
ā màn
  • Oman
阿曼[ā màn]
  1. 您所处的是像阿曼或阿联酋那样管控有序的市场吗?

    Are you in a regulated market , like Oman or uae ?

  2. 中国队和澳大利亚、日本、沙特阿拉伯、阿曼、越南一起分在了B组。

    China is in Group B , along with Australia , Japan , Saudi Arabia , Oman and Vietnam .

  3. 整个过程是建立信任的过程,另一位投资者、在阿曼经营一家公司的P•穆罕默德•阿里(P.MohammedAli)表示。

    The whole process was a confidence-building exercise , says another of these investors , P. Mohammed Ali , who runs a business in Oman .

  4. 薄层碳酸盐岩油藏水平井开发建模策略&以阿曼DL油田为例

    Geo-modeling for thin carbonate reservoirs developed with horizontal wells : A case from DL Oilfield , Oman

  5. 一只FLAGTelecom派出的维修队是光缆被割断处附近发现了这个船锚。电缆是于二月一日在杜拜以北35英里、阿联酋和阿曼之间的波斯湾被割断。

    FLAG Telecom repair crew discovered the anchor near where the fiber-optic cable was severed Feb.1 in the Persian Gulf , 35 miles north of Dubai , between the Emirates and Oman .

  6. 波斯湾,霍尔木兹海峡(StraitofHormuz)和阿曼海(SeaofOman)的其余海岸线上分布着小的、不连续的平原。

    Smaller , discontinuous plains are found along the remaining coast of the Persian Gulf , the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman .

  7. 阿曼里亚尔(货币代码OMR)阿曼的官方货币。

    The Omani rial ( currency code : OMR ) is the official currency of Oman .

  8. 在附近的巴里阿曼市,相关官员要求PatrickCoulombel进行评估,确定他们受到损坏的办公楼是否安全,能否继续使用。

    In the nearby city of Pariaman , officials have asked Patrick Coulombel to assess whether their damaged city office building is safe to use .

  9. 据悉,HP沙司在伊拉克不能直接进口,但在其他中东国家,如科威特、阿曼、阿联酋等地都能买到。

    Although HP sauce is not exported to Iraq directly , it can be found in a number of Middle Eastern countries , including Kuwait , Oman , and the United Arab Emirates .

  10. 在RUSKA相平衡装置上研究了阿曼和伊朗渣油掺炼糠醛抽出油的丙烷溶剂脱沥青过程。

    Propane solvent deasphalting of Oman and Iran VR blended with furfural extracts was inspected with RUSKA PVT equipment .

  11. 新频道将会保留以前非常受欢迎的剧集,如《特务欧宝》(SpecialAgentOso)及《万能阿曼》(HandyManny)。

    Before the new channel will retain a very popular drama series such as " spy Opel "( Special Agent Oso ) and " universal Oman "( Handy Manny ) .

  12. 第三届阿曼沙漠马拉松赛(ThethirdOmanDesertMarathon)于11月初拉开帷幕,Bidiyah村村民身穿白色长袍、腰里别着剑与iPhones,为我们表演了象征开赛的舞蹈。

    The third Oman Desert Marathon began earlier this month after a ceremonial dance by the villagers of Bidiyah , wearing white robes with swords and iPhones tucked inside their belts .

  13. OWA在阿曼女性教育发展中是个不可缺的重要角色。

    The OWA has been an essential instrument in the education and development of women in the Sultanate .

  14. 许多机构都热衷于采用这一方式,史塔福郡大学(StaffordshireUniversity)就是其中一个,该学校正通过合作关系在中国、印度、巴基斯坦、斯里兰卡、阿曼以及欧洲提供学位。

    Staffordshire University is one of many institutions that have enthusiastically embraced this , offering degrees through partnerships in China , India , Pakistan , Sri Lanka , Oman and Europe .

  15. 我是安缦(Aman)的铁杆粉丝,因此我觉得亚洲最好的酒店是普吉岛的阿曼布里酒店。

    I am an ' Aman-junkie , ' so I would have to say the Amanpuri hotel in Phuket .

  16. 阿曼(Aman)曾来我这里做心理治疗。他在一名贪婪的对冲基金经理手下工作时,被折磨得精神崩溃了。

    Aman who suffered an emotional breakdown while working for a greedy hedge fund manager came to me for psychotherapy .

  17. 这艘52米长的游艇由阿曼公司(Aman)于今年初正式投入运营,阿曼公司是全球前30强酒店集团,以完美的设计以及令人咋舌的价格著称于世。

    The 52-metre yacht was launched earlier this year by Aman , the 30-strong hotel group known for immaculate design and formidable prices .

