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wèn mínɡ
  • ask for the name and horoscope of a prospective bride;asking for a young woman's name and birthday
问名 [wèn míng]
  • [frequent brothels] 中国旧时婚姻礼节,在婚前男家把写有询问女方名字和生辰八字内容的书札派人送到女家

  1. 问名:如果女方父母不反对这门亲事,媒人就会要求他们提供女孩的生辰八字,看看男孩和女孩是否相合。

    Birthday matching : If the potential bride 's parents do not object to the marriage , the matchmaker will then ask for the girl 's birthday and birth-hour to assure the compatibility of the potential bride and bridegroom .

  2. 当被问到名为“部署分析和追踪”的新特性是什么,以及为什么它对开发者来说是一个重要更新时,Lewis说道

    When asked what the new feature , Deployments Analysis and Tracking , is and why it is an important update for developers

  3. 在一次口头测试时,CEO指着一英里外的一座小山问一名候选人:“你能看见那座山吗?”

    During one oral examination , the CEO pointed at a hill about a mile away and asked a candidate : " Can you see that hill over there ? "

  4. 我问这名助手:你多高?

    ' How tall are you ? ' I asked the man .

  5. 问那名女侍他们有没有菜单。

    Ask the waitress if they have a menu .

  6. 想要了解一年的价值:问一名期末考试不及格的学生。

    To realize the value of one year : Ask a student who has failed a final exam .

  7. 在一次面试时,连长指着一英里外的一座小山问一名年轻的中士:

    During one interview , the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant ,

  8. 当记者问这名服务员,他是否担心机器人会抢走他的工作时,服务员笑了。不过,机器人很让顾客佩服。

    When asked whether he was worried that the robots would take his job , the waiter laughed . Still , patrons were impressed .

  9. 在港口,杰克问一名海岸警卫队队员,他是否可以看看他们在海中找到的尸体,因为那是他女儿。

    At the port Jack asks a Coast Guard officer if he can see the body they found in the water because it was his daughter .

  10. 在一次面试时,连长指着一英里外的一座小山问一名年轻的中士:“你能看见那座山吗?”

    During one interview , the commander pointed to a hill about a mile away and asked a young sergeant ," Can you see that hill over there ?"

  11. 她问那名员工:“为什么你应该得到一份更高的薪水呢?”“因为今年我得到的薪水比去年还要少。”这名销售人员解释道。

    She asked the salesperson , " Why do you deserve a raise ? " " Because I made less this year than I did last year , " explained the salesperson .

  12. 该视频最初由《人民日报》发布,在视频中,一名培训师问8名员工,为什么他们没有在培训当中“超越自己”。随后该培训师用貌似一根棍子的东西打了这些人的屁股。

    The video , first posted by the People 's Daily , shows a trainer asking eight employees why they did not " exceed themselves " at training . He then spanks them with what looks like a stick .

  13. 问:两名说话者之间的关系可能是什么?答案解析:正确答案为C。

    Q : What is the probable relationship between the two speakers ?

  14. 问:两名说话者之间可能是什么关系?答案解析:正确答案为D。

    Q : What 's the probable relationship between these two speakers ?

  15. 我问了这名男子他有没有听说什么。

    I asked this man if he heard anything .

  16. 耶和华的使者对他说:“你何必问我的名,我名是奇妙的。”

    He replied , " why do you ask my name ? It is beyond understanding . "

  17. 然后他问其中一名学生,“杰克,你最喜欢哪种鸟儿啊?”

    Then he asked one of the students , " What kind of bird do you like best , Jack ? "

  18. 那人说,何必问我的名,于是在那里给雅各祝福。

    And he said , Wherefore is it that thou dost ask after my name ? And he blessed him there .

  19. “你是怎么知道我在这的?“他问其中一名救援者。“我们看到了你求救的信号烟”他回答。

    " How did you know I was here ?" asked the weary man of his rescuers . " We saw your smoke signal ," they replied .

  20. 在错误改正之前,他问SunTrust的一名代表,笔钱被银行追回之前,他可以把它转到生息帐户,把利息捐给慈善机构。

    Before the problem was fixed , he asked a SunTrust rep if he could move the money to an interest-bearing account until it was reclaimed and donate the interest to charity .

  21. 问:作为一名老师,你经历了哪些挑战?

    Q : What challenges have you faced as a teacher ?

  22. 我能不能问一下,这名办事员好奇地问,你在这个领域具体做什么?

    Might I ask , said the clerk with new interest , just what you do in your field ?

  23. 我问:如果一名拥有资格证书的战略师在面试中呈上自己的文凭,你会怎么说?

    He politely dodged the question of what he would say if a certified strategist presented his diploma in a job interview .

  24. 我问图丝,一名印度姑娘若很难嫁出去,是什么原因。她说原因很多。

    I asked Tulsi what makes an Indian girl difficult to marry off , and she said there are any number of reasons .

  25. 这个问题看似普通,但在十一假期,中央电视台采访全国成千的各行各业的老百姓,问了他们这个问题之后,这问题就成了中国人民最经常问的问题第一名。

    While during the October holiday period , thousands of common people from all walks of life and from literally all places of the country were interviewed by CCTV ( Central China Television ) reporters the same question , it became the No.1 frequently asked question in China since then .