
  1. 职位概述:全力配合仓库经理管理好仓库方面的运营操作、执行上级领导的工作意图及指令、确保仓库的稳定运营和健康长远的发展。

    Overall Position Purpose : Support warehouse manager 's work on operation , execute leader 's intention and instruction with all strength to ensure the warehouse be developed stably with long-term period .

  2. 文秘写作多以公文和日常应用性文章的写作为主,公文的写作要体现领导与单位的意图,写作中还须严格遵循格式规范,执笔者是强制性写作。

    Secretarial writing includes more documents and daily applicable articles , and document writing needs to reflect the intention of leader and work unit , so writer is mandatory in writing to strictly abide the standard form .