easily beaten into third place .

  27. 有足够的人投票给工党,使之轻易战胜了保守党。

    Enough people voted for the Labour Party to give the Conservatives a drubbing .

  28. 我不轻易交友。

    I don 't readily make friends .

  29. 理查德能轻易毁掉她的私人财产来惩罚她对他的背叛。

    Richard could easily destroy her personal property to punish her for walking out on him

  30. 我们被轻易地击败了。按理说我们本应该大败他们。

    We got whacked . On paper we should have wiped the floor with them .