
  1. 本文从以下五个方面进行分析:第一、管理体制不顺。

    This article to analyze the following five aspects : first , the management system .

  2. 现代项目管理包含的内容极其广泛:第一是管理思想的现代化。

    Modern project management includes wide range of contents : First , the modernization of management thinking .

  3. 该用户名和密码用于登录第一个管理子系统,然后作业将运行。

    The user name and password is used to login against the first administrative subsystem , and the job will run .

  4. 研究结果表明:第一,管理者持股会对会计信息质量产生明显的负面影响。

    The results of the research are : Firstly , giving administrators more shares will cause negative effects on the quality of accounting information .

  5. 百年大计质量第一科学管理打造精品&省重点工程太原第二长途通信枢纽工程建设

    A long-term project worth first quality scientific management to create excellent project & provincial major project : the second long distance communication center work of Taiyuan

  6. 同时,随着家族第一代管理者的老去和家族第二代成员的渐渐成熟,家族企业的企业主们也开始有意识的考虑接班人的问题。

    Meanwhile , with the first-generation members of the family get old and the second-generation members gradually mature , owners of family business have started considering successors .

  7. 之后结合我国的具体情况,得出以下结论:第一、管理隶属关系缺乏规范,是我国自然文化遗产管理机制不顺的原因。

    After combining the specific situation in our country , the following conclusions : First , management of subordinate relations lack of specification , it is the cause of the natural and cultural heritage management mechanism in our country .

  8. 新加坡是亚洲第一大财富管理中心,拥有亚洲地区排名最高的大学&新加坡国立大学(NationalUniversityofSingapore)。

    Singapore is the number one wealth management centre in Asia . The country has the best ranked university in Asia , the National University of Singapore .

  9. 另外,还应该确保uid及其对应gid在所有系统上相同,且是创建第一个队列管理器实例的uid。

    Additionally , you should make sure that the uid and its accompanying gid for this uid are the same on all the systems , and is the same uid that created the first instance of the queue manager .

  10. 第一代知识管理和第二代知识管理的比较研究

    Comparative Study Between the First Generation and Second Generation of Knowledge Management

  11. 第一学年介绍管理的基本概念。

    The first year introduces the basic concepts of management .

  12. 现在,让我们检查第一个项目管理知识体系过程组:初始化。

    Now , let 's examine the first PMBOK Process Group : Initiating .

  13. 第一章交通管理。

    Chapter one is about the traffic management .

  14. 第一批工商管理硕士已经入学。

    The first MBA students are in place .

  15. 但是作为第一步,管理人员需要克服权力下放的恐惧。

    As a first step , managers need to overcome the fear of losing control .

  16. 1878年,他在米德维尔钢铁厂找到了一份非技术工作,在这里他开始了他的第一个科学管理实验。

    In1878 he takes up an unskilled job at Midvale Steel Works where he does his first experiments .

  17. 在大学第一年,管理时间的最好方法之一就是做计划表。

    One of the best ways to manage your time during the first year is to make a schedule .

  18. 今日白宫颁布了继1994年枪支管理书以来的第一个枪支管理条例!

    The House today passed what could be the first gun control law to go on the books since 1994 .

  19. 第一案例对管理法令采取的是一种随意态度,而已是使用经济影响来作为决定征用存在的检查方式。

    The first case adopts a permissive attitude toward regulation , and uses economic impact as the test for determining the presence of a taking .

  20. 文章一共分七章,结构安排如下:第一章,管理层收购的理论回顾。

    The article is composed of seven chapters . The layout is as follows : Chapter 1 . The Review of Theories on Management Buyouts .

  21. 从管理主体来分,可把船舶管理分成三种类型,即:船东本身管理船舶(包括航次租船和期租船),称为第一方船舶管理;

    Ship management business can be classified into three groups by the managing role : managed by the ship owner , named as " first party ship management ";

  22. 去年,这家商学院的管理学系引入了两种一年制硕士课程,第一种是管理与经济学,第二种是管理、组织与治理。

    Last year the school 's department of management introduced two one-year masters programmes , one in management and economics and the second in management , organisations and governance .

  23. 当第二个频道开始吸引大量观众的时候,第一频道的管理人员决定采用相同的办法超过对方,以更受欢迎的节目回敬对方。

    When a second television channel began to attract large audiences , controllers of the first channel decided to play the same game and fought back with more popular programmes .

  24. 对冲基金2009年第一季度平均管理费率为1.57%,而专门投资于对冲基金的基金管理费率平均为1.25%。

    The average management fee charged by hedge funds in the first quarter of 2009 was 1.57 per cent , while funds of hedge funds charged an average of 1.25 per cent .

  25. 我们秉承“客户至上,质量第一”的管理理念,使得公司的生产能力和品质不断提升,而成为这些知名企业的重要协作伙伴。

    We uphold the " customer first , quality first " management philosophy , making the company 's rising production capacity and quality , and to become well-known companies such an important partnership .

  26. 这种讨论包括以下几个要点:第一,作业管理思想在管理会计关注的几个重要方面的运用,即它如何支持着企业的战略管理;

    This discussion includes points as following : firstly , the application of the ABM 's idea to some important areas in Management Accounting , that is , how ABM support business strategic management ;

  27. 究其原因有二:第一,财务管理学相对于公司财务学发展得更为完善,相对而言受经济学等基础学科理论的进展的影响较小。

    Two reasons are given about such a phenomenon . One is that the science of financial management is comparatively more perfect than that of corporate finance and less influenced by the underlying economic theory .

  28. 根据新的教学计划培养的第一届信息管理与信息系统专业毕业生已走上工作岗位,他们对本专业的建设有何看法呢?

    The first year 's graduates of information management and information system cultivated according to the new teaching plan have taken up working posts . What do they think about the construction of their speciality ?

  29. 帕斯夸尔说:“第一项是管理能源及能源市场的地缘政治”。这个目标是促进足够和价格合理的能源供应并保持能源市场稳定的关键。

    " One is the management of geopolitics of energy and energy markets ," Pascual said , adding this goal is key to promoting adequate and affordable supplies of energy and keeping energy markets stable .

  30. 本文对第一代知识管理与第二代知识管理进行了比较,针对目前高校图书馆管理中存在的问题,阐述了第二代知识管理在其中的应用。

    This paper compares the first and the second generation knowledge management , analyses the existent problems in the college library 's management , states the application of the second generation knowledge management in the college library 's management .