
  1. 分割产权式商铺买方权益保护论

    Study of Protection System of the Division Property Right Type Store Buyer Rights and Interests

  2. 产权式商铺不划分实际区域这一独特的特点,使得其在权利类型上一直都存在争议,有学者将其归为建筑物区分所有权,也有学者将其归为共同共有。

    The unique feature of property-type shops that they do not divide the actual area makes the controversial about the right type . Somebody falls it under the distinction ownership of the buildings , joint tenancy and by sub-total and so on .

  3. 产权式商铺二十世纪六十年代分时度假中的时权酒店的经营模式逐渐发展演变而来,并随着欧美国家旅游业的发展不断壮大,引入我国的时间只有短短数十年。

    Property rights division store originated in the sixties of twentieth century , when the French timeshare right to the hotel business model , and the development of tourism with the United States and Europe continue to grow . The introduction of our country is only a few decades .