
  1. 在仆人式领导理论里,领导者的首要任务是关心组织中的人。

    According to the theory , the primary responsibility of a leader of an organization is to concern about his followers .

  2. 与国外特别是美国对仆人式领导理论的研究相比,国内在这方面的研究还显得过于贫乏,很多组织甚至不知道仆人式领导是什么,服务的本意被理解成顺从侍奉。

    Comparing with the study of the servant leadership of the western countries , our country seems to be poor , so many even do not know what servant leader is , and they distort the meanings of service .

  3. 仆人式领导理论研究已成为当今领导理论界的一个前沿课题,但是仆人式领导思想并不是现代的产物,它既有西方独特的宗教根基,也可以追溯到我国古代哲学家的思想里。

    The study of Servant Leadership has gradually become one of the front subjects in the field of current leadership research . But it is not creature of the modern , it could be traced back to both Christianity of the west and some of ancient philosophers ' of China .

  4. 如果你乐意,股份有限公司仍可保持,控制权仍可在你手中,但要在合伙关系中作一名仆人式的领导。

    Remain a corporation and retain control if you like , but behave as a servant leader in a partnership .