
  1. 无论是开卡车,还是开商店,追求卓越的人能让世界变得更美好。

    People who work toward such excellence — whether they are driving a truck , or running a store-make the world better just by being the kind of people they are .

  2. 红色线条随火炬转动,似无限延伸,表达了人类生生不息、向往光明与和平、追求卓越的期望和奥林匹克运动的力量。

    As the torch turns , the whirling red line hidden in the crack seems to stretch endlessly , representing mankind 's relentless and the values promoted by the Olympic Movement .

  3. 但是我试图去理解他们,并且用我的职业道德和追求卓越的精髓证明,客观上讲我的晋升是有说服力的,明理的人都知道我是正确的人选。

    But I strived to understand that and demonstrate , by my work ethic2 and commitment to excellence , that I was objectively a solid choice and that reasonable people could say I was a great choice .

  4. 获得ISO9000认证的企业应进一步提高自身的管理水平,追求卓越。

    Enterprises with ISO 9000 certifications should heighten the management level and pursue excellence .

  5. 再以卓越为例。自从汤姆?皮特斯与罗伯特?沃特曼的《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)一书出版后,卓越便成为各大公司的“圣牛”。

    Or take excellence , companies ' Holy Grail , particularly since the publication of Tom Peters and Robert Waterman 's In Search of Excellence .

  6. 由于汤姆•彼得斯和罗伯特•沃特曼在他们的畅销名著《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)中的推崇,走动式管理成了细致和个人化管理方式的代名词。

    After Tom Peters and Robert Waterman wrote about it in their 1982 blockbuster bestseller in search of excellence , MBWA became a buzzword for up-close-and-personal management .

  7. 在国家进入WTO后的今天,一个追求卓越的建筑企业已无法对国际标准管理的推进视而不见。

    Exploration on Rule and Standard Management in Nuclear Power Construction After China entering WTO , an enterprise of seeking excellence can 't look but see not while facing advance in international standard management .

  8. 从教育的本体谈素质教育超越自我追求卓越&美国“新SAT”(nSAT)介述

    Surpassing itself and Striving for Excellence & A Brief Introduction to the New SAT ( nSAT ) in the United States

  9. 以追求卓越,创造完美,诚信双赢作为经营理念,以ISO9001国际质量认证体系为管理手段;

    " Seek remarkable and creat perfect " is the manage theory of Huaguang ," Take ISO9001 as-manage means " is magic develop weapon of the company .

  10. 论文指出,汤姆•彼得斯(TomPeters)和罗伯特•沃特曼(RobertWaterman)在《追求卓越》(InSearchofExcellence)一书中普及了公司文化的理念,它“被理解为一种反官僚主义运动”,希望以价值观取代规定。

    Popularised by Tom Peters and Robert Waterman 's In Search of Excellence , corporate culture " was understood as an anti-bureaucratic move " that aspired to substituting values for rules , the Cambridge / Stockholm paper said .

  11. 我们仍将努力坚守IACMR的准则:灵感之源、追求卓越、服务精神。

    We will strive to live up to the values of IACMR : source of inspiration , commitment to excellence , and spirit of service .

  12. 加拿大医学美容协会(CAAM)是致力于追求卓越,通过美容医学教育和领导的安全。

    The Canadian Association of Aesthetic Medicine ( CAAM ) is committed to excellence and safety in Aesthetic Medicine through education and leadership .

  13. 在办学理念定位上,UT追求卓越和服务社会的统一;在人才培养定位上,UT追求大众高等教育和精英高等教育的协调发展。

    The UT pursues after the unit of excellence and serving the society in terms of the running idea and after the harmonious development of mass and elite higher education in terms of the talents ' cultivation idea .

  14. 公司以“服务客户需求,追求卓越质量”为第一,树立“NUTE”品牌形象。

    Company " customer service needs , the pursuit of excellent quality " as the first , establish the " NUTE " brand image .

  15. 随着六西格玛(6σ)管理理念在企业的实施和推广,不良质量成本(COPQ)逐渐取代了质量成本成为指导企业提高质量,降低成本,追求卓越绩效的方法和工具。

    With the implementation and development of Six Sigma management ( 6 σ ) philosophy , cost of poor quality ( COPQ ) is replacing cost of quality and becoming the method that guides enterprises to improve quality , reduce cost and pursue excellence performance .

  16. 教育者要养成学生在专业上追求卓越的意识。

    Educator must guide students seeking the excellence in their professions .

  17. 企业精神:团结进取,追求卓越。

    Enterprise Spirit : Solidarity , Enterprise and Striving for Excellence .

  18. 追求卓越&企业质量文化的绿色化

    In Pursuit of Excellence : the Greening of Corporate Quality Culture

  19. “不用谢,这就是纽约之王“#我最喜爱的球场##追求卓越#”@詹姆斯

    You 're welcome ... of NY \# myfavoriteplayground \# striveforgreatness KINGJAMES

  20. 搏击商海、追求卓越!

    Fighting to the sea , the pursuit of excellence !

  21. 6σ管理战略&企业追求卓越质量管理的必由之路

    6 σ management strategy-the way for pursuing the world-class quality

  22. 追求卓越:教师专业发展的生命观照

    Pursuing the Brilliance : The Life Solicitude to Teachers ' Professional Development

  23. 追求卓越,成长为一名专业化的教师,是每位教师职业发展的必然选择。

    It is inevitable for professional teachers to promote their professional development .

  24. 你绝不会动摇你追求卓越的脚步。

    You will never waver in your pursuit of excellence .

  25. 研发:追求卓越,迅时研新。

    R & D : Seek for Excellence and Fashion .

  26. 追求卓越、永续经营追求成功的强烈的动力。

    To Pursue Excellence to Push Development a strong drive for success .

  27. 追求卓越经营打造宝石品牌

    Pursuing the Remarkable Business and Creating the Brand " Bao Shi "

  28. 精益求精,追求卓越是我们一贯的承诺。

    Our commitment is to pursue the excellence of products .

  29. 我们的工作:求真务实,尽职尽责,追求卓越。

    Our job : practical , conscientious , the pursuit of excellence .

  30. 质量为根,服务为本;持续改善,追求卓越!

    Quality and Services are foundations , Continuing Improvement up to Perfection !