
  • 网络snowball Earth;Snowbal Earth
  1. 历史上最严重的冰河期,被称为雪球地球(SnowballEarth)期,当时地球完全被冰层覆盖。6.35亿年前,永久冻结带释放出大量甲烷,这一时期突然结束。

    The most severe ice age in history , a period of total glaciation known as Snowball Earth , ended suddenly 635m years ago when large amounts of methane were released from areas of permafrost .

  2. “雪球地球”假说的提出解释了一些新元古代冰川现象,如低纬度和低海拔冰川沉积、帽碳酸盐岩、负的碳酸盐δ13C漂移和BIF铁矿等现象。

    A hypothesis of " snowball Earth " has been presented to explain phenomena related to the Neoproterozoic glaciations , such as the low-latitude and low-altitude glacial deposits , cap carbonates , negative δ ~ ( 13 ) C shifts , BIF , and others .

  3. 新元古代晚期盖帽碳酸盐岩的成因与雪球地球的终结机制

    Formation of Late Neoproterozoic Cap Carbonates and Termination Mechanism of Snowball Earth

  4. 新元古代的雪球地球

    " Snowball Earth " During the Neoproterozoic

  5. 新元古代在全球范围内出现了几期冰期事件,称之为雪球地球事件。

    There were several glacial events around the world which are called Snowball Earth during the late Neoproterozoic time .

  6. “雪球地球”的极端气候环境变化,促进了生命的演化,造成了寒武纪生物大爆发。

    The extreme climate arisen from " snowball Earth " may promote evolution of life and trigger the " Cambrian Explosion " .

  7. 论文中,这种现象被命名为错误和压力的雪球效应。新元古代的雪球地球

    This phenomenon is called , in this thesis , an error stress ball effect . " Snowball Earth " During the Neoproterozoic