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shì wù ɡuān
  • civil official;government officials whose dudes require professional expertise
  1. 破产事务官想要将这些店铺打包整体出售。

    The receivers are keen to sell the stores as one lot

  2. 按破产事务官的命令将工厂出售。

    The factory is sold by order of the receiver .

  3. 也许我们可以让他当个事务官。

    Perhaps we can make a steward of him .

  4. 破产事务官设法从公司的倒闭中挽回一些东西。

    The receiver manage to salvage something from the collapse of the company .

  5. 指名要你做他的私人事务官。这是在让你锻炼学会如何指挥。

    Has requested you for his personal steward.He wants to groom you for command .

  6. 上周一位内部事务官声称她与警察局长戈德比有不正当的男女关系,之后市长戴夫·宾便将戈德比停职处理。

    Mayor Dave Bing suspended Godbee last week after an internal affairs officer claimed she was having an affair with the Chief .

  7. 其后,委派一名破产事务官接管财产,再后来,科瓦克斯填写了一份破产申请。

    Subsequently , a receiver was appointed and put in possession of the property and , still later , Kovacs filed a petition in bankruptcy .

  8. 西方国家公务员身份的身份保障,是通过政务官与事务官两官分途以及事务官常任制而获得有效保障的。

    The indemnification of servant identity in western country is validly acquired through marking off political official and clerical official as well as permanent institution of clerical official .

  9. 随着战事在叙利亚愈演愈烈,联合国难民事务官预测叙利亚人民会有一次“巨大的流动”,唯一有可能的是将会增加走私。

    As fighting rages in Syria , the United Nations refugee Commissioner predicts a " gigantic outflow " of Syrians , which is only likely to increase the smuggling stream .

  10. 1896年7月,复试的前7名被调到印度的马德拉斯省,朱利叶斯随之走马上任了。这个省覆盖了印度南方的大半疆域,朱利叶斯在此就任民政事务官。

    He was posted to the administration of the Presidency of Madras , which included most of southern India , reporting for duty on 7 December 1896 , the senior in rank of seven new recruits to that province .

  11. 当时驻多塞特角的北部事务行政官詹姆斯·豪斯顿,本人就是一位艺术家,他指导爱斯基摩艺人初试其道,后来他们逐步建立起了一家合作性质的版画店。

    James Houston , then Northern Affairs Administrator at Cape Dorset , and himself an artist , guided the Eskimo artists in their first experiment , and gradually a cooperative print shop was established .

  12. 白宫官员表示,他们已经增派了处理事务的检察官和法官前往边境,以更快地决定哪些非法移民的案件可以得到解决,同时他们将寻找更多的地方来拘留这些家庭和儿童。

    White House officials say they 're sending extra immigrant attorneys and judges to border to more quickly decide which migrants might have a case for settle , they 're also seeking more places to detain families and children humanly .