
  1. 在实践上是为了贯彻诉讼经济原则要求。

    And in practice it is referred to meet the economical principle of litigation .

  2. 借鉴域外经验,从诉讼经济原则出发,对行政不作为的司法救济宜适用课予义务诉讼。

    Borrowing abroad experience , we can apply obligation imposing lawsuit to the judicial remedy .

  3. 关于自认的法理基础,笔者归纳性地提出了六大理论基础:认识论基础、处分原则、诉讼经济原则、诚信原则、辩论主义、程序主体原则。

    About the basis of the philosophy of admission , the author generalized six principles .

  4. 不起诉制度的现状已经有悖于诉讼经济原则、效率原则、公正原则的要求。

    The current situation of non-prosecution disobliges the requests of economical , efficient and equitable principles of suit .

  5. 民事简易程序过于简单的立法设计,不利于两便精神与诉讼经济原则。

    The summary procedure now in effect in China is too simplistic in design to guarantee its conformity with the economy and convenience principles .

  6. 为达成这一价值目标,制度构建要秉承诉讼经济原则、保证效果原则与保障安全原则。

    To achieve this target of value , the system constructed to uphold the principle of economy and the principle of efficiency and the principle of safety .

  7. 其次,笔者分析了刑事证明责任的分配理念。具体包括:无罪推定原则、控辩平衡原则和诉讼经济原则。

    Secondly , the writer analyze the distribution philosophy of the criminal proof , which conclude the presumption of innocence , prosecution and defense principle of balance , litigation economy .

  8. 最后根据诉讼经济性原则,笔者在借鉴域外的相关规定基础上,对瑕疵证据的补正制度提出了有针对性、系统性的完善建议。

    At last , on the basis of the litigation economics , the writer gives a pertinence and systemic suggestion to perfect the repair system of the defective evidence on the rule of foreign .

  9. 酌定不起诉制度符合诉讼经济的原则,有利于保护当事人的合法权益,体现了我国刑事诉讼法对起诉便宜主义积极价值的认可,是刑事制度上的一大进步。

    Discretionary not prosecution conform to the principle of litigation economy , to protect the lawful rights and interests of parties reflected the criminal procedure law of our country socialism positive value to Sue cheap acceptance of a criminal system in progress .

  10. 在我国侦查阶段建立程序分流制度不违背诉讼公正原则,符合诉讼经济原则的要求,也符合刑法谦抑原则的发展趋势。我国侦查阶段程序分流应注意构建其决定主体、监督主体和参与主体;

    The construction of diversion in Chinese investigative procedures does not violate the principle of procedural justice , besides , it is also accord with the demand of lawsuit economy and modest trend in criminal law as well .

  11. 行政诉讼裁决是对具体行政行为合法性的审查结论,合法性标准是行政诉讼必须贯彻和坚持的基础标准,在这个标准的限度内,贯彻和实施诉讼经济原则。

    Administrative litigation award is a conclusion made by examining the legality of specific administrative acts . The standard of legality is the basic standard that administrative litigation must carry out and stick to . Within the standard , principle of litigation economy should be carried out and enforced .