
rén mín bì huì lǜ
  • exchange rate of RMB
  1. 基于2005年ICP数据分析人民币汇率长期走势

    Analysis of the Lasting Trend of the Exchange Rate of RMB Based on ICP 's Datum in 2005 Year

  2. 人民币汇率失衡与调整问题研究

    The Research of Unbalance and Adjustment of Exchange Rate of RMB

  3. 建立适应WTO要求的人民币汇率机制

    On the Necessity of Establishing a Flexible RMB Exchange Rate Mechanism

  4. 加入WTO后人民币汇率政策的选择与操作

    The Adoption and Operation of the Renminbi Exchange Policy after China Joining in the WTO

  5. 人民币汇率风险测度的实证研究&基于极值理论的VaR

    Empirical Study of CNY Exchange Rate Risk : Using VaR Based on Extreme Value Theory

  6. 基于ADL模型的人民币汇率对我国房价影响研究

    Research on the Effect of Exchange Rate of RMB on Housing Price Based on ADL Model

  7. 人民币汇率的Balassa-Samuelson效应验证及分析

    The Analysis of Balassa-Samuelson Effect in Exchange Rate of RMB

  8. 即便美国国内一些人士曲解DSB相关案例,也无法认定人民币汇率属于事实上的补贴占。

    Even if some Americans misinterpret the DSB cases , it could not identity RMB exchange rate belongs to the de facto subsidies .

  9. 人民币汇率升值压力不断增加,CPI大幅上涨,这种双高的现象,违反了经济学的一般规律。

    Increasing pressure on the RMB exchange rate , CPI rose sharply , this " double high " phenomenon , the general rules of law of economics .

  10. 西方的指责属于汇率安排问题,人民币汇率义务应由IMF依IMF协定第4条进行监督,而不应由WTO争端解决机制解决。

    The accusations of the West belong to the exchange rate arrangement , so Renminbi exchange rate obligations should be under the surveillance of IMF according to Art . IV of IMF Agreement rather than judged by WTO disputes settlement mechanism .

  11. 近年来,我国CPI迅速上涨,其中一个原因是人民币汇率低估、央行持有大量外汇储备。

    In recent years , CPI of China has grown at an unacceptable speed , which is partly due to the undervalued RMB exchange rate and the large amount of foreign exchange reserve held by its central bank .

  12. 其次,以1978&2003年人民币汇率以及中国从日本吸收FDI的相关数据为样本,采用OLS方法,先单就汇率对FDI影响做一个实证检验。

    , Secondly , take the relevant data of FDI from Japan to China as the sample with the exchange rate of RMB of year 1978-2003 , Adopt OLS method , doing a empirical study to examine the effect of exchange rate to FDI .

  13. 关于人民币汇率管理政策的思考

    Thoughts about Renminbi 's exchange rate management policy in current situation

  14. 浅析入世后人民币汇率变动趋势

    The Variation Trend of RMB Exchange Rate after Adapting to WTO

  15. 中国商业银行改革需要稳定的人民币汇率

    Steady RMB exchange rate needed by commercial bank reform in China

  16. 在实践中,人民币汇率对美元依赖程度最大。

    In practice , it has relied most on the dollar .

  17. 基于项目网络图的人民币汇率浮动的路径分析

    RMB Exchange Rate Floating Path Analysis Based on Project Network Planning

  18. 人民币汇率波动对船舶工业的影响&与中船重工经济研究中心季建伟博士一席谈

    The effect of RMB exchange rate fluctuation on the shipbuilding industry

  19. 人民币汇率升值压力、影响与机制改革

    The pressure , effect and mechanism innovation of RMB exchange rate

  20. 关贸总协定与人民币汇率制度改革

    Restoring China In GATT and Reforming Exchange Rate System of Renminbi

  21. 人民币汇率自由化的实现条件和过程分析

    RMB Exchange Rate Liberalization 's Realization Condition and Process Analysis

  22. 人民币汇率制度改革的绩效与走向

    The Renminbi Exchange Rate Mechanism Reform : Achievement and Trend

  23. 现阶段人民币汇率制度的选择应在于促成有管理的波动汇率制的真正建立和实行,用一揽子盯住代替美元盯住的汇率制度,逐步由固定走向浮动。

    The right choice should be a managed floating exchange rate system .

  24. 人民币汇率制度的选择研究

    The Research on the Choice of RMB Exchange Rate System

  25. 人民币汇率的国际博弈及其制度选择

    International Game of RMB Exchange Rate and the Choice of Its System

  26. 从利率平价理论看人民币汇率风险

    Observe RMB Exchange Risk On The Basis Of Interest-Rate-Parity Theory

  27. 人民币汇率机制改革中参考一篮子货币的思考

    Reform of the RMB exchange rate mechanism a reference currency basket thinking

  28. 美元贬值下的人民币汇率制度选择

    On the System Choice for RMB Exchanges with U.S. Dollar 's Depreciation

  29. 通过以上研究,本文得出了以下结论:人民币汇率波动对房地产价格有着重要的影响。

    RMB exchange rate has an important impact on real estate prices .

  30. 购买力平价理论在人民币汇率预测中的应用

    Purchase Power Parity in the Forecasting of RMB Exchange Rate