
pèi hé
  • coordinate;cooperate;concert;copulation;match;fit;become man and wife;combine spare parts of machine


pèi he
  • suitable;fit;matching;rhythm
配合 [pèi hé]
  • (1) [coordinate;cooperate;concert]∶为一共同任务分工合作,协调一致地行动

  • 配合得宜;配合作战

  • (2) [match;fit;become man and wife]∶般配,合适;结成夫妻

  • (3) [combine spare parts of machine]∶机械或仪器上关系密切的零件结合在一起

配合[pèi hé]
配合[pèi he]
  1. 学校及其他教育机构应当同基层群众性自治组织、企业事业组织、社会团体相互配合,加强对未成年人的校外教育工作。

    Schools and other institutions of education shall coordinate with grassroots autonomous organizations of a mass character , enterprises , institutions and public organizations to strengthen after-school education for minors .

  2. 本文采用PAR-Zn、Cu、Co显色体系,应用人工神经网络原理,通过误差反向传播方法,对于紫外吸收重叠的三组分金属配合物体系同时进行含量测定。

    By means of artificial neural network and back - propagation train algorithm , the three-component metal coordinate compounds of P AR-Zn , Cu , Co were determined simultaneously , in which the spectra overlapped .

  3. 有两个人正配合警方的询问。

    Two men are assisting the police with their enquiries .

  4. 抓住他们的人说如果他们不配合就杀掉他们。

    Their captors told them they would be killed unless they cooperated .

  5. 这支队伍好像还没有配合默契。

    The team don 't seem to have clicked yet .

  6. 观众欣赏了这支球队娴熟的传接配合。

    The crowd enjoyed the team 's slick passing .

  7. 我们与警方密切配合。

    We work in close liaison with the police .

  8. 如果雇员的意见得到认真对待,他们一般都会更加配合。

    Employees will generally be more cooperative if their views are taken seriously .

  9. 本系统是为与文字处理软件配合使用而设计的。

    The system is designed to be used in conjunction with a word processing program .

  10. 调节网球拍的网张力,以配合你的打法。

    Adjust the string tension of your tennis racket to suit your style of playing .

  11. 他确实能做这项工作,但他是否能和团队其他人配合得好呢?

    It 's true that he could do the job , but would he fit in with the rest of the team ?

  12. 他过去从未干过这种工作,很难说他是否会与其他人配合得好。

    He 's never done this type of work before ; I 'm not sure how he 'll fit in with the other people .

  13. 这本文集是为配合在科隆举办的一场展览而出的。

    This volume of essays was designed to accompany an exhibition in Cologne

  14. 那天早晨,他没能和队长配合好。

    He was not a fit companion for their skipper that particular morning .

  15. 他正配合欺诈重案办公室的官员工作。

    He is working in tandem with officials of the Serious Fraud Office .

  16. 我尽了最大努力配合。

    I made every effort to be co-operative .

  17. 他同意配合警方的调查。

    He agreed to co-operate with the police investigation

  18. 他们的幽默感配合得天衣无缝。

    Their senses of humor meshed perfectly

  19. 最后终于进球了,但这更多的是靠侥幸,而不是良好的战术配合。

    The goal , when it came , owed more to good luck than good planning .

  20. 为配合调查一宗谋杀案,他下令向伦敦警察厅披露一份医疗报告。

    He ordered disclosure of a medical report to the Metropolitan Police in pursuance of an investigation of murder .

  21. 该协会威胁说如果银行和建屋互助会不配合的话,它将不再提供支持。

    The association has threatened to withdraw its support if the banks and building societies refuse to play ball .

  22. 队员之间很难做到配合默契。

    Good teamwork between the players is not easy to get .

  23. 有一种自动温度补偿器配合超声粘度计工作。

    An automatic temperature compensator is available for use with the ultraviscoson .

  24. 瞧她的绣品,深浅颜色多配合!

    What a wonderful combination of shades in her embroidery !

  25. 治疗过程中,病人和大夫配合得很好。

    The patient cooperated very well with the doctors during the treatment .

  26. 他们与警方配合进行工作。

    They are working in conjunction with the police .

  27. 这对双打选手配合默契。

    This doubles pair played in perfect unison .

  28. 所有外界的事物也正配合着她失望的情绪。

    All outward objects harmonised with her despair .

  29. 整套衣服配合得很协调。

    The whole outfit matches up beautifully .

  30. 当健康保险公司还在配合改革力量时,它们的交易部门提供了能自动处理流程的标准化表格。

    When the health insurance industry was still cooperating in reform efforts , its trade group offered to provide standardized forms for automated processing .