
yī yuàn zhì
  • unicameral system;unicameralism
  • single-chamber
  1. 一院制议会的14个席位由民众选举产生。

    The unicameral Congress has14 members elected by popular vote .

  2. 埃及议会实行一院制,南非实行两院制,两国在议会制度方面存在差异。

    The Egyptian Parliament implements the unicameral legislature , but South Africa implements the bicameral system .

  3. 东帝汶的一院制议会是国民议会也是制宪议会,其成员由选举产生,任期五年。

    The unicameral Timorese parliament is the national parliament or Parlamento Nacional , whose members are elected by popular vote to a five-year term .

  4. 摩尔多瓦的一院制议会有101个议席,议员通过每四年一次的普选产生。

    The unicameral Moldovan parliament , or Parlament , has 101 seats , and its members are elected by popular vote every 4 years .

  5. 新加坡是一院制,威斯敏斯特体系共和国,行政权由首相领导的部长内阁掌管。

    Singapore is a republic with a Westminster system of a unicameral parliamentary government , with the executive powers resting in the hands of cabinet of ministers led by a prime minister .