  18. 理想的旅游套餐就是参照本人的做法:乘飞机于凌晨时分抵达新加坡,从那儿再直飞印尼的巴厘岛(Bali),而后入住距机场半个小时车程的阿曼努沙酒店(Amanusahotel)。

    What makes a perfect package is to do as I did : fly to Singapore , arriving early in the morning and connecting straight to Bali and thence to the Amanusa hotel , half an hour from the airport .

  19. 原定要开往美国的IreneSL油轮是于周三在阿曼海岸遭劫的,船上约载有200万桶科威特原油。

    Suspected Somali pirates captured the supertankerIrene SL early Wednesday off the coast of Oman as it was transporting some 2 million barrels of Kuwaiti crude oil destined for the United States .

  20. 阿曼沙漠马拉松赛是设立不久的赛事,首届赛事于2013年举办,与参赛者近1.5万人的摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠地狱马拉松赛(marathondessables)相比,实在是小巫见大巫。

    The Oman Desert Marathon is a relatively newcomer , first held in 2013 , and a low-key alternative to Morocco 's Marathon des Sables , which now attracts almost 1500 runners .

  21. 19世纪早期,阿曼建立了一个小的政权,拥有了巴基斯坦(Baluchistan)与桑给巴尔岛(Zanzibar)。但是后来逐渐丢失了。

    In the early19th century , Oman grew to a major power , having possessions in Baluchistan and Zanzibar , but these were gradually all lost .

  22. Oran出生在阿曼首都以南Tafila省的一个贫穷的村庄。

    Oran was born into a poor village in the Tafila governorate , south of the capital city of Amman .

  23. 虽然采访和时报审阅的私人文件可以证明,他在2004年通过阿曼泰亚公司(AmanteaCorporation)购买了售价910万美元的公寓,但他的名字却完全没有出现在公共记录中。

    While interviews and private documents reviewed by The Times confirm he is behind condos purchased by the Amantea Corporation for $ 9.1 million in 2004 , his name appears nowhere on public records .

  24. 这些惊悚的照片由现年44岁的阿曼摄影师兼博客作家RaymondWalsh拍下,他描述说在这里看到死亡和残废的动物要比看到笼子里等待死亡的活生生的狗更好受些。

    The macabre food stalls were witnessed byOman-based photographer and blogger , Raymond Walsh , 44 , who said it was easierto witness the dead and mutilated animals than it was to see the living dogs incages awaiting their fate .

  25. 我是在壳牌石油开始了程序员生涯,并在那里不断成长,和许多人的发展经历类似,我先后做开发、系统分析、设计、架构、咨询并最终做到壳牌石油阿曼分公司的CIO。

    I started off as a Programmer with Shell and rose up the ranks there , you know , programming , analysis , design , architecture , consultancy and finally ended up as the CIO for Shell in Oman .

  26. 根据福布斯估算,贝索斯的财富仅次于身价780亿美元的微软创始人比尔盖茨,以及Zara创始人阿曼西奥.奥尔特加731亿美元的财富。

    According to Forbes estimates , Mr Bezos 's fortune is only surpassed by Microsoft founder Bill Gates , worth $ 78bn , and the $ 73.1bn fortune of Zara founder Amancio Ortega .

  27. 在长岛东端,23岁的肖恩弗雷泽(SeanFrazier)和四个同伴在阿曼甘塞特的鹌鹑山农场工作,他们都是20多岁的应届大学毕业生,彼此都是好朋友。

    On the East End of Long Island , Sean Frazier , 23 , and four others , all recent college graduates in their mid-20s , work on Quail Hill farm in Amagansett and have become close friends .

  28. 阿曼泰亚公司在时代华纳中心的公寓——一套在“女佣层”,另一套则可以将中央公园的美景尽收眼底——房契由一位名叫康斯坦丝·克兰奇(ConstanceCranch)的纽约律师签署。

    The deeds for Amantea 's Time Warner condos - one on the " maids floor " and another with sweeping views of Central Park - are signed by a New York lawyer named Constance Cranch .

  29. 20世纪90年代早期,苏丹创立了一个选举咨询委员会(Majlisash-Shura),只有一小部分阿曼人有资格进行选举。

    In the early1990s , the sultan instituted an elected advisory council , the Majlis ash-Shura , though only a small part of the Omanis were elegible to vote .

  30. Cazenove+Loyd旅行社行程(历时八个晚上)的最低报价是5200英镑/人(前提是凑够10人旅游团队),其中在巴厘岛的安曼努沙酒店住一晚,在阿曼瓦那住两晚,在Amandira游艇上住5个晚上。

    An eight-night trip with Cazenove + Loyd , staying one night at the Amanusa in Bali , two at Amanwana and five aboard the Amandira , costs from 5200 per person ( based on a group of 10 people ) .