
  • 网络the Ministry of Magic;Ministry for Magic
  1. 麦克尼尔。魔法部行刑手。食死徒。

    Macnair , walden : executioner for the Ministry of magic . a former death eater .

  2. 魔法部有点紧急的事情,他去伦敦了。

    He received an urgent owl from the Ministry of Magic and left immediately for London .

  3. 这是你作为魔法部部长的责任!

    It 's your responsibility as Minister of Magic !

  4. 你什么时候开始这么配合魔法部?

    And since when did you accommodate the ministry ?

  5. 几年前曾经给魔法部造成不小的麻烦。

    Gave the ministry quite a bit of grief a few years ago .

  6. 魔法部说你们太小不该知道这些咒语。

    The Ministry says you 're too young to see what these curses do .

  7. 穆迪厉声吼道,外面有神秘人,还有半个魔法部都和他站在一边!

    Snarled Moody . With You-Know-Who out there and half the Ministry on his side ?

  8. 大家闯进了魔法部。

    Kids break into the Ministry .

  9. 我的建议是你马上和你的魔法部同僚们沟通,把这玩意儿撤了。

    My suggestion is that you talk to your pals in the Ministry of Magic and remove this !

  10. 接着,他发现魔法部始终拒绝相信伏地魔的回归。

    Later , he finds out that the Ministry of Magic is in denial of Lord Voldemort 's return .

  11. 所以,我们说待遇比他们在魔法部工作的人好多了。

    So let 's just say that it 's much , much better than they pay at the Ministry .

  12. 那个时候,魔法部部长的职位摆在我的面前,不止一次,而是多次。

    I , meanwhile , was offered the post of Minister of Magic , not once , but several times .

  13. 1995年秋天,魔法部想让全世界所有国家来签署《国际禁止决斗法》。

    During the fall of 1995 , the Ministry was trying to get other countries to sign an International Ban on Dueling .

  14. 魔法部的麻瓜联络处的人手永远短缺,因此,整整一周没人阅读那些麻瓜报纸也就不奇怪了。

    The Ministry of Magic 's Muggle Liaison Office was short-staffed , and no one had read the Muggle newspapers all that week .

  15. 在魔法部开始对黑魔法的使用进行管理之前,决斗通常都是致命的。

    In the days before there was a Ministry of Magic to regulate the use of Dark Magic , duelling was usually fatal .

  16. 邓布利多的未来似乎在那时就已经注定辉煌,但是长久以来一直有一个疑问,那就是他为什么不去当魔法部部长。

    Dumbledore 's future career seemed likely to be meteoric , and the only question that remained was when he would become Minister of Magic .

  17. 在哈利三年级时,他们待在破釜酒吧,并使用魔法部的汽车到达国王十字车站。

    In Harry 's third year , they are staying at the Leaky Cauldron and use Ministry of Magic cars to get to King 's Cross .

  18. 麦克尼尔沃尔顿麦克尼尔,道貌岸然者之一,被魔法部雇用为处置危险生物委员会行刑手。

    Macnair - Walden macnair , one of the respectables , employed by the Ministry of magic as executioner for the Committee for the disposal of dangerous creatures .

  19. 因此,魔法部很可能在莱斯特广场或查林十字车站的附近,与破釜酒吧和麻瓜政府部门都很接近。

    Consequently , the Ministry of Magic is probably near Leicester Square or Charing Cross stations , close to both the Leaky Cauldron and to the Muggle government ministries .

  20. “我不否认魔法部的士气低落,”福吉说,“而且,我们失去了阿米莉亚?博恩斯。”

    " I won 't deny that morale is pretty low at the ministry ," said fudge . " what with all that , and then losing Amelia bones . "

  21. 这本新书讲述了已婚、成为三个孩子的父亲的哈利·波特的一段故事。作为魔法部的一名员工,他的工作超负荷,并一直过着艰苦的生活。

    The new book tells the story of a married Harry Potter , the father of three , who , as an employee at the Ministry of Magic overloaded with work , has been living a hard life .

  22. 故事背景设定在罗琳的《哈利·波特》系列的第七部、也是最后一本--《哈利·波特与死亡圣器》19年之后,主人公哈利·波特在魔法部工作。

    Set 19 years after the events of Rowling 's seventh and final book in the Harry Potter series , " Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows , " the play features Potter working at the Ministry of Magic .

  23. 正是由于这个原因,魔法部坚持把所有的阿尼马格斯登记在案,因为对于那些从事鬼鬼祟祟、不可告人的勾当,甚至从事犯罪活动的人来说,这类魔法无疑是十分有用的。

    It is for this reason that the Ministry of Magic has insisted upon a register of Animagi , for there can be no doubt that this kind of magic is of greatest use to those engaged in surreptitious , covert or even criminal activity .

  24. 你觉得《哈里波特和魔法石》这部电影怎么样?

    What do you think of the movie " Harry Potter and the Sorcerer 's Stone "?

  25. 疯眼汉不耐烦地说,探测十七岁以下的巫师进行魔法活动的符咒,魔法部通过它来发现未成年都使用魔法!

    Said Mad-Eye impatiently . The charm that detects magical activity around under-seventeens , the way the Ministry finds out about underage magic !

  26. 魔法界的内战就此展开,霍格沃茨的学生、秘密组织凤凰社、魔法部和食死徒四方皆被卷入其中。

    Therefore the rebellion involving the students of Hogwarts , secret organization Order of the Phoenix , the Ministry of Magic and the Death Eaters begins .

  27. 备注:在英国发行的版本中,这部分被称为“为魔法界工作的部门”;而在美国发行的版本中这部分被称为“魔法部”。

    Note : in the British versions of the books , this position is referred to as the Minister for magic , while in the US editions it is called the Minister of magic .