
  1. 第三章研究了政府行为、人文因素和产业间竞争对产业集聚的影响。

    Chapter 3 studies the industrial agglomeration from government , culture and competition .

  2. 跨国公司的进入改变了原有产业间竞争的格局,而这种变化将会给地区间经济发展带来巨大的差异。

    The entrance of multinational companies changes the competition structure of original industries and this kind of change brings huge difference in regional economic development .

  3. 全球经济一体化使得产业间的竞争正逐步演化成国与国之间、各地区之间的经济竞争,而产业间的竞争实际上是产业价值链的竞争。

    The evolutions from the inter-industry competitions to the economy competition between countries and areas are being made with the integration of the global economy . While the inter-industry competition is actually becoming the competitions of many inter-industry value chains .

  4. 中国自加入世贸组织以来,经济发展迅速,外贸出口持续快速增长,与国外相同产业间的竞争加剧,因此不断引致国外反倾销诉讼。

    Since China has entered WTO her economy has been developing rapidly , and the foreign export increases fast and continuously , which makes the competition among the same industries of foreign countries stronger and finally leads to more and more anti-dumping lawsuits from foreign countries .

  5. 国际石油市场的竞争已经演变为这些大型石油公司下的一体化产业链间的竞争。

    The competition in the international oil market has become competition between international oil majors ' integrated industrial chains .

  6. 同时,企业与企业间、区域与区域间的竞争己逐渐升级为产业链间的竞争。

    Now , the competition between different enterprises and inter-regional has been escalating to the competition in the industry chain .

  7. 最后指出企业间单枪匹马的价格竞争要向战略联盟间和产业群居链间竞争、服务品牌与差异化竞争转变,即从低层次的竞争向高层次上的竞争转变。

    At last , the paper also points out the enterprises ' alone price competitions will change to the competitions of stratagem alliance and industry infest chain , predicating the competition change from low level to high level .

  8. 由此,竞争局势从相对单纯的个体竞争,转变到产业和产业间的竞争、或者产业群集之间的竞争。

    Thus , competition situation change from individual to the industry and inter-industry competition , or competition between industrial cluster .

  9. 随着经济全球化的加快发展以及产业间日趋激烈的竞争,目前企业所面临的经营环境变得越来越复杂。

    With the acceleration of the process of economic globalization , and industry competition intensifies , companies are faced with the current business environment which is becoming more complex .

  10. 本文的主要结论是:1、产业组织的演化过程是产业内企业间相互竞争的结果。

    The main conclusion of this paper is : 1 、 The process of the evolution about industrial organization is the result which enterprise of industry competes with each other .