
  • 网络Core business district;primary trading area;primary tread zone
  1. 本文对目前重庆核心商圈和四大副商圈的现状进行对比分析并提出发展对策。

    This essay focuses on analyzing the situation of the leading commercial circle and four subsidiary commercial circles and giving some development advice .

  2. 稀缺景观资源、核心商圈、交通条件三个方面的区位因素对住宅价格有十分明显的拉动作用。

    Three factors including scarce resources , the core business district and the traffic conditions , are very significant in housing prices promoting .

  3. 与以往研究相一致的是,本研究也发现核心商圈的有效购买力、购物中心可见性和可达性对商铺租金具有一个正向显著效应。

    Consistent with previous findings , the effective purchasing power of the trade area , visibility and accessibility of shopping center have a positive effect on retail rent .

  4. 商圈是指商业企业经营、服务辐射的有效空间、领域,分为核心商圈、次级商圈和边缘商圈。

    Commercial sphere refers to the available space or field for enterprise management and service range , which includes core commercial sphere , subordinate sphere and marginal sphere .

  5. 该项目位于耒阳市核心商圈,选址好,所处环境优越,建筑规模大,对营销调研和市场定位提出了极高的要求。

    The project is located in central business district Leiyang , site selection is good , superior to their environment , building a large scale , for marketing research and market positioning made extremely high demands .