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  1. 村子里很多人都姓杨。

    Many villagers are named yang .

  2. 两个继位者都姓约翰逊。

    Both successors were named Johnson .

  3. 二月份,湛江市委书记接见了一群都姓“国”的孤儿们。

    In february , the party chief of the southern city of Zhanjiang met a group of local orphans , all surnamed guo .

  4. 他们都姓魏,这一大家族的十几个成员在黎明前出发,爬上村子后面陡峭的山坡。

    All of them were named Wei , and a dozen members of this extended clan left before dawn , hiking up the steep mountain behind the village .

  5. 同康村的村民都姓游,其祖先是从中原地区迁至紫金山坡的,如今已繁衍至第31代。他们在这里种植茶叶、甘薯和水稻,还在溪水中淘金。

    The ancestors of the villagers , who all share the surname You , migrated from central China 31 generations ago to settle on the slopes of Purple Mountain , where they grew tea , sweet potatoes and rice and panned for gold in the streams .

  6. 乔治五世之后,他的所有男性和未婚女性后代都姓温莎。然而到了1960年,女王和菲利普亲王希望他们的直系后代和其他皇家成员有所区分。

    However , in 1960 , The Queen and The Duke of Edinburgh decided that they would like their own direct descendants to be distinguished from the rest of the Royal Family , as Windsor is the surname used by all the male and unmarried female descendants of George V.

  7. 每个人都有姓,有名。

    A surname is your family name .

  8. 您们的行李都有姓名牌吗?

    And your baggage is name-tagged ?

  9. 你都知道你姓啥叫啥了。我在vc论坛打滚这么多年,所谓阅人无数,就算没有见过猪走路,也总明白猪肉是啥味道的。

    I beat to roll in the forum of VC so many year , so-called read person 's innumerable , did not see the pig walk on the whole , also what total understand pork is flavor of .

  10. 你艺名都用哪个姓?

    What name do you act under ?

  11. 可是我到现在不知道那姓曹的是什么样儿的人。现在三先生还没来,什么都由我姓屠的负责任

    But I still don 't know what sort of guy that Ts'ao fellow is . " In any case , until Mr. Wu comes in , I alone am responsible for everything that goes on in this factory !"

  12. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。

    IN TRADITIONAL war films , the enemy is faceless .

  13. 这名儿童的父母为了孩子的姓氏发生了争执,二人都想让孩子姓自己的姓氏。

    The jealous parents were disputing the child 's surname , both want to use their own .

  14. 在传统战争影片中,敌人都是无名无姓的。给敌人赋予人性的光彩会令“咱们的阿兵哥”和观众怀疑道义的存在。

    Opponents with humanity would rob " our boys " and the audience of moral certitude [ 2 ] .

  15. 事实上,没有什么人如此疯狂,以致于我都知道他们的姓。

    In fact , there are so few people this crazy that I feel like I know them all by first name .

  16. 整个村子都使用同样的姓&刘,所有的年轻人叫长辈都以他们在家庭里的习惯称作阿姨或者叔叔。

    The entire village shares the same last name Liu , and all the youngsters call every adult either auntie or uncle , in their familiar way .