
ɡònɡ jì huì
  • Freemasonry;benefit society;benevolent society
  1. 我爸爸偶尔会到他的共济会分会那里去。

    My father would occasionally go to his Masonic lodge .

  2. 他是共济会中非常活跃的分子。

    He was very active in Freemasonry .

  3. 这项试验是由约翰霍普金斯大学彭博公共卫生学院(JohnHopkinsBloombergSchoolofPublicHealth)和明尼苏达大学(UniversityofMinnesota)的共济会癌症中心(MasonicCancerCenter)的研究人员共同实施的。

    The study was conducted by researchers from John Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health , as well as the University of Minnesota 's Masonic Cancer Center , among others .

  4. 上周末,他和妻子(以制作家具为业)考特妮·斯科特(CourtneySkott)去丹佛参加婚礼,住在一对夫妇家里。这夫妻俩一个是创业家,一个是电视制片人,他们翻修了一个共济会会所(MasonicLodge)。

    Mr. Becker and his wife , Courtney Skott , a furniture maker , were in Denver last weekend for a wedding , staying with a couple - a start-up entrepreneur and a television producer - who had rehabbed a Masonic Lodge .

  5. 共济会的制度,共济会的纲领和共济会的仪式。

    The institutions , precepts , and rites of the freemasons .

  6. 共济会的秘法:烹饪业的秘诀。

    The mysteries of freemasonry ; the mysteries of cooking game .

  7. 在美国属于共济会的人。

    A man who belongs to a Masonic order in the US .

  8. 然后共济会精英的制药公司就把疫苗卖给政府。

    The Illuminati drug companies then sell them the vaccines .

  9. 别忘了夜晚的最后要叫醒共济会会员!

    Don 't forget the masons at the end of the night !

  10. 香港及远东共济会慈善基金

    Hong Kong and Far East Masonic Benevolence Fund

  11. 他也是秘密组织“共济会”的会员。

    He was also a member of a secret society known as the masons .

  12. 基金名为“共济会遮打奖学基金”。

    The fund shall be known as the " chater Masonic scholarship fund " .

  13. 一枚金戒指,上面刻着共济会的会徽。

    Gold ring , with masonic device .

  14. 他无疑是个白痴,33级(此处或以共济会会员级别为引,33级为共济会苏格兰派最高等级)的顶级白痴,

    also without doubt he is an idiot , an idiot of the 33rd degree ,

  15. 那是共济会教义的一部分。

    It 's part of Freemason teachings .

  16. 最好的一般统计调查结果显示,共济会的法律,所有国家。

    Rechts ( 1877 ), the best general survey of Masonic laws of all countries .

  17. 共济会的这种信条的最早版本可追溯到1400年。

    The earliest version of this credo of the Freemasons , dates back to 1400 .

  18. 你可能那是共济会的?

    You sure it 's masonic ?

  19. 再加上最古老的共济会教堂

    Add in the oldest Masonic temple

  20. 织成布的这个古老的城市,是一个共济会的历史的今天,我们仍正在取得进展。

    Woven into the fabric of this ancient city is a Masonic history that 's still being made .

  21. 我一直以为共济会和德莫莱修道会是反天主教的,尽管不明白为什么。

    I always thought the Masons and DeMolay 's were anti-Catholic , though I didn 't understand why .

  22. “骑山羊”是一些学会的入会惯例恶作剧,比如兄弟会、共济会。

    Riding the goat ' was an initiation prank practiced by societies in such as fraternity houses and Freemason groups

  23. 美国原来的一个政党;创立于1825年,在公共事务中反对共济会纲领。

    A former political party in the US ; founded in 1825 in opposition to Freemasonry in public affairs .

  24. 此外,在所有国家,这是几乎完全是石匠和他们的家人认为,利润由共济会的慈善机构。

    Moreover , in all countries it is almost exclusively Masons and their families that profit by Masonic charity .

  25. 古代德鲁伊律法本身也是在1781年建立的,由亨利哈里领导,明显是合并了共济会的思想。

    The Ancient Order of Druids itself was founded in1781 , led by Henry Hurle and apparently incorporating Masonic ideas .

  26. 共济会的成员共济会是有秘密仪式标记的国际互助慈善组织。

    A member of the free and accepted masons , an international fraternal and charitable organization with secret rites and signs .

  27. 它已经延续了好几白年,如果算不上共济会,它也是一种供奉上帝的姐妹会;而且它还要继续存在下去。

    It had walked for hundreds of years , if not as benefit-club , as votive sisterhood of some sort ; and it walked still .

  28. 维绍普特很快将这一“光明会”教义渗透到“欧洲大陆共济会秘密组织”并建立了“大东方”会馆作为其秘密总部。

    Weishaupt soon infiltrates the Continental Order of Freemasons with this Illuminati doctrine and establishes lodges of the Grand Orient to be their secret headquarters .

  29. 当他着手参与共济会的活动的时候,他怀着那样一种感觉,就像某人信赖地把一只脚踩在泥沼地的平坦的表面似的。

    When he had entered the brotherhood he had felt like a man who confidently puts his foot down on the smooth surface of a bog .

  30. 他看到了所罗门的断手,上面纹有共济会标志,正好指向一幅创作于1865年,以异教神只面目出现的乔治华盛顿肖像。

    He finds a severed hand ( Solomon ` s ) marked with Masonic symbols , pointing to an 1865 painting of George Washington depicted as a pagan god .